This. There are literally hundreds that never see the light of day outside Belgium, and all the exports are pretty average.
I'm British, but grew up in Brussels. My mother still lives here, so I hop over every few weeks for the weekend to drink beer, I mean to see my mom.
Do the pub crawl. In the Grand Place (center of the old town in Brussels) you're surrounded by old pubs with floor-to-ceiling bottles of beer to choose from. Great little country.
Motherfucker! I am tired of you tearing down the Djibouti Hockey Brotherhood.
I like your style, Trousers, but the suggestion that Americans can brew better Belgian beer than the Belgians themselves is insane. Visit the country the next time you're in Europe. There are hundreds of 'national' beers to choose from.
Like you, I'm a huge fan of pale ales. Over the last few years, microbreweries have popped up all over the UK, some are rank, others are delicious. The hoppier the better, imo.
EDIT: On reflection, 'insane' is a strong word. Perhaps 'misguided' is more appropriate.
Peace in the Middle East
You ever fuck with bell's hop slam or hop smash? Limited seasonal release and it's like 18$ a six pack but damn is it drinkable.rolling meadows-
Abe's ale
Lincoln Lager
two hearted ale
of course the US has the best weed.
... and about 7 coors lights.
You ever fuck with bell's hop slam or hop smash? Limited seasonal release and it's like 18$ a six pack but damn is it drinkable.
Odell's makes a good IPAI have not had a Belgium beer that did much for me.
Going to Belgium is not in my plans.
I am far from a beer snob. I probably drank 3 Odell IPAs last night and about 7 coors lights.
Come up to Minneapolis this summer for the state fair. There is a tiki pontoon taxi service that takes you up the Mississippi to the only tiki bar in that town. Also we can go cat fishing under a bridge and drink boones farm with the bumsabsolutely. I drank one every morning at the last fest I went to. immediate hangover cure/ drunk again in one tall boy.
last summer we went across lake michigan from Chicago, and met up with some friends then went to the bells brewery.
twat a relief it was to see the skyline with our drunk captain navigating.
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Come up to Minneapolis this summer for the state fair. There is a tiki pontoon taxi service that takes you up the Mississippi to the only tiki bar in that town. Also we can go cat fishing under a bridge and drink boones farm with the bums
No I never bow fished for Asian carp but they have been on the news and yeah they are invading our river's this far north. Those are the ones that jump out the river at the sound of a boat motor?that does sound like some fun. have you ever bow fish asian carp? theyre not to far from our hunting cabin, and is an absolute blast. some real deal redneck shit going on there on the Illinois river. heard they are making up the Mississippi. you see them up there yet?
No I never bow fished for Asian carp but they have been on the news and yeah they are invading our river's this far north. Those are the ones that jump out the river at the sound of a boat motor?
I have fished for carp around the south Dakota Minnesota border. We would just cast out a rapala and snag them. Whole mess of pelicans sitting in the water hungry as shit. When no one was looking I would bash one on a rock and throw it to the birds. They gobble them up. Never cooked them but the natives would smoke them. People claim they don't taste good but that is a horrible over-statement. Taste good long as you know how to cook them.
Saw a guy get two or maybe three with one shot bow fishing them. Pelican somehow snapped his wing trying to fly off. Friend and I asked if he was going to put it down (take it out it's misery) He wanted to but said he wouldn't cause of the tourist's and the possible legal charges to follow for killing a pelican.
When is the wedding? You hit any crappies this spring?
I don't know if they jump out of the water the sound of the engine. I always thought that the boats in those clips are dragging wire behind the boat with a weak electric charge through it. The carp are super sensative to the electricity and jump out of the water to avoid it. Now I will go look it up....No I never bow fished for Asian carp but they have been on the news and yeah they are invading our river's this far north. Those are the ones that jump out the river at the sound of a boat motor?
I have fished for carp around the south Dakota Minnesota border. We would just cast out a rapala and snag them. Whole mess of pelicans sitting in the water hungry as shit. When no one was looking I would bash one on a rock and throw it to the birds. They gobble them up. Never cooked them but the natives would smoke them. People claim they don't taste good but that is a horrible over-statement. Taste good long as you know how to cook them.
Saw a guy get two or maybe three with one shot bow fishing them. Pelican somehow snapped his wing trying to fly off. Friend and I asked if he was going to put it down (take it out it's misery) He wanted to but said he wouldn't cause of the tourist's and the possible legal charges to follow for killing a pelican.
When is the wedding? You hit any crappies this spring?
I've been to Antwerp and Brugges (and of corse, Bastogne) but never Brussels. I have been told it is kind of dull. But are we really arguing the "best" when such things are a matter of taste?I stand corrected. You obviously know your shit.
Jokes aside, when in Europe, Belgium is a great stop-off. The rest of central Europe is super accessible from here.