Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

StinkBud, are you going to, or have you already, put plans for the Oregon system in your book?
I do plan on updating my book and also writing an article for High Times magazine. There are a couple of things I need to tweak before the finished product is ready. For example I hate not having a reservoir flap to access the water but I have to change the layout a little to give me enough room to actually do it. I also added valves for each spray wand so that I can turn off water to the sprayers and make the res drain faster. It only takes about 5 minutes to drain the res now.

I like my strongbox cloner but it will leak if you don't use some kind of seal. And when I say seal I don't mean the barking marine animal, I'm talking about rope calk. And when I say rope calk, I'm not talking about what you play with every night, I'm talking about that clay shit that comes in a big roll. And when I say roll...you know what, fuck it! Figure it out yourself...

Ice Coolers work great because they keep the water cool and they don't leak. I'm trying to find a good one but the lids are kind of funky. We can't really use a lid with cup holders and other shit like that. I found a small cooler with a flat top but it still had small indents. I also don't like the fact that the lid has two layers. Water gets in between the layers so I drilled some drain holes. That seems to be working but I wish the lid had just one layer.

If you found a good res that doesn't leak bust-a-move and let's see it! If you have a bitchen beer cooler that's seen it's last tailgate party, then make that bitch into a fucking cloner and post some pics.
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Good question! I do plan on updating my book and also writing an article for High Times magazine. There are a couple of things I need to tweak before the finished product is ready. For example I hate not having a reservoir flap to access the water but I have to change the layout a little to give me enough room to actually do it. I also added valves for each spray wand so that I can turn off water to the sprayers and make the res drain faster. It only takes about 5 minutes to drain the res now.

Well, thanks for the reply. I'll look forward to both.

I try to go local also, but the couple of shops in my area gouge you for most things. Nutrients and bulbs and other light gear are so expensive locally. For instance, the ushio bulbs i like are only $55 on ebay, but $115 at the local shop. Same with advanced nutrients.

Part of the problem is the 10% discount medical users usually get(show your card) is already baked into the prices.

I definitely buy all my dirt there though.
Hi Stinkbud, I love your system. I saw that you are using t5 for clones too. How high are your t5 lights from the top of your clones? How long does it take for your clones to start rooting?
Hi Stinkbud, I love your system. I saw that you are using t5 for clones too. How high are your t5 lights from the top of your clones? How long does it take for your clones to start rooting?
I have my light about 4ft. away from my clones just because it's also one of my veg lights. They really don't need much light to pop roots. I run the pump on my cloner 24/7 to keep the water on the warm side.

Average time to root is 10-14 days. The fastest I've seen was some Purple Wreck at 4 days. Most Chem Dog genetics like NYC Diesel, OG Kush, Tahoe Kush, etc... take forever to root. Most strains are easy to clone.
Hey Stinkbud, love the info. New to the Medical Cannabis, and Cannabis in general. I've been reading up on growing since my Dr. Recommended medical Marihuana a few weeks back. Currently on Norco 10/325 3-times daily (as well as a whole list of other pills) for Migraines & Neuropathy in feet and legs. Came across your info a week ago, and am thoroughly impressed. Waiting on my state approval to come back so I can start building & growing. Just wanted to chime in and say Thanks for putting great info out there, although admittedly I did not read all 500+ pages.
I'm sure I'll have some questions in the coming weeks/months for all the long time pros.

Thanks, Shifty
If it's the site that is in his profile, then it's still there. Found that site with e-book for purchase after my first post. I'll make sure to purchase after my state approval comes in the mail.
Hey Stinkbud, love the info. New to the Medical Cannabis, and Cannabis in general. I've been reading up on growing since my Dr. Recommended medical Marihuana a few weeks back. Currently on Norco 10/325 3-times daily (as well as a whole list of other pills) for Migraines & Neuropathy in feet and legs. Came across your info a week ago, and am thoroughly impressed. Waiting on my state approval to come back so I can start building & growing. Just wanted to chime in and say Thanks for putting great info out there, although admittedly I did not read all 500+ pages.
I'm sure I'll have some questions in the coming weeks/months for all the long time pros.

Thanks, Shifty
Hey shifty! The best strain I've ever come across for diabetic neuropathy has been Dutch Flowers, Chocolate Trip. Absolutely incredible results from all my patients. Have fun sourcing her though. My advice for the Norco's is get off them before they start causing Hyperalgesia. Opioid pain meds aren't meant to be used long term. Doctors know about Hyperalgesia, and yet they still keep prescribing them. Probably because they know you'll be a sworn patient for life.
Thanks Veek da Freak. I've been on Vicodin 5/500 for better part of 6 years, then when they discontinued vicodin he switched me to Norco's. Just upped the dosage to 10/325 in the past year an half. Neuropathy started setting in a couple years ago, but seems to be progressing faster than most think norm for someone whose A1C is 7 or less.
Told my Dr. I'm tired of pumping these painkillers in, and how they make me feel. So the conversation on Cannabis was started, and told him tried it while out in Seattle last September (seemed to help quite a bit).
I've been looking at seed strains from attitude seedbank. Thinking of Sugar Black Rose from Delicious seeds, also a cotton candy from them. Then a Cheese Berry from 00 seeds.
Edit- forgot to mention I'm actually really looking forward to kicking the pills and going natural. Also, not trying to hi-jack a thread.
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I have a medical marijuana card and I am also a provider for several cancer patients. I lost my father and aunt to cancer. My mother has also lost a breast to cancer. I'm on a mission!

I know this is quite old, but thank you for what you do for the people around you, you do more for humanity than the sack of shit President and government does.
Hey Stinkbud, love the info. New to the Medical Cannabis, and Cannabis in general. I've been reading up on growing since my Dr. Recommended medical Marihuana a few weeks back. Currently on Norco 10/325 3-times daily (as well as a whole list of other pills) for Migraines & Neuropathy in feet and legs. Came across your info a week ago, and am thoroughly impressed. Waiting on my state approval to come back so I can start building & growing. Just wanted to chime in and say Thanks for putting great info out there, although admittedly I did not read all 500+ pages.
I'm sure I'll have some questions in the coming weeks/months for all the long time pros.

Thanks, Shifty
Good for you Shifty! It's always nice to hear about people getting off of pharmaceuticals and back to nature. Don't be afraid to experiment, that's how I came up with my system. I'm sure there's a better solution out there just waiting to be found. Good luck bro!
I've been running these systems since I read about them in the article SB wrote in High Times! What happened to Stinkbuddy's website?
The whole website/forum was a royal pain in the ass bro! There's at least a million other things I'd rather be doing than arguing over PPM vs EC! I try bro, but no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to give a fuck. It's all fine and dandy for the first couple of years but then it's just like being married without the sex but plenty of attitude because you didn't put the toilet seat down, so you put the fucking seat down and the next day you get bitched out because there's piss all over the seat and you're like, "well you told me to put the fucking seat down", and she's like, "well I meant bla bla bla something", whatever...
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I know this is quite old, but thank you for what you do for the people around you, you do more for humanity than the sack of shit President and government does.
I really appreciate the compliment bro but there are a least a gazzillion people out there that do more with the hang nail on their little toe every fucking day than I've ever done in my whole life. I'm just a normal working Joe like everyone else here. I go to work everyday. I pay my taxes. I wear girl's panties. Wait...that didn't sound right. They're not girl's panties, they're mine, I bought them. It's not like they, you know what, fuck it, I don't have to explain myself to anyone...
You know what's a trip? When I started this thread back in 2008 I honestly didn't think anyone would even read it. Now I look at the numbers and it's realistically looking like it's going to go over 2 million views. It's like a never ending book, writing itself, with characters coming in and going out. The whole time the this thread has been here, alive. Think about it for a second. The thread has a birth day. We've gone through the terrible two's and now we're like a seven year old child, still pretty fucking stupid but at least we're not shitting ourselves. I can hardly wait for the teen years when I decide to run away and join a commune forsaking all electronic devices and denouncing all corporations as demons from hell. But you know what, no need to worry about that shit now.

We have got to have a 2,000,000 hit smoke party. I'll send who ever posts the the 2 million mark a brand new Porsche! AAhhh! Just fucking with you! You'll get nothing and be happy and if I hear another word from you I'm going to send you to your room without supper and stand in the corner till you learn to behave like a gentleman....

Really, we should have a good old fashioned smoke out...
Stinkbud you sure are a character. Sad I've missed most of this kids (thread) life, but I'm here now. Kind of a relief that I missed all the years of shitty diapers, teaching them to walk and talk. At the age now where you Just get back talk.
Looking forward to any and all tips/hints, and recommendations for strains to grow. Will have 12 plant limit.

Since no one else is asking questions I'll take this opportunity to pick your brain.

When switching to 12/12 is it beneficial to do a 3 day dark period before the switch?

When switching to 12/12 should I change directly to bloom nutes or keep using veg nutes during that last initial growth spurt?

Pretty basic questions but I have seen so many mixed answers and I just wanted your personal opinion.

Thank you
