which seedbank now?


Well-Known Member
I have not had to order for a while now,but the last time I did there was something going on with attitude getting busted regular at chicago I believe?
Where to order from at this time??
I've had real good luck with Cannazon. Fast service, and really stealth packaging.
I just picked up Inane Seed Posse's Chem 91 BX3 & Chem D BX3. Hadn't browsed the site in months, and lucked into these babies. Excited about both, because these guys really test their gear before putting it out there. I've had nothing but good luck with them, and with Bodhi's stuff.
I have placed an order with the attitude last year.
Because it was my first order ever, not knowing what to expect I had the order broken up, so two parcels.
The first came in 7 days and the last came on the 10th day.
I heard stories after I placed my order that they where not getting through, but I did get it. No problems...

I order hashplant, pineapple express, aroma (red) I see its not on there now and lemon Tia headband. These seeds did pop, but because my tent wasn't completely setup at the time after week four my wife had an issue with the smell.

I live in the USA... Anyone here from the states? Where might you order from?
Thank you...
is good start

Gonna make a new order today from SeaOfSeeds found a coupon code for 11% off looks like a permanent code too and no minimum spend someone from here must of kicked up a stink as the code is rollitup :clap:


Could not get my screenshot to show the whole page as it was too small but gone for some solid reputabale stains to add to my collection. :weed: Will let you know how it goes!

Cannabiogen Seeds - Destroyer.
Delicious Seeds - Northern Light Blue.
Connoisseur Genetics - UK Chem.

haven't tried herbies yet but all I hear is good things about them

I currently have used Natures green remedies, seedsman, firestax, and of course in person when possible :)

happy seedhunting everyone !! ✌
I ordered from herbies and did not get anything, no tracking number so I waited and had to check for 30 freaking days to not get delivery, I will be wanting a refund. but I see you have Natures green remedies. I went there? is that page real? no pics, they will take your money but im not even sure what I am ordering ? not sure if its trying to be sneaky or actually that sad that they don't have proper info on their products? going to check out seedsman and firestax next. thanks for giving me 3 I did not have. I just wish herbies would of worked, just have a live and that does not allow waiting 3o days for a delivery that has no date and no signature. outside my door is not the safest place to be and im not guarding it for another month for their inability to have an intelligent delivery system.
I ordered from herbies and did not get anything, no tracking number so I waited and had to check for 30 freaking days to not get delivery, I will be wanting a refund. but I see you have Natures green remedies. I went there? is that page real? no pics, they will take your money but im not even sure what I am ordering ? not sure if its trying to be sneaky or actually that sad that they don't have proper info on their products? going to check out seedsman and firestax next. thanks for giving me 3 I did not have. I just wish herbies would of worked, just have a live and that does not allow waiting 3o days for a delivery that has no date and no signature. outside my door is not the safest place to be and im not guarding it for another month for their inability to have an intelligent delivery system.
oh man im sorry about your herbies order, look at seedsman they have a tracking number option at checkout
and natures green remedies seems to be on top of things both them and seedsman emailed me saying when my order was shipped just waiting a few days now better luck in the future brother
also look into breeders boutique i've been hearing a lot about their gear recently haven't tried them yet personally but i will give them a shot soon if anything
luckily im in California so when in doubt i can go to a hempcon get sin city or tga gear most of the time :) and there's a few collectives from north to south selling reputable breeder packs just not a whole bunch lol well good luck lwt me know how it goes man
Got my Nature's Green remedies package today!
received the Norstar Genetics gear i ordered
Panama Jack- Jack's Cleaner x Chelumbian

happy to see some testers inside the breeder packs!

Outback Jack - Jungle Jack x Chelumbian :)

and some freebies from NGR... mace genetics aghan bullrider x jack herer :)
so all in all i got 35 seeds when i only ordered 20 wow is all i can say,
and some stickers and such thanks NGR much love!

now i got plenty of jack phenos to look through
happy gardening all!

I may have missed it but when did you order, if u don't mind me asking...
I've been checking out that site, just not sure what I might like to order.