100mg Morphine???


Well-Known Member
i got a bunch of free 100mg morphines im sure there real i looked them up online they have a M on one side and a 100 on the other i was wondering how many it would take to fuck me up if i pop them,can you snort them? and around how much do they sell for?


Well-Known Member
yes they will fuck you up. i used to do the blueish colored 100's. i think you must suck the coating off to snort them or they gum up. the 100's are pretty strong to some people but they really dont affect me much.


Well-Known Member
there white ones i think they might be time realese ones is there a way to take it off? or are the white ones not time release? also im sellin them for $15 each do you think thats good? im trying to hook people up so they keep comin to me but i also want to make a profit


Well-Known Member
mrfishy you are an idiot they definetly do make 100mg morphine and the pill is white and has a M with a box around it with a 100 on the other side look them up dumbass


Well-Known Member
100's are for cancer patients. I took one and puked in the morning. I hate opiates.


Well-Known Member
heh, I just did one of those this morning. I'm not going to tell you how, though. (hint, i didn't snort or eat it)

they are fucking awesome.


heh, I just did one of those this morning. I'm not going to tell you how, though. (hint, i didn't snort or eat it)

they are fucking awesome.
Gotta love that 97% absorption rate, eh?
How's your ass feel? ;)


Well-Known Member
i also just got some generic 10mg valumes how much do you think they would sell for? is $3 each good? and about how many do you think it would take to fuck you up?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
well, if ya didn't eat it or snort it then you shot it. unless you're an addict, 100 mg would put you in the hospital or morgue. a more realistic dose is about 20 mg. are these dilaudid?


Well-Known Member
a 100mg one wouldnt do that because the ones i have are time release my friend poped a whole one and just got fucked up for a while is there a way to take the time release off so you would only have to do like 1/4 of it to get fucked up? if you snort it does it stop the time release?


Put it two inches up your ass dude... 97% absorption rate. You're welcome.