Burnt my plant. oops. is it dead?


Well-Known Member
Okay I had a 50w cfl on my 2 week old and I tried to switch to a 150w bulb one day and i lokoed at it 10 minutes later and its all shrivled up.. the leafs are hanging down and brown colored. the stem is still green. I have planted 2 more seedlings that Im not going to do this to again they are under the 50w cfl. but is my plant dead? im still watering it and everything ibut am i wasting my time?

and sorry im really high right now i hope this all makes sense.
If you had pictures then someone on here could verify if it is terminated or still has a fighting chance.

If you have to ask that question...please don't plant another. You might as well just crush the seed, same result. If you want to do this, at least put some research effort into it. Your last plant died a miserable painful death.
If you have to ask that question...please don't plant another. You might as well just crush the seed, same result. If you want to do this, at least put some research effort into it. Your last plant died a miserable painful death.

I know my bad. I planted 2 more and Im not making the same misteak. Calm down please. we all start somewhere and this is just a learning expierence.
totally agree... but you first attempt was obviously dead. i am new to this as well... check out my post below.
If you have to ask that question...please don't plant another. You might as well just crush the seed, same result. If you want to do this, at least put some research effort into it. Your last plant died a miserable painful death.
Um, I'm sorry, but there is no serious issue of morality going on here. It's not as though this was some rare plant species ripped out of its diminishing native habitat only to be killed off by the first ignorant hobbyist. It's a weed, an annual at that. If we were talking about rare corals or fish collected with cyanide or a cognizant species I'd be with you all the way. But this? The guy made a mistake, and it's not one fraught with huge moral dilemmas, in my opinion anyway.