Nutrient companies are stealing our / your money. Lets talk about it!

what exactly qualifies beef as "organic"?
grass fed really god forbid i say 90% again... i might get shot.. but ALOT of farmers feed grains and shit.. then add antibiotics to keep them healthy cause their natural diet isn't grains... organic sometimes falls into free range too cause antibiotics are used in massive feed lots where they stand in their shit all day
grass fed really god forbid i say 90% again... i might get shot.. but ALOT of farmers feed grains and shit.. then add antibiotics to keep them healthy cause their natural diet isn't grains... organic sometimes falls into free range too cause antibiotics are used in massive feed lots where they stand in their shit all day
I thought "shit' was organic?
your whole argument was theres no such thing as an organic fertilizer.. and nitrogen is nitrogen.. but my point is theres synthetic nitrogen...or other forms of nitrogen used ... nitrogen isn't just soley nitrogen all the time with no other molecules attached ever....theres many forms of different nitrogen molecules used in chemicals.. ammonium nitrate is in chemicals.. nitric acid is in fertilizers for nitrogen supplement.. read the ostwald process he started the synthetic production of nitrogen
point being there is a difference in some chemical cases where its not a organic form of nitrogen
But hey know one ever figured out that your grass / grain is only good as the amendments or nutritious value of the shit but as nutrient values get depleted so does the shit so there fore the cow is not getting enough nutrients hence vitamins added man made vitamins to boot lol
but the buck doesn;t stop here lets face it yields are less in organic them are facts if 21,000 people starve to death daily its fair to say add 30 - 40 percent more in death rate if we relied on organics alone

21,000 x 365 = 7665000 a year
+ 35 percent 28 350 x 365 = 10347750 deaths of staration
let alone figure be higher cause of commodity less product of goods means higher costs so you can add 20 percent probably more to the deaths
But hey know one ever figured out that your grass / grain is only good as the amendments or nutritious value of the shit but as nutrient values get depleted so does the shit so there fore the cow is not getting enough nutrients hence vitamins added man made vitamins to boot lol
but the buck doesn;t stop here lets face it yields are less in organic them are facts if 21,000 people starve to death daily its fair to say add 30 - 40 percent more in death rate if we relied on organics alone

21,000 x 365 = 7665000 a year
+ 35 percent 28 350 x 365 = 10347750 deaths of staration
let alone figure be higher cause of commodity less product of goods means higher costs so you can add 20 percent probably more to the deaths
yeah i am not saying I'm pro everything organic.... things would be different if we actually weren't all so reliant on supermarkets and mass food production .. areas would be spread out more ..instead of so many confide in a city.. but even then I'm sure we could all be 100% self sustaing

Everything is a chemical because everything is made of matter.

Matter and Chemicals
Anything that has mass and occupies space is matter. Matter consists of particles. So, basically anything you can taste, smell, or hold consists of matter and is therefore a chemical.
yeah i am not saying I'm pro everything organic.... things would be different if we actually weren't all so reliant on supermarkets and mass food production .. areas would be spread out more ..instead of so many confide in a city.. but even then I'm sure we could all be 100% self sustaing
Does hamburger helper give you heart burn or do you just hate it. Like the 3 cheeses one?
Everyone focuses on the source of materials, and that's groovy and all. I certainly fester over the local amendments I use.

Another equally huge issue is what happens when you introduce a bulk of nutrients. Nutrients somewhat locked up in fish meal, guano, etc often require microbes to release the ions, then store them and eventually release them back to the plant. The microbe / plant relationship is a fine dance. Doesn't happen when you bottle feed. You've significantly changed the soil dynamic, and the microbial profile changes. Microbes aren't storing / fetching Cations like they're supposed to. Plant cuts back on exudates, since the microbe symbiosis is gone. Microbes are out of a job.

People continuously and completely incorrectly assume that because they've inoculated their "soil" with microbes, that the microbes will flourish. People also assume if they inoculate with a microbial tea, that this might jump start that valuable plant / microbe relationship. It will not. If you bottle feed, you've changed the game.

That's perfectly fine. Folks grow stellar weed this way. Toke up brothers.

One big loss by firing all those microbes is a direct loss of some immune response. Same with animals and humans.
I can taste and smell the difference between hydro and soil grown herb -- the soil grown herb does seem a little more pungent/flavorful imo. But "organically" grown soil bud better than synthetically grown soil bud -- I think that's a load of horse manure.............pun intended.