Super hot chili- Carolina Reaper-Ghost Chili-Trinidad Scorpion

I got a habanero finally sprout. Well like a week ago or so.

But man that bhutkola(rightfully named cuz your butt is gonna feel it) But ya those ghost peppers shit. My buddies at work made me try them. Actually they "dared" me. They know I like hot shit.

Fuckin put a 1/4 cup in my pulled pork sandwich. They were special being introduced that day at the BBQ. Maybe like 3 years ago.

Fuck bruh I swear my fuckin teeth enamel felt like it was peeling off. I powered thru then my teeth felt like I was on meth. All loose n shit. Hahah that was a hot pepper
stuck my tongue inside a still green infinity that had been chewed off at the stem by something, felt nothing then bang, felt like a fucking iron been put inside my mouth for about 20 minutes
The taste reports on here crack me up, I've burnt my taste buds off a few times and I can't do it on purpose. You guys should start a YouTube thing... "The Super Hot Pepper Challenge".