Gary Goodson
Well-Known Member
Word, mine closes at 10pm too, it's midnight over here brothe one by me is open till ten. old home de potpurri open all night
Word, mine closes at 10pm too, it's midnight over here brothe one by me is open till ten. old home de potpurri open all night
I actually own one of those, or you could say he owns me. I have to cook actual meals for him.
I'm about to smoke a bowl of micky kush with a wax kicker and then head by a job site to grab some tools and then home depot for more tools. I love being self employed but it's a lot more work. More work=more money=more bitches, circle of life right there.
I actually own one of those, or you could say he owns me. I have to cook actual meals for him.
Matter of fact here's an example:
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They are birdcakes. I grind whole wheat berries, add buttermilk and dried fruits, nuts and grains for breakfast. For lunch he gets a bite of what I'm eating and for dinner he gets his own plate to himself. You have to be careful because he will eat an entire carton of Hagen Dazs Vanilla and you don't even have to open the lid he eats right through it!
Apparently, while I was rescreening the window, it managed to convince me to help it escape. Smart birds.
I think my dad is dying. He was been crying and in nonstop pain for the last two days. Hes had chronic pain since 2000 when he fell off a three story building and destroyed his legs. He's a pack a day smoker and he gave up on life awhile ago.
If he is dying there is hospice, which is pretty much doping you with morphine until you die.idk what to do.
hot damn, that's cool as shit..lmao
prayers going up brother, I sure hope he gets to feeling betterI think my dad is dying. He was been crying and in nonstop pain for the last two days. Hes had chronic pain since 2000 when he fell off a three story building and destroyed his legs. He's a pack a day smoker and he gave up on life awhile ago.
I'm so sorry, man. Sending you both all my love.I think my dad is dying. He was been crying and in nonstop pain for the last two days. Hes had chronic pain since 2000 when he fell off a three story building and destroyed his legs. He's a pack a day smoker and he gave up on life awhile ago.
I think my dad is dying. He was been crying and in nonstop pain for the last two days. Hes had chronic pain since 2000 when he fell off a three story building and destroyed his legs. He's a pack a day smoker and he gave up on life awhile ago.