Riots in Baltimore


Well-Known Member
People have been rioting on the streets in Baltimore today. Last I heard 7 officers were injured, some with broken bones, and at the time of that report, one was unresponsive.

The rioters have set police cars ablaze. They have looted and set ablaze a CVS pharmacy, as police watched. They broke into and looted an Ace Check Cashing store as well.

It's getting crazy up there in Baltimore.
I missd this thanks ^^^ an Balders


a statement released by police said that its Criminal Intelligence Unit learned "that members of various gangs including the Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods, and Crips have entered into a partnership" to target officers.
37 deaths by police officers already in april 2015, disproportionately targeting black males (surprise), so they have some catching up to do if they want to match the body count the police have amassed.

but maybe we should worry about islamic boogeymen and illegal immigrants instead.
spinal cord 80% severed while in police custody.

probably just an innocent mistake.
Where was it severed, I'm having a hard time finding out. I wonder if it was down low where they bury their knees into your back to put the cuffs on.
I love how they arrested him for "making eye contact"...the po po are out of control man. On the other hand black people aren't doing themselves any favors with rioting and looting. Actually, they're just reinforcing stereotypes.
actually, I'd say that your statement is stereotypical. There is nothing particularly "black" about rioting and looting. The tut tutting from whites is pretty stereotypical.
actually, I'd say that your statement is stereotypical. There is nothing particularly "black" about rioting and looting. The tut tutting from whites is pretty stereotypical.
If black people in this specific community don't want to be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police it seems counter intuitive to make a spectacle for all the world to see of violent criminal behavior. It's kind of hard to play the helpless victim card when the reaction to a tragedy is "lets see how much shit I can steal".
If black people in this specific community don't want to be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police it seems counter intuitive to make a spectacle for all the world to see of violent criminal behavior. It's kind of hard to play the helpless victim card when the reaction to a tragedy is "lets see how much shit I can steal".

there were over 4000 peaceful protesters and about 100 people causing problems.

many of the protesters did the job the police were supposed to be doing and stopped the troublemakers from destroying stuff.

but hey, go ahead and focus on a few people destroying lifeless property rather than the thousands and thousands of peaceful protesters demonstrating against the police brutality that has plagued their neighborhoods for decades now.

because who really cares about some kid whose spine was 80% severed after 45 minutes in police custody when a $20,000 cruiser gets flipped over?
there were over 4000 peaceful protesters and about 100 people causing problems.

many of the protesters did the job the police were supposed to be doing and stopped the troublemakers from destroying stuff.

but hey, go ahead and focus on a few people destroying lifeless property rather than the thousands and thousands of peaceful protesters demonstrating against the police brutality that has plagued their neighborhoods for decades now.

because who really cares about some kid whose spine was 80% severed after 45 minutes in police custody when a $20,000 cruiser gets flipped over?
Tsk Tsk...You can't downplay one side by calling them "troublemakers" and say they were just "causing problems" when people are being assaulted in the street, businesses are being burnt to the ground and livelihoods destroyed, etc. That's the same tactics the conservatives use. If 100 or so people were walking down my street lighting shit on fire and beating people up in the street I don't know that I'd call them "troublemakers" when I called the police. I wouldn't just say they were causing some problems either.
All I said was that this bullshit doesn't help. Do you disagree? Do you think rioting and looting helps the cause of those 4000 or so protesters? Seriously.
The sad/funny thing is if all of those people protesting, pretending to all of a sudden give a shit, voted, their situation might be a little better.
Obviously, nobody in this country deserves to be abused by the police. I believe they deserve tougher sentences than civilians when convicted of the same crimes because they're entrusted with so much power that when that trust is breached it does much more damage than the actual crime they committed.
...people are being assaulted in the street, businesses are being burnt to the ground and livelihoods destroyed, etc.

is that as bad as having your spinal cord 80% severed while in police custody (the people who are sworn to "protect and serve") and then being denied medical treatment for a prolonged period of time, ultimately resulting in death?

oh, and that's just one example of the police brutality that people are protesting against.

Do you think rioting and looting helps the cause of those 4000 or so protesters? Seriously.

do you think it is wise to judge an entire race by the actions of a small percentage of that race?

you said we should regard all the black people in the community of baltimore as violent criminals based on the actions of a scant 2% of their actions right after an event that symbolizes the brutality that they have faced at the hands of the people who are supposed to serve and protect them.

do you honestly feel like that is the hill you want to try to take here?

.... all of those people protesting, pretending to all of a sudden give a shit....

so you think black people in baltimore or new york or ferguson are just pretending to be outraged by decades of police brutality?

jesus fucking christ, you are digging yourself quite a fucking hole here.

[if they] voted, their situation might be a little better.

blacks voted at a higher rate in 2012 than white people did.

but yeah, blame the victims of police brutality. even though they voted in greater numbers than whites did.

jesus fucking christ.
is that as bad as having your spinal cord 80% severed while in police custody (the people who are sworn to "protect and serve") and then being denied medical treatment for a prolonged period of time, ultimately resulting in death?

oh, and that's just one example of the police brutality that people are protesting against.

do you think it is wise to judge an entire race by the actions of a small percentage of that race?

you said we should regard all the black people in the community of baltimore as violent criminals based on the actions of a scant 2% of their actions right after an event that symbolizes the brutality that they have faced at the hands of the people who are supposed to serve and protect them.

do you honestly feel like that is the hill you want to try to take here?

so you think black people in baltimore or new york or ferguson are just pretending to be outraged by decades of police brutality?

jesus fucking christ, you are digging yourself quite a fucking hole here.

blacks voted at a higher rate in 2012 than white people did, shit for brains.

but yeah, blame the victims of police brutality. even though they voted in greater numbers than whites did.

jesus fucking christ.
Man, it's just impossible to have an honest conversation with you huh?
If you think rioting and looting are an acceptable response to a tragedy and if you also think that doesn't take away attention and legitimacy from the people who are protesting peacefully then I disagree with you.
I never said all black people in baltimore or anywhere for that matter should be regarded as criminals.
It's weird that you don't see how your dishonesty effects your credibility.
There's just no talking to radicals on either side. It's frustrating, you're part of the problem believe it or not.
If black people in this specific community don't want to be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police it seems counter intuitive to make a spectacle for all the world to see of violent criminal behavior. It's kind of hard to play the helpless victim card when the reaction to a tragedy is "lets see how much shit I can steal".

I never said all black people in baltimore or anywhere for that matter should be regarded as criminals.

why do you state that the 400,000 black people in baltimore should be regarded as "violent criminals" and "targets for police" based on the actions of perhaps 100 or so looters and rioters?

do you really think that blacks are just playing "the helpless victim card" when every single last person in baltimore killed by the police this year has been black?

do you think a man who had his spinal cord 80% severed within 45 minutes of police custody, and who was then denied medical treatment and ended up dying is just playing "the helpless victim card"?

seriously, you tell me about some of these outrageously racist statements you are making.
Hopefully this delightful disruption of the collective march toward ruin continues and spreads. Keep throwing molotovs you courageous, revolutionary, pissed off, disaffected and disgruntled young rioters. As our bourgeois sensibility keeps us striving for a place in society, consuming the planet, it is you who give me hope for the species.
Hopefully this delightful disruption of the collective march toward ruin continues and spreads. Keep throwing molotovs you courageous, revolutionary, pissed off, disaffected and disgruntled young rioters. As our bourgeois sensibility keeps us striving for a place in society, consuming the planet, it is you who give me hope for the species.
lol what the fuck are you on about? You want... This?
I love how they arrested him for "making eye contact"...the po po are out of control man. On the other hand black people aren't doing themselves any favors with rioting and looting. Actually, they're just reinforcing stereotypes.

I would encourage you to consider the people rioting as individuals. They are acting on their behalf, and responsible as individuals for their actions.
there were over 4000 peaceful protesters and about 100 people causing problems.

many of the protesters did the job the police were supposed to be doing and stopped the troublemakers from destroying stuff.

but hey, go ahead and focus on a few people destroying lifeless property rather than the thousands and thousands of peaceful protesters demonstrating against the police brutality that has plagued their neighborhoods for decades now.

because who really cares about some kid whose spine was 80% severed after 45 minutes in police custody when a $20,000 cruiser gets flipped over?

You bring up a good point here, people should be treated as individuals and held responsible as individuals.

Nice job blind squirrel.
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Hopefully this delightful disruption of the collective march toward ruin continues and spreads. Keep throwing molotovs you courageous, revolutionary, pissed off, disaffected and disgruntled young rioters. As our bourgeois sensibility keeps us striving for a place in society, consuming the planet, it is you who give me hope for the species.

Oh, the Molotov thing eh?

That's a good one.