Let's Hug it out, Bitch...

Why is everyone talking about Bruce Jenner? I haven't actually read that other thread, or heard anything at all about it.

You have any cliffs notes? I'd like to know - but I don't want to do anything about obtaining that knowledge.

EDIT: I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open over here. Might be sleepy time land for me!
I was just sayin how much i dont care. People are so fn bored in this country. Id rather discuss actual women with real boobs like Yessica
Morning yessi...
Eeeer mer geeeerd the charades type game that myself and 7 or my friends played last night was a fucking SCREAM! I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time.

You like board games, people games, sports games, online games, games?

I like the games that don't involve hand-eye coordination.

Happy Sunday! How's it going in your neck of the woods? Looks like tbay is going to have a sunny one!!! YAY!
Going good...almost 16 hours of daylight...gotta love that sunshine...
Oh it's soooo nice! It's still cold where I live, but the sun makes all the difference in the world!

Jesus shit fuck ass. Swarth is back.

I think I am going to try to be a hero and just ignore button him this time.

I DO like fighting sometimes, but this is getting a little redonk. hahaha

What do you want to bet I actually do it? hahahah. I gots control issues out the YING YANG! hahah

How long have you been coming round the RIU? I guess I could just click on your name and look. Thought I would ask....while I have your attention....

@Gary Goodson - I need a hug man. I just want to SICK BALLS right now and I need to hug it out. You're great! Come in here and LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!


EDITED: @abe supercro - dude just likes it when people call him names. I think he's typing with one hand while choke-stroking. We shouldn't play into it.

I'm trying to be a better person....
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Post one more nudity bullshit I'll put a pause on your account
It's pretty disrespectful from you to treat a friend like this


Ooooh - you're talking about twister?

I guess I didn't really think that anything happened to people when they posted nudes. Because so many people do it so often.

Snake ruined all my threads by posting horrible disgusting pictures. He's not banned, is he?

I also have been hearing A lot of mixed messages. Like a lot of mods don't care.

I don't know - I'll try harder I guess.

What does a "pause on the account" mean?
ever since you've been back its nothing but reported content from. Nudity or fighting with whom ever , name calling etc

It's tiresome and I can say yes some of it isn't your fault but most of it is just your blatant disregard for the rules here

You don't like following rules that fine but it's not going to end well for you