Club 600

Drug test tomorrow. Been clean 20 days. Going to be test running with a walgreens kit here shortly. Any last second tips?

Good luck and remember you can't change the outcome no matter what it is. Just go in and do your thing and then wait, it's about all you can do. It's not like they are the cops. Oh and don't give them your first pee. Make sure it's the 3rd one or so, and don't drink to much as they don't always say diluted and let you do again. Sometimes they just straight fail you.

Good luck, and God speed....
Oh ya and take B-2 or B-12 Vitamins to, that will help and will help cover up all the water you have been drinking. Will give ya some creatine and shit back in your urine.
Yeah I feel like theres a chance I could pee clean even if I didnt do anything. I've been taking B complex for a few months already (shit really helps imho) so I was planning on using that and the Certo sure jell. Right now I have a bunch of liquids and a pack of certo in me, after I manage to pee a few times i'll use the test kit i bought. I'm pretty confident i'll pee clean.

I appreciate the tips all! Especially the mid stream one, for some reason thats a little point I hadnt noticed anywhere yet but it makes much sense
Yeah I feel like theres a chance I could pee clean even if I didnt do anything. I've been taking B complex for a few months already (shit really helps imho) so I was planning on using that and the Certo sure jell. Right now I have a bunch of liquids and a pack of certo in me, after I manage to pee a few times i'll use the test kit i bought. I'm pretty confident i'll pee clean.

I appreciate the tips all! Especially the mid stream one, for some reason thats a little point I hadnt noticed anywhere yet but it makes much sense

Ya I forgot about that one, thanks alpha for remembering that. Really the end of the piss is the best really as everything is almost pushed out.

Your young and prob a smaller dude, I'm sure you'll be fine. Your metabolism way faster then prob 90% of us here! lol
Ya I forgot about that one, thanks alpha for remembering that. Really the end of the piss is the best really as everything is almost pushed out.

Your young and prob a smaller dude, I'm sure you'll be fine. Your metabolism way faster then prob 90% of us here! lol

I hope so. Damn if i pee clean tomorrow I probably get to toke again very soon. Everything has great potential to be very rewarding! Or i'll be somewhat disappointed and have to go longer without the herb.

The manager at the awesome little local glass shop said he'll give me a gold joint wrap when I get hired at the hydro shop XD. Not that i'll be able to handle more than 1-2 hits but might I as well roll it up with some buddies, I rolled my friends's gold joint for them yesterday but didn't get to participate. Head shop manager knows that which is why he offered me a free gold wrap when I get my job!

If any of that makes any sense lmao
No problem :) I'm rooting for ya to get that gold paper joint for a victory smoke! You'll get the job I have a feeling 8-) I have a feeling it will be just a dip test (usually only state/gov/hospital type jobs do the Lab panel testing, they cost $1000 or more per test) and dip tests have a higher cutoff rate for passing most of the time as well