Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
this weed is good. i dunno what it is but its fn good. almost took out a bitch in a subaru today. this heffa swoops a right in front of me in a parkin lot so i slam on the brakes and my whole load shifts. then twatzilla just stops, mouths "thak you", smiles and waves and drives off.. how u gonna say thank you?? like i had a fn choice or somethin. if i didnt stop..u woulda died.. dummy. people, dont drive stupid around trucks. i think i want a shot. it was a long ass day. i want hilary to be the next pres. wonder if she'll get some intern to boss her up just to get back a bill. u know gurls dont forget shit. off to another thread. late


Well-Known Member
this weed is good. i dunno what it is but its fn good. almost took out a bitch in a subaru today. this heffa swoops a right in front of me in a parkin lot so i slam on the brakes and my whole load shifts. then twatzilla just stops, mouths "thak you", smiles and waves and drives off.. how u gonna say thank you?? like i had a fn choice or somethin. if i didnt stop..u woulda died.. dummy. people, dont drive stupid around trucks. i think i want a shot. it was a long ass day. i want hilary to be the next pres. wonder if she'll get some intern to boss her up just to get back a bill. u know gurls dont forget shit. off to another thread. late
hahahahaha....I couldn't read anything past TWATZILLA because I was laughing too hard! hahaha

Let's go wrangle some member peen with your wives tats!


Well-Known Member
we are adults, but some are hung like children. i do not think it is rude to point out that your penis is tiny and unsatisfying to women, that is rather subjective.
nope, Its pretty rude. I get that you are mad that you got BTFO and had to admit guns stop rape, but lashing out like this is just sad :cry: