Kuifje, the Ideal holders are a little fussy to use. Did you find my COB Holders - The Basics thread?
Doing a few dry-runs without the paste might be advisable. You know by now that the Ideal holder relies on that tiny spring arm to keep the COB in place. The spring arm can easily lose grip as you're trying to set the holder onto the heatsink. If the COB falls out as you're flipping it over you know you gotta try again. What's more dangerous is if the COB slips partially out as you set the holder in place. If that happens the COB can be damaged as you tighten the screws. Triple-check before tightening!
After a few dry runs, you'll want some alcohol nearby because it's likely that you'll be cleaning things off and starting over at least once. It's hard to keep all the surfaces perfectly clean while you set the COB in the holder, spread the paste, position the COB & holder assembly directly over the tapped holes, etc.
The smallest bit of crud can push most of the COB off the sink, completely destroying thermal transfer. I've seen it. I needed magnification to realize that my install sucked. It looked OK without magnification.
It's very easy to slobber too much paste on and cripple the thermal transfer. Don't do it. Use a credit card or something similar to spread the thinnest layer that you can apply evenly. If the paste keeps peeling right back off as you drag the credit card across, then you gotta thin the paste with a few drops of alcohol stirred in or back off the pressure a little. You can YouTube videos of guys applying thermal paste to their fancy CPU coolers to get an idea.
Just went through it, great thread, thanx alot !
Yeah it's a learning curve, i went too fast and must clean again

btw can anyone advise me on what's the easiest way to power 10 Arctic alpine 11 plus fans and dim them as low as possible ?
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