The UK Growers Thread!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
1000 fck that expensive
Is it ,I've never bought anything more then a few pills at a time...pills go for about 10 15 bucks a piece..i used to get e for 5 bucks a pop from some Asians. I don't have A good connection really..I hear in the bay they let go of boats for a g.


Well-Known Member
i was watching some doc the other day, ''test my baggie'' i think it was called, on youtube.

was about how many rc's n shit that are passed of as mdma at festivals are around the states, most that they tested or shown anyway lol wasnt mdma.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Its not his obesession use follow each other like a bunch of diks around a skool yard
It may seem that way coincidentally but we don't follow each other sometimes we run into each other. .bucks cool I know you guys don't really hate him.. that would be retarded. .hating an Internet guy..pfffff

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Almost as retarded as keep coming into a thread where everyone thinks you are a MAJOR cunt...................
Dude people like me way more then they like you here.. and you suck at growing. . Have you figured out what ph'in is yet, Tomatoes buds?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No people laugh at you since your a cunt and you are deluded enough to think that means they like you lmao

Also if you are so retarded you cant even remember being told the ph thing was an in-joke between us lot then you are even more of a moron than we had currently suspected, every time we think you cannot possibly become even more moronic so you go and surprise us

Just to double double check you are aware EVERYONE THINKS YOU ARE A MORONIC CUNT!!

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People laugh at your plants your nutes and your questions. Fucking noob!


Well-Known Member
Your rootzone PH is slightly too low locking out Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium.

The purple stripes up the stem are a direct indication of too low PH locking out Phosphorus, if you up the PH slightly the purple lines will grow out as Phosphorus is slowly unlocked.

The crinkling between the leaf veins is an early/minor indication of the Magnesium deficiency, in a more advanced state the leaves will start to Zebra stripe.

The upturned serrated teeth on the leaves is an indication of an early/minor Calcium deficiencies, in a more advanced state the tips of the serrated edges will go brown and die leaving what looks like a brown ring round the edge of your leaves from a distance.

Up the PH slightly until the purple stripes grow out then monitor the new growth for the crinkling and teeth upturning to grow out, once the stripes have gone if within a week or so (once the PH sweet spot has been found for that plant) the Calcium and Magnesium symptoms haven't grown out then supplementation with a Cal/Mag product is needed (or if you are all ready supplementing with Cal/Mag then give slightly more till the leaves clear up).
this man is the king he knows his shit ive read alot and imo if you dont follow his advice you dont wanna be coming back on here moaning and asking for more help he knows what he is talking about