Spring BBQ 2015

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
We need to get a bucket passed round for flight money for ole ruby! He's a fucking trip! I'll send some funds up with one of the socal farmers attending.
NO..you guys are trippers ..and you enable me to just be myself in here and also pull me in line without being a dick.
I was close to coming last year but held out cos the wife would like to come as well.
Her work dosent allow her to take time off in dec only january so she finishes in 2017 and said shes free then lol...but thats still to far away for me.
Im gonna tell her to tell the boss she wants time in dec this year or next or she will finish a year early lol

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Sounds like Ruby needs to get his "passport" ready!
I bet Grandpappy can give you a nice tour of the "city" (San Francisco for you Aussies) when he picks you up.
I think 2016 is the one where i can say yes.
If i but this new property this year everything is gonna be rushed at around dec but lets just see if the property even goes ahead first .....