Some good news on the justice front !

It's a nice gesture, but if he really wanted to create justice he'd free everybody arrested for a plant NOW and end the Police state TODAY.

It's a political move until he frees all the slaves and admits they were the victims and NOT the criminals.

A runaway slave and a pot convict have much in common. They both disobeyed a bad law in favor of the belief they own themselves.

Did you know....

Amount spent annually in the U.S. on the war on drugs: More than $51,000,000,000

Number of people arrested in 2013 in the U.S. on nonviolent drug charges: 1.5 million

Number of people arrested for a marijuana law violation in 2013: 693,482
  • Number of those charged with marijuana law violations who were arrested for possession only: 609,423 (88 percent)
Number of Americans incarcerated in 2013 in federal, state and local prisons and jails: 2,220,300 or 1 in every 110 adults, the highest incarceration rate in the world

But he let 22 of them go!!

Thanks Obama!!
Yes, it's a drop in the proverbial bucket. But at least it's something. We should push for sanity in sentencing in general- three strikes laws never made any sense, I never supported them nor the candidates that ran on them. I thought they were fascists and the policy has nothing to do with justice, but what do I know? I'm just a goddamned commie 'liberal'...
Yes, it's a drop in the proverbial bucket. But at least it's something. We should push for sanity in sentencing in general- three strikes laws never made any sense, I never supported them nor the candidates that ran on them. I thought they were fascists and the policy has nothing to do with justice, but what do I know? I'm just a goddamned commie 'liberal'...

For me, it comes down to how each strike is defined
Better news on the justice front. Tammy Duckworth is running against hyper drug warrior Mark Kirk for his Illinois senate seat. U go girl!
Love me some Blue Dream. It's been in my head stash for quite some time. I've made a couple changes to my stash, added Katsu Kush, a wonderful night time drug, and NL#5 for nights when I need to get work done. I will be adding WiFi pretty soon.

I'm excited for my WiFi.
Actually no.

According to Huffington Post, Francis Darrell Hayden and 21 other federal inmates, will have their sentences commuted on July 28, 2015, after President Obama signed their clemency petitions today.

It's literally the first fucking sentence.
Yeah, the last 6 years he kept them in prison don't count.

C'mon Red, sing it with me!

WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE.. IT WAS ALWAYS BURNING SINCE.... YOU BURNED THEM ALIVE. Oops, that last part isn't really part of the song.

So the words "mental illness" and "cancer" get you all offended even when used in a serious manner, but using family death as the butt of a joke along with outright libel is just fine?

This is another example of "cognitive dissonance".