Exploring the Cosmos without a rocket..

Or imagining it away, yes. If you are the universe, you begin to believe the universe is under your control.

It isnt. Sorry, i really am.

There were strange things though. We had booked a flight to vegas a week earlier. On the day of the flight i said "we are not going, the plane is broken" minutes after we got a phone call,the windshield of our plane was cracked (charter).

I once called another member of our group and asked if the kitchen was black. That was the exact question. I had no idea that they had had a grease fire that morning ,and no, it was not black and i have no idea why i asked.

Still, magical thinking, even if we had tapped into something, it would be totally uncontrolable and random.
Dude,I have dejavu that freaks out my wife..I can tell you someone's coming thru the door,but not who it is..my dejavu always includes faces in my future/present.
But,I know its just a misfires synapse and a brain short circuit..
Not some magic spirit of a drug letting me predict the future...lol
I've had moments of something like this.

The best was about 6yrs ago, walking into an indoor cannabis garden with a friend, we had our backs to each other, both enjoying our shrooms. I was watching the dance of the leaves in the swirls of air currents when I felt a shout of -something- in my mind.

It was completely overpowering, this rush of emotion and raw energy. I saw, or felt rather, green, the color so bright, vivid, and pure, in my mind. I saw life,love, vitality and energy. I had a moment with the forces that be.

When I came to, barely regaining my balance, I turned to my friend and saw him and he saw me and we both knew that we had experienced the same thing. We both looked at each other and said "green". And laughed our asses off.

Admittedly we were tripping balls but that was definitely a moment in time I'll never forget.
White-outs are common with shrooms ime.
But ya gotta eat a whole lot...

I'm pretty cut and dry science meets wild experiments so when I hear stuff like this its fackin fascinating to me..

I have some crazy buddies who practice .. Well, lets just say they were like, oh yeah, you can manipulate time.. Or time space. Just affirm you'll be somewhere on time and let the universe unfold ..

So, alright..fast forward.

One time, shortly after my intro to deemt, I drove to my lawyer in the craziest traffic jam ever, I'm not kidding it was gridlocked for blocks... of course he was several floors above the most busiest intersection in the whole city, so i tested some crazy theta brain wave knowledge i just copped from a book that week..

Like did you know while in a car accident your brain can flip from beta to theta like 120 times a second and it allows you to hyper-react to real life scenario (car accident) and slow time down to such a rational, slow motion, over the top enhanced visual acuity that you can hold full length, detailed conversations that defy time and pack minutes of dialogue into a 2 to 4 second barrel roll at 110km/hour. Imagine flipping in your car at 110 after getting smoked and being like, hunny, are youuuuu okaayyyyyy, are you wearing your belt!? Yeaaaa, this is crayyyzyyyyy, look at how beautiful the glass is? I can't believe we're crashing... Hold on kayyyyyy... We're gonna be alllriggggghhht...dialogue continues slow motion while you flip..woooooooosh... Total silence for seconds. Can't hear sound. Then flash. All sound comes back you're listening to paramedics in shock.. Saw the whole thing coming in slow motion, every pink, green and yellow glimmering edge to every piece of shattering glass, you get a chance to witness its potent dangerous beauty before it smashes into your face and cuts you up like physics-pie..

I might have been on mushrooms too so it was an enhanced vibration situation, i was doing micro doses of envy chocolates 10, 15 up to 3o times a month so i can find out that sweet spot.. but thats me, if i get called for an interview on tv, im popping some Lsdee-fins or a laced up chocolate bar, for what i call, that McKenna Flair..lol..

Anyway, I was pinpointing (seemingly controlling somehow, like Can says, when you ARE the universe you believe you can manipulate or create it somehow?) the lights .. When they would turn green to the split second.. One after another to the point where I was driving with eyes closed sensing the lights..

Then I got bold and said okay, this is all wild coincidence if I can't pull off a crazy move.. I need to get from the far right lane to the last left lane in a power slice fit for American tv .. So iunno, i kinda like entered "a theta state" and mentally conceived a massive opening in traffic and cranked the wheel into on coming traffic in attempt to crash or prove myself right, and I was so convinced it was solid, actually my thought was whats $200 to discover some truth man, fuck all, right? that essence of conviction somehow made something happen, someone slammed the breaks to change lanes just out of nowhere (double helix style) we change lanes (3 lanes) somehow, all smack middle of an otherwise bumber to bumber gridlock jam in mid December no less..

It was epic.

Theta state is the key.
How you get there, choices vary..

It's the brain frequency du choix, my friends..
That's why they dumb down the radio and tv to tits ass and kimmys tattoos.. Trying to get us reptilian thinking because if you can unfold your own reality. Woah. Look out.
What if this is not 3d space, but 4 d. That is, 3D unfolding onto and out itself .. Seemingly appearing out of nowhere..
.. Aka thoughts are things that manifest bigger more (dense) touchable things.

As Damian Marley says, in his dads words,

"A mighty god is a living man..
You can fool some people sometimes,
But you can't fool all the people all the time.."

That's when I realized why fear is so prevalent.. They try to get you in a fear frequency cause fear frequency breed disaster, problems, and ultimately, then, dependence ..
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Haters will hate

U should scope Evelyn Woods, Speed Reading.
Up your retention by photograph-scanning word-shapes

Also, computers can read out loud now, you should try it.

Also, if have nothing useful to say, there's a door here somewhere, I think..
Just didn't interest me, but you do rank for the longest post I've seen in a while. You insinuating that my reading and comprehension skills are below par is quite immature.:peace:
Then save your disrespectful, pointless posts.. Like come on man, whats a matter with you..
this thread is gettin under ppls skin. but only one type of person.. its funny

Some ppl love my long INFORMATIVE posts and I type them on a tablet. And this is my thread, SO maybe show some respect and get some back..
I don't lurk and start shit .. Be amiable or perhaps sit in silence and scan for posts you DOooo like, not ones you DISLIKE


Didn't your teachers ever tell you, if you have nothing nice to say..
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I guess you didn't understand the subtext of my post: most people tend not to read long, UNINFORMATIVE posts, just to let you know. Your very predictable, every time someone disagrees or dislikes your posts you immediately get defensive and start name calling and make attempts at insulting them. And I'll reply to any posts I feel like, don't try to tell people what to do, it doesn't work. But you should know all this considering your command of realities, I guess???
I guess you didn't understand the subtext of my post: most people tend not to read long, UNINFORMATIVE posts, just to let you know. Your very predictable, every time someone disagrees or dislikes your posts you immediately get defensive and start name calling and make attempts at insulting them. And I'll reply to any posts I feel like, don't try to tell people what to do, it doesn't work. But you should know all this considering your command of realities, I guess???
Like i said, feel free to zip it. Scan for what you like and if you post replies make them progressive..

On to more progressive matters, a classic discussion on the all natural chemical we produce ourselves every night, DMT, by McKenna in 1992 where he dives into the strongest hallucinogen "you can imagine" and its ability to induce an almost "death by astonishment"..
An articulate description from the famous ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, lecturer and author..

"The indescribable falls into your lap.. You're trying to explain to yourself what's happening.. Its like you're trying to pour water, the water of language, over the trans-dimensional objects in front of you, and it beads up and flows off like water off a duck's back, you cannot say what's there.."

"It was not willed, but .. Something comes out of you, something come up from inside of you, and you realize you can do it, that you can use language to condense objects into existence in this space .. The dream of all magic, happening in real time.."
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Got you so riled up you had to try to use my profile againist me? Kinda pitiful. So you can go ahead and keep using your "Likes" as an indicator of your worth, again pitiful. Can't defend your posting so you put me on "ignore", now that's a weenie move.:clap: And come on, if your not Finshaggy you must at least be a member of his church.
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Got you so riled up you had to try to use my profile againist me? Kinda pitiful. So you can go ahead and keep using your "Likes" as an indicator of your worth, again pitiful. Can't defend your posting so you put me on "ignore", now that's a weenie move.:clap: And come on, if your not Finshaggy you must at least be a member of his church.

Not riled up, just thought you were a "pitiful" douchetype to lurk and jerk ppl on a thread thats otherwise happy without you, without providing anything substantial yourself, kinda hypocritical imo, so I checked your profile for two seconds, and it just confirmed that I don't need to care about you. No likes aren't my cocaine, I just wanted to see if you were popular and were having a bad week.. But you been you for years, it seems. No patience for your type of personality.. just a waste of time imo. Nothing personal.

Kinda funny you still want to hang out here.
So you can continue to insult and bash and trash and do nothing for the society attached to this thread, and its mission to explore the mysteries of life.. Not everyone is gonna be a contributing member I guess. Parasitic solutions.. Hmm..

I'm sure there will be a platform where you don't persevere..

And I roll with the Dons, man.. We don't go to church, whoever Finshaggy is. lol

And as if I didn't have to teach enough thread etiquette around here, when a song is posted, normally you hit the triangle button if u wanna hear it, and you don't, if you don't..

No need for an opinion of every track, nor your judgement on the artists trendiness or writing ability, i dont bother following your threads and bashing the music for no upful reason..it was just a parallel, Morisson named the Doors after William Blake's book Doors of Perception.. The same thing Terrence talks about during his LSD and DMT talks.. Enjoy the connection or maybe shut up and let it pass in silence, is that so hard?

Sorry to be a dick, but you guys are providing NO CONTRIBUTION.. since ignoring is "weenie move", from 1989, I'm asking you, mano a mano, to be CONTRIBUTORS ONLY, or just simply leave, and TrollPatrol elsewhere.

Other than that its a great day
Thank you in advance
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Again, if anybody disagrees with you, you instantly go on the attack. Instead of insulting and name calling why not try explaining yourself. Members are allowed to voice their opinions on your posts, of you can't take without getting your feelings hurt maybe it's time to find a new Forum. Thin skinned members tend to have a hard time on the Forum. People might read all your posts and be more responsive if you weren't so abusive and un responsive to others opinions. You post a video then say you don't want any opinions or judgements, etc.. This is a public forum what do you expect? You treat this place like it's your personal diary just for your amusement and nobody is suppose to be able to post their opinions concerning your nonsense. Wake up and smell the coffee and don't take things so seriously, you might actually learn something.:peace:
All your name calling and insults started from from my one, single sentence implying that your post was too long- wow, I guess I hit a nerve or something. Kinda funny when you think about it. I know I'm laughing my ass off at you.
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No offense bro but I ate 5g's the other month of P.E. and they reminded me of most shroom trips I've ever had in the past and definitely not stronger then time I ate 10g's and thought I was fucking jim morrison reincarnated ....no lie

Problem with PE seems to be when it's multispore. My first ever crop was of PE, immediately dried two MASSIVE mushrooms and my buddy and I went out camping and ate them the next night. Each of us only had about 1.5-2gs each, ground up and put in melted chocolate then frozen and consumed that way (prettty delicious btw but that's because I'm a culinary genius and added mint stuff) It was one of the most intense, amazing trips of my life and he and I were both on the same level and had an absolute blast the entire night. When we came down we were at a complete loss of words of what had just transpired over those ~4-6 hours.

Taken from the same batch (but different mushrooms of course, this was from a multispore syringe) I ate the same amount again and only got into slightly trippy headspace. So even both being from PE and even my same harvest, because of multispore variations of peoples experience with any strain of mushroom can vary widely. After that experience with PE though I have to side with the people saying it's stronger than the usual cube. I'm actually eyeing up a couple grams right now and I think I'm about to go on a cleaning spree to set up my area and trip again tonight after about a 6 month break. :hump:
Im in the boat of each individual mushroom itself is different unless your isolating.like you said w / multi and that they are just the same as the next koh's are really nice as well