WTF you up to, lol.....And yeah D... I finally had a bath after a massive noob smoking fail. I tried for about 30 minutes to smoke some of the wax that's here. Couldn't do it. The little torch I bought wouldn't keep fired up. Then I tried the big one and it just got the nail hot enough to melt the wax, but then it just collected in the nail, in a kind of liquid form. Then I tried the hash and that didn't work either. I tried leaving the hash on the dabber and lighting it with a lighter to pull through the little bubbler... but that just lit it all on fire. So then I tried heating the dabber and use that to burn the was collected on the nail. That didn't work. Tried the same with the hash... that was what finally sorta kinda worked. Fucking stupid I felt. I got a buzz so that was fun.... then passed out in the bath.
Complicated ass concentrates. Torches, dabbers, domes, blah blah. I feel like I need an assistant to smoke a damn bowl. It will be nice in like 3 months to have some buds to smoke. lol
I love smoking J's. IMO it's the best way to get a full flavor profile while smoking. Plus I look cool all red eyed with 1/2 a J hanging from my bottom lip as I go on some stoned rambleI still smoke joints is that PC or am I way outdated?
Seems like a pretty good deal. Your staying near the airport right? I wonder how much it would be for me since my hotel is so close to the dispensaries. Hell they can just drop me off, I'll find my way. I have a local homie that should be there a few days before me. We're gonna have a blast, bro.Too cool I just found and booked a service that picks me up at the airport then they take me to a dispensary for like 30 minutes to get supplied up and then drop me at my hotel. $40 bucks O yeah signed up and all set on that. Check buying my first legal bag of cannabis off my list first thing. Then I'm thinking check in to the hotel, roll up a bunch of joints find some food and then find my way to the cup. Still planning it all out but more like a kid going to disney now LOL. Watching Soul Plane and enjoying some Psycho Killer, thinking about all the strains I'm going to try.
He doesnt mess with the plants, just puts claws in the tent to climb it. He just likes to be "high".My cats leave my grow alone, fortunately. The black one likes to go in there if I leave the door open while I'm in there but she leaves the plants alone.
Jig , went thru the same damn thing, back to smoking the hash in my pipe, seemed like I wasted a full gram or more trying to get the $45 titanium nail going and oh yeah, no one told me I should cure the nail.I used the small torch, the big torch, you have no idea how many combinations of heating shit up I did. I'm not using the titanium nail, using the glass one. I heated it for like 2 minutes, with the 3 inch long flame, still wasn't hot enough. Maybe it's because the house is 11c??? IDK. Too fucking complicated.I don't feel like wasting any more wax.
I'll just throw some hash in the pipe with a pebble.
EDIT: I have some parsley... can I season the nail with that?