The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And I'll let you all into a little inside secret from the Mrs translating for the NHS and Social Services.

If you refuse to have your children vaccinated you are automatically flagged on the government/social services system and will be monitored for the rest of the childs life.

They don't tell you this mind.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Every single case of Polio since the oral live vaccine was licensed in 1962 has been directly caused by the vaccine.

They don't call it 'Wild Polio' anymore because they have to keep up the impression that Polio has been eradicated.

They call it 'Vaccine Induced Polio' as if Polio from the wild is any different to synthesised Polio from a lab.

It isn't, they're both exactly the same, just the origin is different.

It makes for good World Health Organisation figure shuffling though and the dumb masses fall for the vaccine program thinking it works.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Polio facts are that it doesn't cause any symptoms in around 90-95% of cases.

In about 0.5% of cases there is muscle weakness (of which most recover within a week or two) and only in 2-5% of the said 0.5% does it result in death.

So based on those percentages if 45.000 kids in India died from 'Vaccine Induced Polio' just how many kids have been deliberately infected with Polio at the hands of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

Think about that for a moment peeps.

That's a lot of fucking kids!
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Well-Known Member
wow thats some serious shit right there man!!
Hate How the fuckers get to fuck wid people lives all the time like test piggies piss take man

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I've got to correct myself.

47.500 kids in India have been PARALYZED by Bill Gate's vaccine, not killed.

Fucking hell, killed or paralyzed, flip for it. :?


Well-Known Member
this first pic is ''atlas'' pollen its been about the dn ages and is quite rated in the UK to UK scene, no need for a flame its very pliable almost abit too pliable, smokes lovely tho thick clouds of white smoke from the joint, good clean ash.

but not overly powerful and also does not bubble at the lick of a flame.


this other pollen is from a UK vendor also and just advertised as good shit near 35 a henry, is alot harder than the other ''atlas'' stuff and not quite as tasty, still very nice hash just not as tasty and the smoke from the joint dont seem as clean, but between the 2 its actually the stronger lol ???

2015-03-25 22.53.58.jpg

i got 10g of proper spanish bubble at a lick of a flame stuff due this week but thought id have a blast at a couple of uk vendors to get a smoke quick, neway pretty pissed and stoned and thats me done lol
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Well-Known Member
zedd the cunt made me feel bad so ill take 20 a week even though he's a full time job n earns more that I nor the fact that he's consistently lied to my face n strung me alone I'll accept 20 a week butane payment boiler suit half 4am slayer blaring kick in his door n show him real fear


Well-Known Member
zedd the cunt made me feel bad so ill take 20 a week even though he's a full time job n earns more that I nor the fact that he's consistently lied to my face n strung me alone I'll accept 20 a week butane payment boiler suit half 4am slayer blaring kick in his door n show him real fear

