So more pseudoscience and subjectivity then?.........
Don't bother wasting your breath man you're full of shit, I read a very short section of that first post in your so called "truth about flushing" thread and soon noticed you're not only way off the mark regarding the reasons behind flushing but just plain wrong.
Then I scrolled down through the posts a little and it takes you all of 4 before the bullshit starts with......
"When it rains the plants go to sleep, basically they hibernate until they see light then they wake up in hyperdrive mode to wick off the excess water it is what they are programmed to do in nature"
Sleep? Programmed? Please!
Then when the guy legitimately asks you for a scientific link to back up your assertion you reply with.......
"I do not have a link to anything my research covered many things and honestly I discovered by accident"



Reading through the thread and you don't actually answer questions with a straight answer, it's just a big melting pot of assertion and misinformation.
Just like here when I asked "For what reason?".
It's clear that some little pal has gone for your 2 pennies worth because you don't normally frequent this thread yet jump straight in with a post indirectly aimed at me, so when I ask why, I want an objective answer, I don't want you to piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining.
It's patently obvious you are incapable of having a rational and scientifically objective discussion with anybody about botany.
Opening your own website in order to spread your assertions and misinformation is the very definition of "The blind leading the blind" and is akin to putting a stool and table at the side of the street in India and calling yourself a Dr.
Fucking quack, get yer self off!