Club 600

What's up 6! Doc came by for a visit and it made me think of the 6 so I wanted to stop in and say high 8-) hope everyone is doing great and ready for the spring/summer weather. I'm going to try to make the spring bbq as it's very close to where I live and would love to meet some of yall.

Here's some veggies and new mommas. The glue should be getting flipped to 12 in a week or so. Hope all is well and take care everyone, keep em mean and greenbongsmilie

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Hey Alpha how ya doing? you've been missed around here.
Plants are looking good, nice lineup.
Hey Oldman! I've missed yall as well. I'm doing OK, I have some good days but seems I have the bad ones more so recently but I keep on trucking. Been feeling like something is wrong (other than the norm) with me for the past few months so had blood work done and now I have arthritis and a auto immune system disorder which kicks my ass some days but I still have some good days so I can't complain 8-) The dr says there's more than 80 of them so it'll be a long road to find which one I have, but it's good to put a name to the problems I've been having at least and I'll eventually kick some immune disorder butt once I know which one :) hey, the winter has to be close to over out your way, I bet you are happy about that!! My dad said there was just a decent snow storm a few days ago out there, but hopefully it was the last of it. We didn't really get any rain again this year so it's drought season again, I think there will be stricter water regulations now. I was at Yosemite Park the other day and it was so damn dry.
Hey Alpha, good to see you, I had a feeling you might pop up to say hello. Hope you had a good smoke session with Dr.

Fuk me you lot can gas on a bit eh! (never thought I'd say that). Shit weather here today, and there was me thinking Spring had arrived.
And I just had to say, whether you call it drama or spirited discussion, it's nice to have a little life back in the 600 lately. Was too quiet there for a few weeks.

The sun has finally come back out here after about a week of rain. Yesterday I cut the frame of the tent here so that it actually fit the tent. LoL. One of the dimensions was 20 cm too long. aka 8 inches. I have to say, I'm loving the metric system. While I still can't picture 20 cm's like I can 8 inches... it's so much more convenient to have smaller increments. 1 cm or 2 cm makes so much more sense that seemingly random fractions of inches. Also KM's are easy for me to picture. Like I can guess how long a KM is, can't really picture a mile. A mile to me is just a long ways. lol A KM I can almost see.

On the flip side, while it does makes sense the whole 0 = freezing 100 = boiling... Centigrade is too 'big'. Like inches v cm's... I like the smaller delineations of Fahrenheit.

My favorite thing though has nothing to do with measurements. All the girls here wear those tight leggings/ yoga pants/ whatever you call them. And unlike back home, they are all pretty fit. I've almost gotten tired of seeing nice butts walking around town. Almost... :) It's also cool being tall. I am definitely average back home, but here I'm on the taller side. It's nice.

Papa.... what's the wet dreams?
The sun has finally come back out here after about a week of rain. Yesterday I cut the frame of the tent here so that it actually fit the tent. LoL. One of the dimensions was 20 cm too long. aka 8 inches. I have to say, I'm loving the metric system. While I still can't picture 20 cm's like I can 8 inches... it's so much more convenient to have smaller increments. 1 cm or 2 cm makes so much more sense that seemingly random fractions of inches. Also KM's are easy for me to picture. Like I can guess how long a KM is, can't really picture a mile. A mile to me is just a long ways.
I am immediately reminded of one of my favorite movies.
HAHAHAHA.... Royal with cheese. shit's crazy here. Got me some fries with only mayo in Amsterdam. Good ass fries too, they don't mess around with french fries, some gourmet types. I haven't been into the McD's or Burger king where I'm at... but get this. Burger King delivers! Saw a dude driving around on a little scooter with the box in the back with the BK logo, and a number to call. They also had a burger king in the moscow airport. Was the only american brand I saw there. Who knew Burger King was so world wide. I figured only McD's would be that spread around.

Three things that trip me out about the grocery store (aside from everything being dirt cheap).

1. Potato chips.... same size bag, 160 grams... the regular no flavor stuff costs 54 cents. The stuff with flavor, like salt and vinegar, or ham flavor (my fovorite) costs 90 cents. I call it flavor gouging.

2. The meat section should be called the pork section. Spaniards love them some pork. Just crazy how much pig they got. Couple little bits for beef... a little section for chicken... and all the fucking ham, pork, whatever you could want. They got whole cured ham legs hanging on displays. Just all kinds of shit. and

3. The obsession with olives. The stores here aren't as big as back home, but the aisles are compareable in size. Just not 20 of them. Anyways, there's a half an aisle of canned and bottled olives of all different flavors and preparations. I tried the olives stuffed with anchovies last night for the first time. Not my favorite. I prefer the olives stuffed with ham. And Olive oil is off the hook. A whole aisle for olive oil. LIke WTF, how many types of olive oil can you have. Always makes me laugh, when I walk by that one I look down, and at least one person standing there deeply considering what kind of olive oil to get today. We have like 80 choices of cereal, or crackers back home... but they got 80 kinds of olive oil here.

EDIT: Damn shiska... you wake up early bro.
So there I was manhandling and pissing all over my plants when I realized I really have not been out of this house, other than to a store for food in a long ass time, like over a year. Worse yet I have bot been on a plane in 26 years. I'm freaking myself out a little is all I think, going solo too, used to having the old lady buffer me lol. Shit I'll go smoke another, go to bed, I'll be fine. Fuck it what the hell am I thinking I'm gona be stone the whole time! Peace MD.
Scarves still in effect, although the winter coats have died down just a bit.

Moondance... try and find a buddy. Hook up with someone else going. Even if you guys aren't together the whole time it's nice to have a person to sorta fall back on. Talk to, etc. I travel 'alone' quite a bit, but always have someone, somewhere close that I can count on/ meet up with. You're talking about the cup in denver, yeah? Your boy 2 posts up is going too. If I'm correct in everyones travel lives, haha. Even if you only have plans to meet up one time for coffee or something it makes shit easier to not be lost in a sea of strangers.

Another thing I find to make things easier on me is to research little things, like transportation to and from places. Not that you'll know what the fuck is going on when you land, but at least you will have some idea, some clue. Is there a shuttle you can catch from the airport to near your hotel? Is there a train? If you are taking a taxi, see how much it should cost, so you know if the guy is ripping the shit off you. Also, if you plan on a taxi... book one in advance. They'll be waiting with a little sign with your name on it... make you feel all famous and shit.

And lastly... it's all about mind set. If you think of yourself as the lost outsider it could feel cold and unwelcoming. Think of yourself as a king who has finally decided to check on one of his long lost empire outposts. Your on vacation after all... you really are the king. The rest of the fuckers walking around are going to and from work, going to the same old places to eat, doing the same old. You're the badass going out of your comfort zone to make some adventure happen. And don't be scared to ask people questions. They'll never see you again, so who cares what they think. At least they speak the same language.

You'll do fine buddy.
So more pseudoscience and subjectivity then?.........:roll:

Don't bother wasting your breath man you're full of shit, I read a very short section of that first post in your so called "truth about flushing" thread and soon noticed you're not only way off the mark regarding the reasons behind flushing but just plain wrong.

Then I scrolled down through the posts a little and it takes you all of 4 before the bullshit starts with......

"When it rains the plants go to sleep, basically they hibernate until they see light then they wake up in hyperdrive mode to wick off the excess water it is what they are programmed to do in nature"

Sleep? Programmed? Please!

Then when the guy legitimately asks you for a scientific link to back up your assertion you reply with.......

"I do not have a link to anything my research covered many things and honestly I discovered by accident"


Reading through the thread and you don't actually answer questions with a straight answer, it's just a big melting pot of assertion and misinformation.

Just like here when I asked "For what reason?".
It's clear that some little pal has gone for your 2 pennies worth because you don't normally frequent this thread yet jump straight in with a post indirectly aimed at me, so when I ask why, I want an objective answer, I don't want you to piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining.

It's patently obvious you are incapable of having a rational and scientifically objective discussion with anybody about botany.
Opening your own website in order to spread your assertions and misinformation is the very definition of "The blind leading the blind" and is akin to putting a stool and table at the side of the street in India and calling yourself a Dr.

Fucking quack, get yer self off!
Thank you, I've been slammed by the best of the best over the years and yet not a single grower that has tried my pseudo nonsense has come back and said it didn't work as stated.

My methods produce stellar product in less time and for some silly reason there are a lot of growers that are interested in learning how I do that.

Here is one of my strains at 3 weeks after the flip, how bout you post one of yours at 3 weeks?
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