Club 600

Anyone know if MH or HPS run more effiecent
Than the other? I only ask because my power bill was 275. Granted in the past week I've switched my veg chamber to led and I'm changing all the practicals in my house to LED, currently cfl so only really saving 1-4 wats per fixture, but every ounce counts right?
I would say HPS does, but this is only based on heat output of the bulbs.

And I need bulbs too. Damnit!
lol, you could have mailed me ya tube. And thank fuk you are finally a legit 600 member, masquerading mother furker!!!:).....and hold on, did I not pay for those lights? ;) once a masquerador, always a ..........:)

In Europe the electrics get earthed (green/yellow) at the main fuse. So if you have a short the whole section goes, not just that one plug outlet. If you are wiring up a Euro plug then the brown and blue go into the prongs (either way, doesn't matter, as you point out, you plug the plug in any which way.) Then on some plugs there is a metal part on either side on the outside of the plug, this is then attached to a socket and screw inside which you can wire the earth to. The ETL ballasts will tell you exactly where to plug in. But I guess you figured it out anyway (there's not a loud buzzing and crackling noise is there? lmfao)

You should have driven up to Barcelona to meet HydroGp lad, it's only a million miles in the car, I done it after all...

I'm talking about the other end. Sorry... wrong socket. I mean where the bulb screws into.

Here's a fukkin STONER MOMENT, (while we are on the topic of electricity). So I paid for an outdoor plug to be installed when i bought my house. Thing is fukked, don't think it worked for more than 5 minutes. There a reading of like 42 off it, god knows who wired up my house. Anyway, I had to run a plug into the greenhouse from my outhouse. I don't have enough juice in there at times so I have to unplug the greenhouse to do some specific naughty things:):)nudge nudge. Anyhoo, fast forward to my loaded up washing machine with ice, bag of trim and chilly chill water in the greenhouse, ready to rock and roll, timer set, starts motor movement, just click, click,, not something else that has broken (between my bathroom and kitchen I am pulling my hair ooooot!). So after much shoogling of machine, a couple of hits on the side, my mind went blank and I got out my stirring utensil and began doing the job by hand. Fast forward to me sitting in the outhouse the following day smoking a joint looking at the extension cord that is unplugged to the greenhouse. OH I DID LAUGH! not much.

Right, on with the show.
Here's the turd that I made from the machine (after I realised it does still work). This was a mix of various trim from over the years, and what looked like a lot of bud from somewhere, not sure, my mind is blank....anyway, smoked a bit today and it's proper bubble tastic, just looks a bit labradore!).

And now i can't post big pics...oh willies!


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As far as yielding more green I'd say an hps is more efficient, MH feels like it puts out more heat but maybe that's just because more UV, idk. In my mind both are same wattage so they both use the same amount of electricity.
Nope, MH def use more electricity, due to the fact they are on for veg cycles so need to make a lot of cups of tea to make it through the day, and hence the higher electricty used on ordering the tea bags from the internet.....simples! duh, i thought everyone knew that.
Excuse me, I have been with a 2 year all day, eating imaginary things, and speaking into plastic telephones....yeh for 8% beer and Dog joints...time for some erl.

And btw, the last 3 thumbs are dog flowers, the one before that is a blue pit, and the hybrid skunk look mofo is a deep blue. just in case you think i went off point in my post and forgot to talk about ze mademoiselles.
Excuse me, I have been with a 2 year all day, eating imaginary things, and speaking into plastic telephones....yeh for 8% beer and Dog joints...time for some erl.

LUV it! My boy just passed 17mo. I cant keep him away from gardening. We are doing a big soft pot container garden in the back yard this year and he is constantly in the dirt and moving it from pot to pot. (we havent planted yet). I have a feeling I have a future cultivator on my hands. :-) It probably cuz he hangs out with dad so much out there. He likes my grow lights too. I just built another led veg bar and he kept wanting me to turn it back on. Pointing and grunting at it till I comply.

I digress... I want some F@@king beer and joints dammit. instead I have this lame meeting to go to in an hour. LOL Take care
Agreed, it's all 37micron dumped into one. I wasn't prepared to sift through different bags to be disappointed since the material was quite old.

As I alway say, "there are no stupid questions, only ones that haven't been asked",.......most have been asked as far as I can see, lmfao.
LUV it! My boy just passed 17mo. I cant keep him away from gardening. We are doing a big soft pot container garden in the back yard this year and he is constantly in the dirt and moving it from pot to pot. (we havent planted yet). I have a feeling I have a future cultivator on my hands. :-) It probably cuz he hangs out with dad so much out there. He likes my grow lights too. I just built another led veg bar and he kept wanting me to turn it back on. Pointing and grunting at it till I comply.

I digress... I want some F@@king beer and joints dammit. instead I have this lame meeting to go to in an hour. LOL Take care
actually mine is also 17 month, and moves dirt like no Kat could! Also does the point and grunt....endlessly, lol.
actually mine is also 17 month, and moves dirt like no Kat could! Also does the point and grunt....endlessly, lol.

Since I work and wife stays home she is about bonkers from the grunting... LOL. Been working on signs as we go and he has some but man he wants to talk and cant. I see what the "terrible twos" are all about. Lack of accessibility to speech and communication. Today I am thankful for weed as it makes me such a patient parent.. LOL

My wife is thankful for the weed too.. lmao
Actually, I am just talking shit like I am down at the wife is a Top Lady, has the patience of Job with me really (when I think of some of the states I have been in, some of the mad adventures she lets me get involved in....) with what she has to put up with!

But yeh, most of the time, nae patience whatsover with me, haha......
So buzzing and crackling aren't good?

You guys are funny. It's fathers day here in spain and my baby is a continent away. Not sure if I'm bummed about it... or thrilled out my head that I can do whatever the fuck I wanna do. :) I think the latter tbh.

Tent shell up...light in place... plants set underneath... I'm about to plug it all in. Wooot.
I couldn't be bothered to put the actual tent up lol....

And yeah D, would have loved to hang with GP. It's a shame its so far up the road. I've made good friends with La hada as well... I'm sure I would have smoked out quite a bit there.

Mary and Baby Jesus watching over the grow... it's definitely going to go well. Even got Mona lisa watching as well on the other wall. FFS... I should cover her up... she'll get all faded from the light. Too funny.
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