injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
I made $12,000 last year on my disability pension and I have 7, 9 & 11 year old boys to support. trying to figure out what we do not need so I can buy meds
that was a real piss off thing to say. very insensitive to most people using MMJ....not you @spider9 Grootendorst comment about "choice" and giving stuff up to be able to afford meds.
people like that relly get me. this is not to get high, it's to live and function....if I had a choice, i'd rather spend my money on a vacation somewhere with a beach & white sand but instead, my $$ goes to MMJ.


Well-Known Member
The way I interpret his comment about the whole real trial subject is by adding up these key points:

  • The lack of effort shown on the crown's behalf in terms of having witnesses who could provide information and statistics to back their claims, and presentation of their case
  • Having to stop for 20mins so their witness could read info to better understand something he probably should have known
  • A lot of the info they DID provide was based of hearsay and speculation
  • The Judges voicing of his displeasure with the crown today and the objection to their witness answering a question he is clearly qualified to answer.
After taking all that into consideration I think it's his way of saying this would maybe "be a real case" if the crown took it seriously, which they have clearly displayed they have not been doing in any capacity thus far.