The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fair play, dunno why i thought you only had a 4x4 and 1x600 lol

getting clones is the biggest bitch isnt it? if you don't have a reliable source you may as well not grow, for money related purposes anyway. what sort of hoods do you use to spread light in that size tent, it's a bit of a funny shape for only two lights

so long as he is safe, that's all that matters, these kids don't feed themselves lol

my mrs has literally only recently came round to the fact that growing weed is the done thing, only cause all her mates fellas are doing it too. the whole fucking country is at it!
It's the biggest bastard ever m8, havin clones at hand all the time and as many as you want would be great lol. The guys house I was using for the mothers, the cunt killed them cos he wernt gettin enough outta it, long old story!

I'm just using the most basic cheapest wings I had for years lol, always thought of changin them but just never got round to it.


Well-Known Member
I was out friday night and my pal pitched up and says he's got some on the go. his missus put the kibosh on it donkeys back. so after a bit of shop I says so how you get the missus to come round to it. turn out he hasn't he just wait for her to go to work and up into the loft the mad fucker. she'll have his nuts if she twigs
man with my missus her dad's a german cop sos sister but once I mentioned how much I'd save a week she was happy out all u need to talk with women is numbers


Well-Known Member
preaching to the choir lad. now i'm downed tools my lass has deffo noticed we aint rockafella no more. barely afford me habits ffs
mine done smoke either but she's started lately on the vape after I removed the burning aspect...biiiiig cashflow difference especially when it cos to new look n primark.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mine tried edibles once, was a disaster. I'm never giving her owt again. lass went proper parra, only other time was a few crimbo's back she kissed me after a sesh n her lips went numb haha she thought she was gonna wig out asking will i get high aaaagggh laughed me back off while trying to have quietest wank known to man in the scratcher next to her, fun times...


Well-Known Member
i used to smoke weed with my mrs then get all fruity and she would turn on me and say shit like; are you always this horny when your stoned?and it kills the mood a bit so i'd push her head down to shut her up ffs. then she would start laughing at nothing saying it felt like she was on a ship moving all the time, stfu push head down again. rinse and repeat.

now i just keep it to myself cause that fucking laugh is piercing! she is a teacher too so she has to be all responsible and not a filthy druggie!


Well-Known Member
Alright lads how are we see lemons pooped back in for a while then how do we use this formulex on cuttings then? Do u must make up a litre or so and soak em in that or do u spray em with it?


Well-Known Member
mine tried edibles once, was a disaster. I'm never giving her owt again. lass went proper parra, only other time was a few crimbo's back she kissed me after a sesh n her lips went numb haha she thought she was gonna wig out asking will i get high aaaagggh laughed me back off while trying to have quietest wank known to man in the scratcher next to her, fun times...
i gave half a cookie to mine n zeddd freaked me out after saying how much stronger it bets a volcano with a nice fruity indica n some wine n a lame flick.. Keeping in mind my gf smokes my pot now


Well-Known Member
Its not been hilarious in mybhoushold today I woke up at 3 Mrs is fuming lol won't accept apology told her to fucknof and put my fist thru door now its all cut open and hurts lol....I told her next time she can stay up till 5am chopping plants I've had enough only proposed last year I'm about ready to fuckin 0 1 2 1 do one

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha lax I'm not getting my lass into my stash... And volcano hah that shit twists my melon I don't want her going all jon snow on me.

so this lad was sposed to take a pink lemon snip today n didn't my bags honking on the bus. I've a bloody nutradol in there n I can still smell it.

rush hour too its gonna fill when I hit toon. Should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Haha lax I'm not getting my lass into my stash... And volcano hah that shit twists my melon I don't want her going all jon snow on me.

so this lad was sposed to take a pink lemon snip today n didn't my bags honking on the bus. I've a bloody nutradol in there n I can still smell it.

rush hour too its gonna fill when I hit toon. Should be interesting.
lol i remember doing that back in the day, no. 63 to fenham lol