Club 600

try sleeping in cooler temps with more blankets, you can take blankets off if you get too warm. i find i wake up more dehydrated and more restless even if it is 1 degree too warm. i sleep about 7 hours a day and then 1 day a week i will sleep about 10 hours. some people sleep better with a droning sound like a fan
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Okay I will say this as even TJ SHorts will tell you 12/12 is not the way. 11 on 13 off will give you tropical times and your plants will thank you as your smoke gets even better while saving you 30 hrs of electricity a month. He has a new book out also if you search for TJ shorts Cultivating exceptional cannibus by tj shorts. Oh @RM3 he has been saying to lower lights on for awhile and now the big man backs him up.

Doc brother great talking today as always and I know it will be grand working with you as a partner in OR Land bro find us land.
Each to their own, DC. Even in the tropics, lights don't just switch off after 11 hours (this would only happen if the world was trully flat!!!). If you really want to do it properly, then get night lighting for your grow (since at night there is still light.) Drive around the North European hemisphere and you will see all the Pro grow houses / greenhouses (growing veggies, not MJ:)) with lights on at night (generally of a reddish nature). Not 100% sure what spectrum they are but I am assuming they are taking this on the back of the LED tech that gets used at night (I think COF posted an article way back about it). I have also posted pictures of a grow around the corner from me where they use LEDS of a particular spectrum at night. I stagger my lights going off over an hour so generally each light runs for under 12 hours, but the overall effect also saves on electricity time. I have been doing this for some time now. Some advocates of lighting patterns reckon 7 hours direct sun is enough for the plants as well.......just saying:)
anyone who has trouble seleping really should try ghb at least once to see how amazing the effects can be. more or less instant rem and even a fire would not wake you. nearly all pro bodybuilders use it because a 3hr sleep is the equivalent to around 9 hours.

yeah man. It's nice and warm and sunny. In the shade a bit cool, but compared to the mountains where I was at it's warm as. I swear the sun is brighter here than anywhere else I've been. And I come from a desert.

Looking forward to summer though when the skin comes out. Everyone here dresses so formally. Not a set of shorts in the whole place... except for the gringos.
Yeah, they can't figure out whey the tourist is in 'this' part of town. Doesn't he know all the sights are over there? I'm sure after a while they will recognize me, then they'll really be confused.

My wife better hurry up and get here. May could be disastrous. I swear none of the girls here have a wedding ring on. Surely they can't all be single???
de fucking rodriguez stirkes again!.
you'll soon be more than busy, once the sun gets here, more than enough work there to stop your idle hands from wandering at least.
going to do a bit of gardening myself this afternoon that i've been putting off for a while, 2015 has been a lazy year so far lol.

when are the family over jig?
while the lights are on are you pumping air into the tent like with a 20" box fan. I do it to all my "on" tents then I close um up when they go to sleep.

lol no 20" box fan, its only a 1.2m x 1.2m (4x4) tent and just using passive intakes with one of the bottom circular drawstring open. I think its more to do with learning to grow in a smaller space and dialling the tent in, seems more delicate than larger tents / rooms I'm finding.
June 1 is the plan. Long way off. Hopefully I'll have smoke by then.

And yeah, I'm actually a bit nervous about the work. Most plants I've ever dealt with is 10... And they were small. Should be an adventure like the rest of this trip. At least the plants don't speak another language.

Have fun getting your hands dirty, or coco-y... Whatever lol
the best thing about coco is it brushes right off, i could actually shower put on my good clothes then go and do my chores and it wouldn't make much difference lol

are you gonna mix a big batch of soil up and do organics or is it an indoor thing too?
i couldnt recommend it enough over soil, especially for the fact you can move it around so much easier, also re using the stuff is piece of piss. i'm off out anyway. have a good weekend folks