1st time grower..pics


Well-Known Member
yeah ill make sure that those 12 hours it remains dark..
should i begin to feed it flowering nutrients during what week..and is there anything else i should make sure happens during flowering cycle that i should know about??
more or less water??


Well-Known Member
took some more pics today..since i found out its a girl..
but the are not close enought to capture the two little hairs on it..will sow tomorrow with better camera..
here it is

today i began to flower it..
any suggestions on how to get good bud..


Well-Known Member
what type of maricle grow? if you start using nutrients its going to be very easy for you to burn up your plant. Ive got a couple suggestions. i know youre on a budget but these will all increase yield.

1. get some lights. Youre gunna need the right lights. taking your plant outdoors and then indoors isnt going to give you the right amount of light youre gunna need and purchasing some cfls and getting it on a regulated system should help. heres a link: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/723-things-know-about-lighting.html

2. read up on growing. once you get lights youre going to need to construct some type of grow area. youre going to need to know how to tell sex. youre going to need to know when to harvest and how to cure properly. for this i suggest you start reading all the stickies on this site. study the growfaq. try to find books and movies about growing.


Well-Known Member
what type of maricle grow? if you start using nutrients its going to be very easy for you to burn up your plant. Ive got a couple suggestions. i know youre on a budget but these will all increase yield.

1. get some lights. Youre gunna need the right lights. taking your plant outdoors and then indoors isnt going to give you the right amount of light youre gunna need and purchasing some cfls and getting it on a regulated system should help. heres a link: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/723-things-know-about-lighting.html

2. read up on growing. once you get lights youre going to need to construct some type of grow area. youre going to need to know how to tell sex. youre going to need to know when to harvest and how to cure properly. for this i suggest you start reading all the stickies on this site. study the growfaq. try to find books and movies about growing.
yeah thanx for the advice icepik...well i plan to use light on my next grow..which will be indoors..since this is my first grow, i want to get the basics out of the way..i have been reading alot actually..i do hope to purchase some 400 hps light for my next grow..which will also include a growing area probably inside my closet..im working on getting this equipment by the time i harvest something..
preciate the advise..i will keep reading..
on yur question i use miracle grow soil form walt mart..i dont remember the name..because actually my mom bought it for her garden and i just got some of it for my grow..
do you know what type of nut. to use for flowering??and how often


Well-Known Member
the reason i was asked about the soil is because miracle grow soil often has time release nutrients in it. these nutrients release throughout the grow(i think its heat related but im not sure). this is why a lot of people have problems with miracle grow. if you add nutes on the side with the nutes that are already in the soil you are going to have one dead plant. if you plan on using other nutes i suggest you flush the soil. (link:GROWFAQ). then you need to purchase some fertilizer. ive heard good things about the fox farms nutes...and well everything thing they make really but heres some info about nutes as well (GROWFAQ)


Well-Known Member
the reason i was asked about the soil is because miracle grow soil often has time release nutrients in it. these nutrients release throughout the grow(i think its heat related but im not sure). this is why a lot of people have problems with miracle grow. if you add nutes on the side with the nutes that are already in the soil you are going to have one dead plant. if you plan on using other nutes i suggest you flush the soil. (link:GROWFAQ). then you need to purchase some fertilizer. ive heard good things about the fox farms nutes...and well everything thing they make really but heres some info about nutes as well (GROWFAQ)
funny thing you should mention this..
today my plant began yellowing a bit..here check it out..

so anyways..i read about flushiing..but it saids to feed water until about 1 week before harvesting..im barely at the 3 day of flowering..it just showed hairs recently..
should i stop feeding it miracle grow nut with high N..
when should i feed it nut with high P??

josh b

Well-Known Member
U grow outdoors in england?
My first grow utside seds in green house nd they got like 12ft tall nd like 8 iunces of each plant.
No nutriance just miracle growlol


Well-Known Member
yeah that yellowing doesnt look good. are you using any nutrients right now? that flushing is talking about flushing during harvest but you can also flush anytime to clean the nutes out of the soil


Well-Known Member
yeah that yellowing doesnt look good. are you using any nutrients right now? that flushing is talking about flushing during harvest but you can also flush anytime to clean the nutes out of the soil
yeah i was using nuts on it..last time i gave it some where monday..but a day later i found out its a girl..so i sop..and i will start to feed it (next week) flowerinf nuts?
is it too early..or should i flush them


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics..
still not sure if its a male or femlae even tough it has a bout two hairs???

and well here are the rest..the big one is about 23 inches

and the smaller one is about 10 inches

any suggestions..i've been spraying some bug insecticide ..they seem pretty healthy..
what do you guys think


Well-Known Member
ya dude they are healthy start out with small amounts of nutirence first then start slowing ading more dont nutrience it everyday, every 2-3 days i would keep them outside they love it outside, trust me. they will be done in about 2 months for best yeild and good buds. when i did my first grow i wanted to cut her down right a way so bad but just wait 2 months and you won't regrate anything you'll think back and think thank god i listened to that dude on rollitup.org
peace out and good luck.


Well-Known Member
ya dude they are healthy start out with small amounts of nutirence first then start slowing ading more dont nutrience it everyday, every 2-3 days i would keep them outside they love it outside, trust me. they will be done in about 2 months for best yeild and good buds. when i did my first grow i wanted to cut her down right a way so bad but just wait 2 months and you won't regrate anything you'll think back and think thank god i listened to that dude on rollitup.org
peace out and good luck.
yeah bor thanx for the advice..
they love the outdoors..plus no need of worry about temp..
yeah im still feeding it nuts. with higher N, because im still not 100% sure if its a female..
since you;ve grown outside..do you think i should let it flower on its own..or should i keep it on a 12/12 schedule?
i;ve heard that around ausgust and september its the best time for buding cause they do it on their own since winter is coming along??
what so you think


Well-Known Member
let it flower on its own
yeah i think i will do that..
should i stop feeding it nuts?
cause i still havent bought some big bloom for flowering..or can i still feed it the ones i have which have a higher nitrogen solution, but it still has P abd K?


Well-Known Member
the nutes you are using will be fine for another two weeks or so....the plants look healthy as can be...no worries...btw...I use big bloom too...and I find that every now and again I need to add nitrogen to the mix since big bloom has low N. just a heads up. I am thinking about going with tiger bloom this round because of this...we shall see


Well-Known Member
when it's summer their is the longest day of sun light that's the day it will start showing sex that happend a while ago.