but per light?


Active Member
So I'm starting a room, I already have, and I have been going back and fourth about air cooled hoods or ac co2. I already have co2 but only window ac and open wing reflectors,

Now, I see a few portable ac I like, for cheap! Like 14000btu new for 275, also found a few on Craigslist for under $100,

Running 4 1000 watts, I know you need about 4x cooling power, so 16000 btu, but I'm seeing a lot of series that are 14000, honestly I want to give 14,000 but would that be enough?

please Id like experience from somebody who is ran four lights before, les penis for themselves as I think it'll be I know to keep the room well under 80 degrees, but may not allow me full control...

I was going to go with air cooled hoods but k truly seem like a pain...


10x10 room
Portable AC's suck. Even the dual hose units suck! Not efficient, and will let out some stinky stinky.
Any other AC(window or split):
4000 btu of AC per 1000w air-cooled hood MINIMUM.
6000btu per 1000w non-air cooled hoods.
It's how we set up sealed rooms. Works every time, Here in CA. Might be a little different, depending on the climate at which you grow.
double ended bulbs with a two ton mini split. heating and cooling at the touch of a button in theory. co2 closed room.
A window ac will let a lot of stink outside I imagine...? I have several of those, I could even double stack..?

I'm moving in middle of this summer, then I'll have an entire basement to deticate to it, and the cash to do split ac also.

At the moment, I can't, I have two 6" in lines...
So I guess I'll be forced to go with air cooled hoods then...
If temps crawl too high, I could always hook one up or two up. Even turn on co2 to make up for it, I dunno.

The resi temp is what bothers me, I started bubble buckets and its something I need to keep an eye on... Frozen water bottles on hand in case of emergency.

I'm taking air from a bedroom and pumping into attic. Its cold where I live most of year, not like Cali, can't just pull from outside...
if you have two six inch inlines then attach carbon filters to them an your neighbors won't be so weary of the smell. scrubbers.
starting another thread about this? No, your cheap portable 14k btu unit will not cool 4000w of open air bulbs. It MAY cool the room if they are all in AC hoods but I doubt it. Portable units are extremely inefficient.
why would a Window unit let out stink? It doesn't exhaust air outside. It just has a condensor that sits outside while the air handler sits inside.

The portable unit sucks because the HOT condensor sits INSIDE your house. The same house it is trying to cool.
I agree, I think the portables are not going to get the job done efficiently.

Right now I have a nice setup going, getting off ground, got 5600 watts on hand, co2, two in lines and two window ac.

I bought like without thinking of cooling issues, so I you either need to get hoods or run a c. I would just use the hoods but doing d w c, resi temps concern me!???

should I just run the hoods, if present for temps get to high I can just double stack window AC in window?
I know what you have. No. That isn't your only option. Just run 2 lights. If you aren't harvesting 4lbs off 2 lights then you shouldn't upgrade to 5 lights.
Consider the fact your room is 100 square foot right?
It needs 5000w ideally for 50w/square foot right?
Well what if you have 1 foot paremter around the whole damn room?
That is 10x1x4= 40 square feet for walkway, not being used. That brings the total square footage from 100-40=60. 60 square foot x 50w per square foot is 3000w.

You dont need to blow it up before you can handle it. Grow 4lbs with 2 lights, then adjust things.
Suck it up buttercup and buy a mini split.

4,000 k per 1,000 cools our bare bulbs just fine. We are not in cali (thank fucking god) but we don't live in the north pole either.

6k per bulb is overkill IMO

Either way... just spend the cash and do it right.
If u have the money to do it, go mini-split, you will never regret it...

that said, my next room will have a PTAC sleeve mounted in the wall, but I work at a hotel, and can get a great deal if I am willing to replace a few bits on one :)
6k per bulb is overkill IMO
6k per bare bulb is overkill on the coast, and other cooler areas of CA, but where It consistently gets 100+ in the summertime and overnight lows aren't really "that low", 6k is proper;-) works evertime, just like 4k does with air cooled hoods.
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I was only planning on running 3_4 lights... I figured my gpw would just fall off if I do more, then again, I only pay 7¢ per kW so how gives a shit. I can run five lights for $130 month...

I dunno, there still seedlings so I'm in no rush... Well I kinda am, I lost my last harvest to a mix calibrated pH meter... The struggle is real haha

But yeah, its very cold here, only months its above 75_80 are July and august in some days that even questionable.

Now, you say guys speak of a split ac, you mean like the one outside your home?

I google them and they look a bit different I just think the designs have changed over time but correct me if I'm wrong...

If that's the case, I'll just go unhook my dads, he wont miss it until July, by then, I'll put it back and buy a new one for new house haha...

has anybody ever installed one of these in an attic?
They are talking about mini-splits. These units aren't cheap, but are very easy to install. They can be anywhere from 13-28 seer, but with your low cost energy you might just want to stick with 13 seer. Most of them are heat pumps, so you have cooling and heat. No duct work to install, just 220 to outside condenser, liquid and suction lines to evap along with control wire to evap which also brings power to it from condenser. Europe and Asia are full of them, but we Americans like to be old-school inefficient and put duct work in attics! I'm an hvac tech, so I actually know a little about these things.

I wouldn't buy it if you're moving soon...rock a big window shaker until you move then pull the trigger on a mini-split after the move.
Dude I honestly don't have the experience to give you proper advice. But, check out this video. Might be food for thought. I dunno. I just love this setup even tho it is way over my head.

Mini-split with heat pump is the way to go. That with a programmable wall controller. It will allow you to set temperature ranges that it will come on. Mine is set to 75*to85* at lights on and 65*to75* at lights out. Barely comes on. You might also need to get a dehumidifer.
Mini split for the win. But here is the thing dude and heed this advice. You can score some cheap split units. Like fujitsu, air con, etc. But here is the thing, mini splits are VERY complicated and VERY sensitive to thingsblike cooling levels, etc.

Now you can pick up one for 2k but when the error codes start flashing.. you are FUCKED. I was fucking using Google translate to read emails sent to me in fucking Chinese symbols teying to get help. It's low coolant, no its the pump, no it's the board. It took me 2 MONTHS to get the part I need and it broke again 5 months later.

Now i have three dacon units, 3 tons each and they have been cranking solid for 2 years now. And I mean constantly running. Two side by side 18k bare bulb rooms.

It's an investment, spend the extra thousand and get a nice unit. The good thing is they are cake to install and the inside unit is completely silent. You need to drill one 1 1/2" hole.to install them. If you ever move or stop growing you can have a quality air con to install easily in any room of the house.

Or just be like every other craigs list white trash grower and get a portable unit and watch it struggle.
Dude I honestly don't have the experience to give you proper advice. But, check out this video. Might be food for thought. I dunno. I just love this setup even tho it is way over my head.

Those really don't work that well. I've used them in a passive cooling setup, but otherwise its a waste. Mini-split ftw

- Jiji
Mini split for the win. But here is the thing dude and heed this advice. You can score some cheap split units. Like fujitsu, air con, etc. But here is the thing, mini splits are VERY complicated and VERY sensitive to thingsblike cooling levels, etc.

Now you can pick up one for 2k but when the error codes start flashing.. you are FUCKED. I was fucking using Google translate to read emails sent to me in fucking Chinese symbols teying to get help. It's low coolant, no its the pump, no it's the board. It took me 2 MONTHS to get the part I need and it broke again 5 months later.

Now i have three dacon units, 3 tons each and they have been cranking solid for 2 years now. And I mean constantly running. Two side by side 18k bare bulb rooms.

It's an investment, spend the extra thousand and get a nice unit. The good thing is they are cake to install and the inside unit is completely silent. You need to drill one 1 1/2" hole.to install them. If you ever move or stop growing you can have a quality air con to install easily in any room of the house.

Or just be like every other craigs list white trash grower and get a portable unit and watch it struggle.

I concur. I am running a 17seer Daiken 18,000 BTU split unit with heat pump. It can only cool 4000w Bare bulb but wow is the product amazing.