Exploring the Cosmos without a rocket..


Well-Known Member
"Psychooooooo Stories of a Don Gwan Trippin, Mon"

Rad beings, gather round..

This thread is about to explore the deepest foggiest corners of the unexplainable..

Connect dots we didn't know exist..

Document potential-powers most don't know we have..

Explore body-forms most people don't know we own..

And document real life stories, insane trips, and mind bending experiences of us so called humans that challenge our paradigms of this very life as we know it..

Through the synergistic amplification of frequencies thanks to things like salvia, mushrooms, ayahuasca, LSD, breathwork, deem, and more, these stories here are about to blow your mind, raise your awareness, and challenge concepts you've accepted forever..

Enter at your own risk and either way, enjoy the journey..
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This is how this all got started:

Rols thread, Tesla said:
Fluoride is one of the key breakers no doubt,
its no good for organics, and its no good for us..

no wonder they try get the kids suckin on toothpaste
and water fountains from preschool..
Shit was used in nazi camps to keep the inmates docile..
Why they use it still?
Guess you gotta ask...
you think they want you to know you can bend time?
see the future?
dive in to the past vividly?
Scan blood for disease?
Heal with a belief portal?
Learn stuff while asleep?
Read minds?
Intuitively predict danger?
Have clairaudience warn you?
... naaaaa... not even, ppl like that are impossible to control they think too freely.. They like Lucy, on some crazy Terrence McKenna ish...
If they didn't believe in all this then why do prison bars get made from iron to this day? It inhibits astral travel and dreaming, trapping the soul ..

Watch some docs on ayahuasca and scope out straussman's work on DMT free e book for some of the most insane research ever documented openly .. Books on lucid dreaming, brain waves, dxm studies, PastLRs even, if you can buy into the possibility,
By the time your done, you might not believe you're an earthling!! That's how the deep the rabbit holes go..

And alright,
I think we'll start a thread called
"Psychooooooo Stories of a Don Gwan Trippin, Mon"
Exploring the cosmos without a rocket..

You're mad welcome to help navigate that ship into serious mysterious waters

@cannakis said:
Hahaha so can you do all that?!? ...But definitely start that thread! Haha the rabbit hole goes Forever That's how AMAZING AND PERFECT THE HOLY SPIRIT !

Tesla said:
No, not all, and not on demand per se.. Some skills and gifts come early in life others later.. Some require practice and prep work, others are natural..

The blood scanning is a shamanic art.. They first believe plant spirits are teacher guides then they use plants to get into the proper form (blood consciousness)

All people can or have the potential to do most of this though,
Surprisingly. I know a couple the one astral travels daily the other lucid dreams and flies, creates cities etc. But to have a habit you need all 3: desire, knowledge and skill..

There are, of course, commonalities to all the skills though, like health, the awareness to begin with, and mind state to unlock it; that is theta waves or ability to enter theta state..

Some of these are basic skills some are advanced and others require a team.. Ex: Many Chinese hospitals reverse tumours within minutes with teams of nurses and a doctor chanting an incantation and creating a theta wave based belief aura and its remarkable you can see tumours shrink on screens before your eyes, in 3 minutes.

I've dreamed of a face vividly I never saw ever, for certain, then I saw it the next day.. Couldn't believe when I met them what I was seeing...

I've had a symbol clearly burnt into paper when an apiphany smoked me.. It was extremely relevant to the situation, perfectly in line with it

I've had clairaudience clearly and loudly warn me of exactly when piggs were coming, not just that day.. Down to within 4 minutes accuracy in a 24 hr or 1440 minute day.. that's off by less than 3 thousandths of a single percent...

I've decoded symbolic dreams, learned couple ways how to take off, fly, go lucid, and just starting to learn more skills in that realm..

I've survived something unscathed that should have killed me or left me in a wheelchair for life, broken neck and back..

Sometimes, I can read minds over the phone or in person as long as the person thinks of what I need to know I can extract it.. If I drop my pressures, relax, and feel it out. Some ppl are easy some are hard, I was *right*<edit> 25 times Ina row with this one girl..

Seeing the past is easy, the question is can you touch it, feel it, smell it, do it on demand, while dreaming as well as awake, without mj/etc.. Breath work is a key to imagery and pineal activation.. Borneal.. Mushrooms.. Many tricks and sides to this rubix..

Perhaps, Take one hour, split it into 3 chuncks..
Look into cymatics, sound and frequency causing mushroom spores to create wild visual patterns that seem to come to life, create colonies of organized action, like a city coming to life with just sound..

Then check Sahdguru's talk on water memory..

And Michael Talbots talk on the holographic nature of the universe..

Then ask yourself, what else is invisible to us, what else is possible?

And again, dr strausmanns work on DMT is wild, free ebook. No brainer.. Read a few pages!!

That said,
Ignorance isn't bliss; <temporarily> shedding your physical body and capsule shell, having a near death, becoming your light energy body, entering the unity dimension, that is bliss..
Salvia was used by the royal elite to prepare for the afterlife (aka dream realm or fourth dimension) yet for the ignorant imprisoned poor slaves, it was used as extreme torture, death and fear torture..

Haha, indeed, The Rabbit Hole does go forever, and it hath begun to be uncovered ...
See you over there..
This is how this all got started:

Rols thread, Tesla said:
Fluoride is one of the key breakers no doubt,
its no good for organics, and its no good for us..

no wonder they try get the kids suckin on toothpaste
and water fountains from preschool..
Shit was used in nazi camps to keep the inmates docile..
Why they use it still?
Guess you gotta ask...
you think they want you to know you can bend time?
see the future?
dive in to the past vividly?
Scan blood for disease?
Heal with a belief portal?
Learn stuff while asleep?
Read minds?
Intuitively predict danger?
Have clairaudience warn you?
... naaaaa... not even, ppl like that are impossible to control they think too freely.. They like Lucy, on some crazy Terrence McKenna ish...
If they didn't believe in all this then why do prison bars get made from iron to this day? It inhibits astral travel and dreaming, trapping the soul ..

Watch some docs on ayahuasca and scope out straussman's work on DMT free e book for some of the most insane research ever documented openly .. Books on lucid dreaming, brain waves, dxm studies, PastLRs even, if you can buy into the possibility,
By the time your done, you might not believe you're an earthling!! That's how the deep the rabbit holes go..

And alright,
I think we'll start a thread called
"Psychooooooo Stories of a Don Gwan Trippin, Mon"
Exploring the cosmos without a rocket..

You're mad welcome to help navigate that ship into serious mysterious waters

@cannakis said:
Hahaha so can you do all that?!? ...But definitely start that thread! Haha the rabbit hole goes Forever That's how AMAZING AND PERFECT THE HOLY SPIRIT !

Tesla said:
No, not all, and not on demand per se.. Some skills and gifts come early in life others later.. Some require practice and prep work, others are natural..

The blood scanning is a shamanic art.. They first believe plant spirits are teacher guides then they use plants to get into the proper form (blood consciousness)

All people can or have the potential to do most of this though,
Surprisingly. I know a couple the one astral travels daily the other lucid dreams and flies, creates cities etc. But to have a habit you need all 3: desire, knowledge and skill..

There are, of course, commonalities to all the skills though, like health, the awareness to begin with, and mind state to unlock it; that is theta waves or ability to enter theta state..

Some of these are basic skills some are advanced and others require a team.. Ex: Many Chinese hospitals reverse tumours within minutes with teams of nurses and a doctor chanting an incantation and creating a theta wave based belief aura and its remarkable you can see tumours shrink on screens before your eyes, in 3 minutes.

I've dreamed of a face vividly I never saw ever, for certain, then I saw it the next day.. Couldn't believe when I met them what I was seeing...

I've had a symbol clearly burnt into paper when an apiphany smoked me.. It was extremely relevant to the situation, perfectly in line with it

I've had clairaudience clearly and loudly warn me of exactly when piggs were coming, not just that day.. Down to within 4 minutes accuracy in a 24 hr or 1440 minute day.. that's off by less than 3 thousandths of a single percent...

I've decoded symbolic dreams, learned couple ways how to take off, fly, go lucid, and just starting to learn more skills in that realm..

I've survived something unscathed that should have killed me or left me in a wheelchair for life, broken neck and back..

Sometimes, I can read minds over the phone or in person as long as the person thinks of what I need to know I can extract it.. If I drop my pressures, relax, and feel it out. Some ppl are easy some are hard, I was *right*<edit> 25 times Ina row with this one girl..

Seeing the past is easy, the question is can you touch it, feel it, smell it, do it on demand, while dreaming as well as awake, without mj/etc.. Breath work is a key to imagery and pineal activation.. Borneal.. Mushrooms.. Many tricks and sides to this rubix..

Perhaps, Take one hour, split it into 3 chuncks..
Look into cymatics, sound and frequency causing mushroom spores to create wild visual patterns that seem to come to life, create colonies of organized action, like a city coming to life with just sound..

Then check Sahdguru's talk on water memory..

And Michael Talbots talk on the holographic nature of the universe..

Then ask yourself, what else is invisible to us, what else is possible?

And again, dr strausmanns work on DMT is wild, free ebook. No brainer.. Read a few pages!!

That said,
Ignorance isn't bliss; <temporarily> shedding your physical body and capsule shell, having a near death, becoming your light energy body, entering the unity dimension, that is bliss..
Salvia was used by the royal elite to prepare for the afterlife (aka dream realm or fourth dimension) yet for the ignorant imprisoned poor slaves, it was used as extreme torture, death and fear torture..

Haha, indeed, The Rabbit Hole does go forever, and it hath begun to be uncovered ...
See you over there..
Film it.
Then I'll be on board
Do you think mj can inhibit astral travel / lucid dreaming or even just recaling dreams ?? I have eppic vivid dreams when i take a break from da herb. But i find it much harder to recall dreams when i have been using mj ?? Good subject DT love to hear about this kinda thing. I like to practice the shamanic journey with drumming on headphones to induce theta state. Again sometimes great results and sometimes i fall asleep. Practice is the key i thinks :)
its all about syncronicities in the Now. Follow syncronicities and they will lead you. Its easy to pass them off as pure chance but they are loop holes of opportunity showing us a path. We can chose to go with the syncronicities and take meaning from them and be open to the magic, or ignor them and be closed off and beleve what we have allways been told. Im pulling up a chair to see how this thread unfolds i am interested in what you have to say :) and lets see how deep the rabit hole goes....
Film it.
Then I'll be on board
You assume it's film-able.. Yet you are the lens..

The revolution won't be televised

And these psycho revelations won't be filmed..
Footage captured is not nearly as telling as an interview after..
Many trips cause a blinding of the regular eye organs and the activating of the pineal.. how can one film 99 percent of the matter when the movie is experienced consciously thru the third eye.

Filming this reality when one is experiencing an alternate parallel reality can be pointless.. Although there was this one time we did 3000mg doses of penis envies in chocolate with orange juice to amplify..

Wow, it took 3 hours to peak, and when we did, what happened was unfathomable.. That story next.. How I WISH I filmed it..

If YOU knew what I didn't know...YOU wait..
I don't think this makes sense.. I was just implying no one knows what they don't know yet cause its impossible to know what you don't know yet, lol. Don't take it personal. Shedding ego is paramount to this entire process, as well as in identifying beyond the "I"..
Do you think mj can inhibit astral travel / lucid dreaming or even just recaling dreams ?? I have eppic vivid dreams when i take a break from da herb. But i find it much harder to recall dreams when i have been using mj ?? Good subject DT love to hear about this kinda thing. I like to practice the shamanic journey with drumming on headphones to induce theta state. Again sometimes great results and sometimes i fall asleep. Practice is the key i thinks :)
its all about syncronicities in the Now. Follow syncronicities and they will lead you. Its easy to pass them off as pure chance but they are loop holes of opportunity showing us a path. We can chose to go with the syncronicities and take meaning from them and be open to the magic, or ignor them and be closed off and beleve what we have allways been told. Im pulling up a chair to see how this thread unfolds i am interested in what you have to say :) and lets see how deep the rabit hole goes....

Good question Trotter
Good to have you on board..

Mj is too broad tho..
I think we need to respect each terpene for their respective pros and cons .. They are powerful and unique..

Some do wonders for memory like Pinene while other inhibit..
Others promote instant visual psychedelic effects like Borneal.. My favorite terpene..

Then there are dream herbs. That are not sensi.. More on this later..

Regarding your vivid dreams, people store Dmt naturally in their brain and can have releases during the day while awake or at night when sleeping..

I myself, thankfully, dream vividly every single night, every nap, too.. I fly and go lucid weekly now, and tbh i don't blaze right before crashing
I prefer to burn out and crash same time, and save my hoot for upon waking in the dense realty. Recalling can be tricky if you don't try immediately.. Upping your limonene should help though, as well as vitamin C the super magnet for bad metals that my be clogging or calcifying the pineal. Practice is big too.

Also I know ppl who started dreaming insanely after mushrooms or deem break thrus. Like a gargoyle unearthing itself from the clasps of stone cold conformity

Also for more growth hormone and more dreams, (and the accompanying opportunity to wake up and recall them) one can try drinking water before bed, or having an alarm every 2 hours.. Olympic athletes do this they know the benefits..

And as for synchronism ties, as well as déjà vu and its opposite, Jamais vu, I believe that boils down to incarnation and the notion that time space is bendable or foldable like paper (More on this later) and the possibility that our life, names, families, and opportunities have been pre chosen by us (as a soul) in order to learn the necessary lessons of life.. Ascension requires this (entering into a higher form, ie, light)
And syncronisities (numerology included) have been theorized as signs of work well done, a check point in a life-race you forgot you designed, and already foresaw...
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Good question Trotter
Good to have you on board..

Mj is too broad tho..
I think we need to respect each terpene for their respective pros and cons .. They are powerful and unique..

Some do wonders for memory like Pinene while other inhibit..
Others promote instant visual psychedelic effects like Borneal.. My favorite terpene..

Then there are dream herbs. That are not sensi.. More on this later..

Regarding your vivid dreams, people store Dmt naturally in their brain and can have releases during the day while awake or at night when sleeping..

I myself, thankfully, dream vividly every single night, every nap, too.. I fly and go lucid weekly now, and tbh i don't blaze right before crashing
I prefer to burn out and crash same time, and save my hoot for upon waking in the dense realty. Recalling can be tricky if you don't try immediately.. Upping your limonene should help though, as well as vitamin C the super magnet for bad metals that my be clogging or calcifying the pineal. Practice is big too.

Also I know ppl who started dreaming insanely after mushrooms or deem break thrus. Like a gargoyle unearthing itself from the clasps of stone cold conformity

Also for more growth hormone and more dreams, (and the accompanying opportunity to wake up and recall them) one can try drinking water before bed, or having an alarm every 2 hours.. Olympic athletes do this they know the benefits..

And as for synchronism ties, as well as déjà vu and its opposite, Jamais vu, I believe that boils down to incarnation and the notion that time space is bendable or foldable like paper (More on this later) and the possibility that our life, names, families, and opportunities have been pre chosen by us (as a soul) in order to learn the necessary lessons of life.. Ascension requires this (entering into a higher form, ie, light)
And syncronisities (numerology included) have been theorized as signs of work well done, a check point in a life-race you forgot you designed, and already foresaw...
I had no idea, never thought about it, but I didn't think about the Effect of Terpenes.! Mmh Borneal you say!?!
Film it.
Then I'll be on board
You are already messing up, you just have to believe... And we All know things others don't, that's why "What you hear in your ear Herald on the rooftops!" JESUS CHRIST Said that!
You should write a book !
Hell.......you've already got a good start from what I've read here....
Oh BTW I miss read the title of this post. I thought it said Exploring The Costco without a Rocket !
Anywho happy trails my spaced cadet !
Perhaps this thread is the seedling of that book!!

And Costco, hahahahaha, that's awesome. I picture someone doing a dmt bong rip in a shopping cart..

Thanks for the encouragement,
Big up yourself mon!!!
Perhaps this thread is the seedling of that book!!

And Costco, hahahahaha, that's awesome. I picture someone doing a dmt bong rip in a shopping cart..

Thanks for the encouragement,
Big up yourself mon!!!
Hahaha yeah wouldn't that be awesome someone driving you around in the cart while your tripping!
Hahaha yeah wouldn't that be awesome someone driving you around in the cart while your tripping!
Don't knock it till you try it......down south they've got those 25 foot tall shopping carts with 350ci motors in them.......vroooom vrooom mofo's.......!
You assume it's film-able.. Yet you are the lens..

The revolution won't be televised

And these psycho revelations won't be filmed..
Footage captured is not nearly as telling as an interview after..
Many trips cause a blinding of the regular eye organs and the activating of the pineal.. how can one film 99 percent of the matter when the movie is experienced consciously thru the third eye.

Filming this reality when one is experiencing an alternate parallel reality can be pointless.. Although there was this one time we did 3000mg doses of penis envies in chocolate with orange juice to amplify..

Wow, it took 3 hours to peak, and when we did, what happened was unfathomable.. That story next.. How I WISH I filmed it..

I don't think this makes sense.. I was just implying no one knows what they don't know yet cause its impossible to know what you don't know yet, lol. Don't take it personal. Shedding ego is paramount to this entire process, as well as in identifying beyond the "I"..
3gms? Get real,that's a sleeping pill...
"Some of these are basic skills some are advanced and others require a team.. Ex: Many Chinese hospitals reverse tumours within minutes with teams of nurses and a doctor chanting an incantation and creating a theta wave based belief aura and its remarkable you can see tumours shrink on screens before your eyes, in 3 minutes."

Film it
3gms? Get real,that's a sleeping pill...
Buddy you're full of doubt hey
You should look those hospitals up and then
Try some envies
3000mg in chocolate with couple glasses of orange juice..
I bet you come back changed man
Full of awe and inspiration ..

That's like 10-21 grams of normal shrooms
Buddy you're full of doubt hey
You should look those hospitals up and then
Try some envies
3000mg in chocolate with couple glasses of orange juice..
I bet you come back changed man
Full of awe and inspiration ..

That's like 10-21 grams of normal shrooms
Yea,pretty sure azurecens got p.e. any day...
I wanna believe..I dont want a hospitals name.. I wanna see it.show me.
Film it.or have it televised.just cause its out of the ordinary,the population can't see..
Now I'll suppose I'll get mystic rhetoric back.. They're not ready to see,or some inner chi is not right in most people to see cancer remiss in 3 mins due to some chants.
Ask Andy Kaufman.
Not trying to be negative,just realistic..
Show me some science defying,logic curling,anti physics occurances due to a chant or a aura or chi or chackra or whatever neo hippy mumbly Joe description goes there.. Proof or I'm chalking it up to people being high,irrational,or crazy...or all three.