injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 3m 3 minutes ago
Pate: Benefit of ingesting orally-based cannabis medicines that it provides effect of direct therapeutic action that can be more effective
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Gov't asked if Pate knew if this is a commonly accepted theory by medical science – Pate said not much research available
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 53s 54 seconds ago
Pate describing "titration" process in controlling dosages. Essentially: take some and see how it works, then take some more if it doesn't


Well-Known Member
i don't get it...when is the hammer going to fall? it seems like the Crown isn't doing much to win...or is that their intention? then they will have "different laws"??