Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Magic Mike

Well-Known Member
I had a lot of open windows this morning and blazing and doing other things former reply is actually replied in the wrong thread and off


Well-Known Member
Wait that's not soccer? My kid assured me cutting off the losing team's head was part of the AYSO, Azteca Youth Soccer Organization's rules. You expect me to believe my teenage son LIED TO ME?
Nope, not soccer. Its kind of a mix of Bball and soccer, can't use your hands. And they take the hearts of the losers. I wouldn't say "lie" exactly, you know those slackers, hardly pay attention in class


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Nope, not soccer. Its kind of a mix of Bball and soccer, can't use your hands. And they take the hearts of the losers. I wouldn't say "lie" exactly, you know those slackers, hardly pay attention in class
Hm well then the entire chopping the head off thing was certainly unnecessary. Now I feel used! I wonder if it had anything to do with his peeing on the neighbors screen door. I never figured that one out either. Why do people with penise's feel this need to pee on other people's things? WHY? Not once have I ever ....... eh never mind.

Seriously, I WISH I was HALF as successful as ANY of @curious2garden 's children. Haha...you have no idea, Singlemalt.
LOL speaking of you :) your clones have rooted ;D and frankly you are easily as successful as any of my three. You have found happiness and purpose. That has so far eluded my three and me. But I'm working on it. The head injury, and massive cannabis intake, seems to be helping.