Am I Right To Start Flushing Now?

Is it producing any noticeable gains? You guys keep asking me for proof but haven't provided any for this. Yes ppm's disappear, what does the plant do with them? Create more flower? Make it more potent?
And I never said anything about the plant storing salts. I'm not assuming salts being in the pot was people's problems, just that there have been problems.

Oh yes, your entire argument about harsh is exactly that. Else Why flush at all?
And if you are still in your 20s you brain doesn't work well yet.
I know, we keep asking for proof and he keeps dodging the question

oh wait, its that he might get copd,because 1 guy said he got it from smoking unflushed weed.

It couldn't have anything to do with smoking moldy pesticides or cigarettes though, it was from unflushed weed.
The risk I'm referring to is medical patients saying that there is a risk for them having a bad reaction smoking unflushed weed. I don't have a scientific study to link, after talking to multiple people saying they have had a bad reaction, my reasoning is that there is a risk.
The risk I'm referring to is medical patients saying that there is a risk for them having a bad reaction smoking unflushed weed. I don't have a scientific study to link, after talking to multiple people saying they have had a bad reaction, my reasoning is that there is a risk.
The risk I'm referring to is medical patients saying that there is a risk for them having a bad reaction smoking unflushed weed. I don't have a scientific study to link, after talking to multiple people saying they have had a bad reaction, my reasoning is that there is a risk.
then STFU, ever heard of mold, or pesticides, bad growers who pull early,don't cure?
The risk I'm referring to is medical patients saying that there is a risk for them having a bad reaction smoking unflushed weed. I don't have a scientific study to link, after talking to multiple people saying they have had a bad reaction, my reasoning is that there is a risk.
@blimey I can not tell you all the times I have seen plants get sprayed with pesticides, then chopped, hung dried and off to the store never jarred, it happens more than we care to know. There are a lot of growers in it for the $$$ that don't give 2 damns bout any patients needs.

feeding a plant till the end gives you a healthy, stress resistant plant that has what it needs to properly ferment into good medicine.

As long as it is properly cured there are ZERO issues
That the person has a cough attack or it hurts their lungs or weakens their immune system, any kind of bad reaction.

But, don't you see that is just superstition? If they were told it was flushed, could they tell? You cannot say that flushing makes a difference only that they "think" it does.

Not Science. Your business.

Weakens their immune system? They don't know that.

You should have someone run a double blind test on you.
There are 3 stages of growth during the flower. So that is were the opions come from. Some strains like sour diesel, critical hog and such that wait till the last week to really pop and others are done a week or two before.

So once again it is a preference Just after so many years of smoking 40 my lungs are not the same. So they notice a flush.

Some people wait till milk to pull. You do know that you can have the same plant and one gets pulled when milky, Head high and the other amber Body high. So two different highs.
That comes to a preference as to the person choice of high.

If it sounds right TRY IT if it does not Don't You can not take what one person says as law because there are about 30 different laws for a plant. that just depends on the grower and style.
Your patients are linking bad experiences with paraquat and who knows what with flushing.

And you want us to agree with you. We do not.
There are 3 stages of growth during the flower. So that is were the opions come from. Some strains like sour diesel, critical hog and such that wait till the last week to really pop and others are done a week or two before.

So once again it is a preference Just after so many years of smoking 40 my lungs are not the same. So they notice a flush.

Some people wait till milk to pull. You do know that you can have the same plant and one gets pulled when milky, Head high and the other amber Body high. So two different highs.
That comes to a preference as to the person choice of high.

If it sounds right TRY IT if it does not Don't You can not take what one person says as law because there are about 30 different laws for a plant. that just depends on the grower and style.

Are you sure, you notice. You need a double blind test. You may be noticing something else.

FOR CHRIST SAKE!!! What is there to flush? There is nothing that can be rinsed out.
@blimey I can not tell you all the times I have seen plants get sprayed with pesticides, then chopped, hung dried and off to the store never jarred, it happens more than we care to know. There are a lot of growers in it for the $$$ that don't give 2 damns bout any patients needs.

feeding a plant till the end gives you a healthy, stress resistant plant that has what it needs to properly ferment into good medicine.

As long as it is properly cured there are ZERO issues
Thank you for being polite. I believe you on the cash grab operations, I just find it hard to discredit every person who has grown both ways and smoked both ways and thinks flushing is a postive. My point is that with out something saying there is 'x' benefit, neither side is right or wrong.
Not sure why it's so common for people to be against flushing to be so rude though.
Edit: a benefit such as increased yield or potency, not just general health.
A person's review of a product is as much their emotional response to the info they know about it as it is to the actual qualities of the product. If you take identical cars and put a different logo on one and sell it for $15k more than it's cheaper clone you will also notice the $15k more expensive car will get better reviews. This is our screwed up psychology. If we want it to be good we make ourselves think it's good.

To sum this all up, people's opinions are worthless unless they are kept blind to what one is flushed vs not flushed and they shouldn't even know that one is flushed and one is not. the best test would be to ask what strain they like better and have them be clones flushed and not.

Nice, got post 420, lol.