pheno hunting for this season...


Well-Known Member
looking for keepers to run in my light dep flip ghouse .
lots of seeds hit soil!
loompa farms :
foodog f3
yeti f3
redheaded stranger
random badass breeders
??Crystal ship (greencrack x ogthai)
Garlic breath
elephant stomper
legend of 91
space queen x black domina
og# 18 X mean martian green
southern charm x MMG
stardog x tahoe 09- homebrewer420 seeds also first to pop up

popped them with a 6 hour soak then into roots organic soil . the moon was in a fruit phase . looking to cut clones by march 20th then root an flip them in my heated /lighted green house to see if i got keepers.
nothing goes to outdoor greenhouses till may 15-30. most spots are taken but these seeds will vie for the last 15 or so spots..... stay tuned for a pipebending demo and to see my 24 ft wide homemade ghouse (bender from ) . pretty stoked on this one as my efforts to this point on the ghouse end have been amatureish at best.... but they have provided a base for my new 24 ft x 50 ft hoopers:) with 14 ft ceilings...pic of sour d an seeds on 18 -6
Elephant stomper, fire stomper an shiner by HB420 first to sprout


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stardog x tahoe-i am stoked on this an man are they staying short!! really stout image.jpg
SOur in flowErimage.jpg
this is my favorite smoke 15 years old i am told an man is it nice to see resin out to the fans still...


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full of good info on neem oil and its uses plus how to make your own home pest remedys :

seeds that have popped so far :
stardog(12) x tahoe(09) (hb420)
garlic breath (natural therapy)
foodog f3 (loompa) X 2
elephant stomper(hazeman)
southerncharm X MMG X 2 (disposition84)
og 18 X MMG x2(disposition84)
durban X nhaze x 30durban 2014.jpglooking for this pheno again (smells of confettie cake)

one part of my solar ghouse just pulled and am replaceing with strawberries and tomatoes...image.jpg
hoop house progress. set my door beams in concrete to set and anchor my purlins.image.jpg
other half of the solar ghouse with ghost og and sour d image.jpgimage.jpg ghost up close:O

stoked for this coming season ! you see the little hoop frame in the big hooper?? thats for my light dep 30X12:) until next time ....
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Just found this...subbed

stoked ya found it !! welcome...
big day on the farm :)
woke up and harvested all the tops of the sour and ghost in the solar . (day72) chopped a small bluedream .
spent 3 hrs leafing it and doing garden chores .
then worked on the big Ghouse. buttoned up framing on the squared end and set the top purlin .
tonight potting up 30 X durbanhaze. hoping for a frosty male .
cooked breakfast and luch for the family too .... big day...


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stoked ya found it !! welcome...
big day on the farm :)
woke up and harvested all the tops of the sour and ghost in the solar . (day72) chopped a small bluedream .
spent 3 hrs leafing it and doing garden chores .
then worked on the big Ghouse. buttoned up framing on the squared end and set the top purlin .
tonight potting up 30 X durbanhaze. hoping for a frosty male .
cooked breakfast and luch for the family too .... big day...
Tie dyed pj's= stoner parent. Truly sick view... but I dont know if I could make it out there. Seems cold.
image.jpg stardog X tahoe (cc) @homebrew420 good structure and great smell 2 felmales 1 male .
image.jpg starhoe showing some whorling mutation ... neat..
image.jpg half solar ghouse with light dep cuttings ( blue dream, ghost og , sour d , )
image.jpg 20 durban poison X nev haze that have made the cut.
bunch of othe seedlings that are late additions . 2 foodogs looking solid , a garlic breath , southern charm X og 18 and martian mean green X og 18 lots of stuff to check out these next two months leading up to june planting.. phyched ;)
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image.jpg waiting on my cross connectors and "wiggle wire " for my green house .
should both be here by friday .
image.jpg starhoes are looking huge in 7 gallon pots
@BuzzD2Kill dude you were growing at 14!! man i thought 16 was early (when i started) . and you noticed whorling , wow kick ass.image.jpg


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View attachment 3396858 waiting on my cross connectors and "wiggle wire " for my green house .
should both be here by friday .
View attachment 3396861 starhoes are looking huge in 7 gallon pots
@BuzzD2Kill dude you were growing at 14!! man i thought 16 was early (when i started) . and you noticed triaplody , wow kick ass.View attachment 3396855

Cant say I ever harvested when I was young, Dads non smoking usually tore em down haha. That and telling ALL my buddies back then, both were hard to overcome.