MoTown Farmers Market

The Next Motown Farmers Market is on 2-28-15 from 1-6. There will be I believe 1 or 2 new vendors. Since one of the Vendors came all the way from Iron Mountain 12 hours away they will only be coming down like every 3 months or so... .
I just joined Roll it up so I will post more info down the rd,as far as meds, clones and edible products that the vendors will be providing for MI Hard Card Holders.

We will not be accepting paperwork. Hard Card Only. With State ID, and 3rd piece of ID, like a credit card, gym card, library card, debit card anything that has your name on it will work.
2627 John R, Detroit, MI 48211

5.00 Entry gets you a doobie of your choice from one of the 6 vendors. And no its not fan leaves crushed make sure all the vendors use only B Bud type product to put into the Pre-rolls at door.

Confused. None of them can produce A quality?
thanks for stopping by Motown.

talked to him last night. seems like a good guy and a nice venue to stop by for meds or to vend at.

he was just saying to have some B grade meds as pre-rolls and keep the A stuff for donations.
Confused. None of them can produce A quality?
5.00 Entry covers my costs to rent the space, but you receive a FREE PRE-ROLL of True TRIPLE AAA Organic medicine.

It means that for 5.00 you get entry and a free Pre-Roll with B Bud material grade. Not fan leaves like most dispensaries in Detroit give you for a first time visit.

If we were putting in .50-1 gram doobies of 20-25.00 Grade meds myself and the others vendors would be taking losses. The point is provide good meds in the pre-roll and help cover the costs of the space. Nothing is FREE in life. So to throw this event and the costs associated with it we have to do a cover. But hey if anyone thinks a FREE pre-roll is a bad idea I will just stick to the 5.00 entry to renumerate the space costs...LOL.

But I think everyone will agree that it is a good thing to get a good quality Free pre-roll.
I will also have Gage Green Genetics seed packs in Original Breeders packs. No Risk of shipping from international seed banks. No waiting. No seizures. Just walk in ,walk out.

Hard Card Only ofcourse....with according ID

White Buzz
Blue Dynamic
Baby Breath
Aloha Grape Stomper
Golden Gage

Please call for pricing @ 248.632.8223 -David
LOL..Huel, to be honest with you Grape Puff is the a strain I like but 2 of my patients in particular both who I think have some sort of ADHD, ADD type conditions love Grape Puff. But to say it is "garbage" is comical to me. Lots of people hate when in reality they should congratulate. Gage was unheard of a few years ago now they are pioneers in the industry.

So to say it was garbage just made me laugh. its cut to JoJo Og and anything that JoJo touches he makes shine.

Huel you saw a few of the Gage product. Actually you saw some Grape Puff there spoke for itself. I did not even need to hype it up..LOL.

Well, I'm glad you got a chuckle from that but to think that *every * pack of seeds that a given company sells will be straight fire is kinda naive. I'm not suggesting that Gage Green is all crap, but the pack that I put down was. That wasn't the first pack of horse shit that I've run, and it won't be the last.

I'm actually considering buying a pack of something else from them.... Which is why I asked you about Golden Gage earlier. Go figure!?!?
@ glad to see someones selling seeds in the D ...well i got a ? i got a hard card out of date but i am getting my paperwork renewed this week ... will you still take that? and attitude seed banks all messed up on their credit card ordering now days . could you provide a seed list n pricing on here so we will know ahead of time what strains you currently have ? thanks from the 8 mile growers
