This Is Why US Healthcare Sucks


Well-Known Member

New class of Cholesterol drugs? $1000 a month.

Nowhere else on the planet is this allowed. Since the Unites States has become the United Corporation, they are allowed to subject us to this. All under the guise that we have the best health care system on the planet. We're sicker, fatter, don't live as long and are generally miserable. I'm not seeing any studies where we excell in anything except waste and fleecing of the common man.


Well-Known Member
I am a licensed RN, my focus in life before I returned to university was caring and advocating for my patients. I wish healthcare was magically free for everyone by waving my penlight like a wand and blabbering some Latin nonsense like Harry Potter.

Drugs cost money to research and develop, billions sometimes. I am not excusing high prices, just pointing out that pharmaceutical companies need to make a profit. Are they making a profit? Fuck yes they are.

U.S. healthcare does not suck, it's price sucks.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I am a licensed RN, my focus in life before I returned to university was caring and advocating for my patients. I wish healthcare was magically free for everyone by waving my penlight like a wand and blabbering some Latin nonsense like Harry Potter.

Drugs cost money to research and develop, billions sometimes. I am not excusing high prices, just pointing out that pharmaceutical companies need to make a profit. Are they making a profit? Fuck yes they are.

U.S. healthcare does not suck, it's price sucks.

Part of the issue is the never ending abuse of emergency departments in this country.

You are Emergency RN yes?


Well-Known Member
Part of the issue is the never ending abuse of emergency departments in this country.

You are Emergency RN yes?
Ineed, I worked in army care centers so my exposure to some specifics are lacking. I never had to deal with patients who couldn't pay, or didn't have insurance. I got to treat my patients, pretty exceptional in that regard.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Its just one company giving there cut to the goverment and then the government taking a cut from there citizens. Just a bunch of corporate muggings that the US citizens are used to:x.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Ineed, I worked in army care centers so my exposure to some specifics are lacking. I never had to deal with patients who couldn't pay, or didn't have insurance. I got to treat my patients, pretty exceptional in that regard.
Imagine your patients providing fake names, addresses, and SS# so they won't be responsible for payment. Now imagine everyone claims chest pain so they can be seen more quickly because webMD told them we can't make them wait if they have chest pains.

Now imagine every teenage girl walking in with "abdominal pain" but eloping after they find out they're not pregnant.

More imagination time, now every pt, with chest pain mind you, is also diabetic and hasn't eaten in days. They don't check their sugars because they don't have a meter, but aren't concerned about sugars or heart, they just want food and footies. Then they leave once they're fed, but not before they complain that we won't provide an ambulance ride or a taxi voucher home.

I know a guy that uses the ambulances to get around Detroit... He gets to one hospital and elopes. Rolls his chair over to the next jurisdiction and has passerby call him the next ambulance, aka taxi. One day Detroit EMS refused him, he sued.

Don't get me wrong, I see very many sick people daily, but this abuse of the system is discouraging me from wanting to care for people at all. Its ridiculous that my time should be spent placating a family member who feels that I'm racist, when grandma next door is so weak that she can't even complain about what is bothering her...

The state of affairs as I see it is abhorable, and I'm not sure what needs to be done to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Incredibly sinister. The greed needs to be regulated.

A couple of decades ago someone measured cholesterol in blood and figured we had better not eat any cholesterol. Before the ink was dry on that memo, corporations saw the multi-trillion industry of low-cholesterol foods, diets, clinics, etc.

Here we are two decades later and we find out dietary cholesterol isn't even related to blood cholesterol. Blood cholesterol is a symptom of some other irritant. Likely vascular inflammation, IMHO.

This $1000 monthly prescription is a nice last minute money grab


Well-Known Member
How much did it cost to produce?

$1000 a month might be a bargain.
$1000 a month might be reasonable.
$1000 a month might be highway robbery.

Passing judgment on a set price for a product without knowing how much it cost to produce that product is.....not wise.


Well-Known Member

CVS is even complaining.No fucking way this is anything but extortion.

Please, please... are we so far gone that we give these ass-hats a free pass? Apparently some are.


Well-Known Member

CVS is even complaining.No fucking way this is anything but extortion.

Please, please... are we so far gone that we give these ass-hats a free pass? Apparently some are.
You're right, I should just automatically jump to conclusions without a shred of evidence supporting or refuting my outrage.

My bad.

geezis...what the fuck was I thinking trying to use my brain....


Well-Known Member
Who doesn't love a little droll sarcasm ??

Use a little common sense. A daily pill doesn't cost $150, even after re-coup of R&D. This is especially evident to the casual observer when we see there's a pharmaceutical company's involvement. Is there anyone out there that thinks they are doing anything less than charging as absolutely high a rate as possible??? Competition is the only thing that drops a price. Otherwise the sky's the limit.


Well-Known Member
Imagine your patients providing fake names, addresses, and SS# so they won't be responsible for payment. Now imagine everyone claims chest pain so they can be seen more quickly because webMD told them we can't make them wait if they have chest pains.

Now imagine every teenage girl walking in with "abdominal pain" but eloping after they find out they're not pregnant.

More imagination time, now every pt, with chest pain mind you, is also diabetic and hasn't eaten in days. They don't check their sugars because they don't have a meter, but aren't concerned about sugars or heart, they just want food and footies. Then they leave once they're fed, but not before they complain that we won't provide an ambulance ride or a taxi voucher home.

I know a guy that uses the ambulances to get around Detroit... He gets to one hospital and elopes. Rolls his chair over to the next jurisdiction and has passerby call him the next ambulance, aka taxi. One day Detroit EMS refused him, he sued.

Don't get me wrong, I see very many sick people daily, but this abuse of the system is discouraging me from wanting to care for people at all. Its ridiculous that my time should be spent placating a family member who feels that I'm racist, when grandma next door is so weak that she can't even complain about what is bothering her...

The state of affairs as I see it is abhorable, and I'm not sure what needs to be done to fix it.
That would cause major burnout for me. I have had plenty of problem patients, never in the administrative sense. How the fuck do you deal?

Oh wait . . . cultivation forum.


Well-Known Member
I am a licensed RN, my focus in life before I returned to university was caring and advocating for my patients. I wish healthcare was magically free for everyone by waving my penlight like a wand and blabbering some Latin nonsense like Harry Potter.

Drugs cost money to research and develop, billions sometimes. I am not excusing high prices, just pointing out that pharmaceutical companies need to make a profit. Are they making a profit? Fuck yes they are.

U.S. healthcare does not suck, it's price sucks.
profit at what cost? who's cost?

not for nothing, in my travels i looked into pharmaceutical sales and knew a rep who left my company for pharm and came back..she told me it's the worse and you're basically doing nothing but teaching the doctor how to hook patients so they can "pay" for the research etc.


Well-Known Member

New class of Cholesterol drugs? $1000 a month.

Nowhere else on the planet is this allowed. Since the Unites States has become the United Corporation, they are allowed to subject us to this. All under the guise that we have the best health care system on the planet. We're sicker, fatter, don't live as long and are generally miserable. I'm not seeing any studies where we excell in anything except waste and fleecing of the common man.
do you really need them?..or is this what your doc is pushing today because pharm is pushing?..for the "new class"?

does anyone here understand that pharms to docs are like lobby to congress.

they get do know this right?..that nice republican doctor (and they all are) it's the money machine..and guess who's the ATM?:mrgreen:

the republicans currently have the most lucrative loopholes in history. which has brought about the massive chasm that exists between the 1% and "everyone else"..that's right! we're talking about income disparity.

when the 1% pay 35% like i have all my years except since i've been in school? they can't bitch, until then:finger:
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Well-Known Member
My wife is diabetic. Her glucose was controlled with a couple 30 dollar vials of insulin and a 100 count box of syringes that cost 12.50.

She sees a new doc that put her on pens. One cost 700 a month the other is 1400 a month.

That is what is wrong with health care. Drug reps push new more expensive drugs when the old one works.

Don't bs me. When a med losses its patent they tweak it to change it enough for a new patent. Same drug, way higher price.

A Dr will tell you "I can only treat the symptom.

There are no new cures. There will be no cures.

There is no profit in cures.
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Well-Known Member
Universal health care.
People go to see doctor for preventative maintenance, not urgent care.
Practice healthy living, no need for $1000 cholesterol pill.

Demand for this shit goes down, so does the price for those who actually need it.


Well-Known Member
Who doesn't love a little droll sarcasm ??

Use a little common sense. A daily pill doesn't cost $150, even after re-coup of R&D. This is especially evident to the casual observer when we see there's a pharmaceutical company's involvement. Is there anyone out there that thinks they are doing anything less than charging as absolutely high a rate as possible??? Competition is the only thing that drops a price. Otherwise the sky's the limit.

I tell you what, you provide the costs associated with producing and marketing that stuff, and if the cost / price / profit margins are as "evil" as you believe, I'll help light the torches.

Till then, my pitchfork is staying in the shed.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
That would cause major burnout for me. I have had plenty of problem patients, never in the administrative sense. How the fuck do you deal?

Oh wait . . . cultivation forum.

Yes, the cannabis helps not only with my chronic back pain and muscle spasms, but it also helps to keep me patient and understanding. I don't think I would be nearly so caring and empathetic if not for cannabis.

Also, it amuses me to see people get all riled up because you're not reacting to them getting all riled up at you.

Honestly, I decompress at work a lot, we have good avenues for that kind of thing. There are always people to talk to at work about it... And also, getting thank you cards from patients keeps me sane.

I got one the other day that said, "you broke four of my ribs, but you saved all of my life!" I teared up a little, I'll be honest. The gentleman who sent me that letter is on his way to see his granddaughter born, I'm ecstatic for him.

The good outweighs the bad, but there's so much shit to see through sometimes its difficult to see the good.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see some common sense among most on this thread. My wife and I were both in health care for years. She still is.

Too bad more here don't see the big picture crime.