And once again, loony liberal propagandist Bill Maher DARES defy his party talking points to take a stab at the idiocy that is "Obamacare". Amazing. I hope he hasn't placed his safety in jeopardy by daring to defy ze party. Nothing worse to a loony liberal than a loony liberal that thinks for themselves.
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"Too expensive and intentionally confusing."
Really Bill?
If only there had been some kind of model that could be used to assess how Obamacare would likely unfold...oh, wait, that's right, we HAD one in the VA medical system. The SAME VA medical system that fucking SUCKS and is largely derided and despised by those it purportedly serves.
Too fucking late now though kiddies!!!
You dumb motherfuckers asked for it and got exactly what the fuck you deserve. Now your medical insurance companies have access to tax dollars via those corrupt fucking "leaders" you dumb bastards keep electing, and all they're going to do is keep jacking up the cost until it's time to vote on RAISING taxes to meet the new "costs" for providing "free" healthcare to the idiotic masses.
That "healthcare" law needs to be rescinded immediately and passed to the FBI so they can examine the bill, and make the corruption connections they need to hold the legislators and private companies lining their pockets accountable for racketeering, corruption, and bribery.
And once again, loony liberal propagandist Bill Maher DARES defy his party talking points to take a stab at the idiocy that is "Obamacare". Amazing. I hope he hasn't placed his safety in jeopardy by daring to defy ze party. Nothing worse to a loony liberal than a loony liberal that thinks for themselves.
I like this comment:
"Too expensive and intentionally confusing."
Really Bill?
If only there had been some kind of model that could be used to assess how Obamacare would likely unfold...oh, wait, that's right, we HAD one in the VA medical system. The SAME VA medical system that fucking SUCKS and is largely derided and despised by those it purportedly serves.
Too fucking late now though kiddies!!!
You dumb motherfuckers asked for it and got exactly what the fuck you deserve. Now your medical insurance companies have access to tax dollars via those corrupt fucking "leaders" you dumb bastards keep electing, and all they're going to do is keep jacking up the cost until it's time to vote on RAISING taxes to meet the new "costs" for providing "free" healthcare to the idiotic masses.
That "healthcare" law needs to be rescinded immediately and passed to the FBI so they can examine the bill, and make the corruption connections they need to hold the legislators and private companies lining their pockets accountable for racketeering, corruption, and bribery.