Mr. Bongwater
Well-Known Member
just depressed man
Go north, eh!The dude's from Canada so it would probably be more like Molson, poutine and Canadian bacon.
my 3 favorite things yo
I'd buy a gallon, or whatever strange unit of measurement you people use up there.
And we aren't depressed, think about itmore countries use "liters" then "gallons" (whatever the fuck that is lol) so u mericans are the ones what are weird sir
He's like 19 years old. If he isn't depressed every day, then he's doing something wrong. But, talking about killing yourself just to get a little attention is retarded. This is supposed to be a happy place.And we aren't depressed, think about it
Ohhhh shit... It's only Ty... Thank god. I thought I was about to have my bike stolen.
livin there you'd be going to sleep listening to sound of breaking glass everynight man
walk down water street at night you see nothing but drunks and junkies asking for change "give me money if u love the world" yeah, give me money for my next fix is more like it