Nuggs 2015 russet mite war


Well-Known Member
damn those thigns are insane looking..i dont think i have ever had these in my guerilla plots..ive never had that damage that i seen in the problem was always bud rot and fungas gnat larave..i will folair with neem/karnaja 50/50 ratios and will do some soil drenches this year with neem oil as well since it is systemic and if these fkers ever suck anything off my plant they will die..since i dont have a grow room i cant do some the things mention but i also found this from a guy on IC..even the guys that he recommended it to come back saying it worked and no plant damage but u can take it for what its work just throwing out more tools for all to read..

"For those that don't know, you can kill these things with heat. Not talking about hot water dunks, which can harm plants (tried it), but rather heating up your grow space. Leave lights on, turn off all AC and fans. You want to get the room to 120 degrees F. You my have to add a space heater. Once you have temperatures of 120 F, leave it like that for one hour. Plants will not be damaged at all, but mites (all kinds) will be dead. I have done this several times with no ill effects to the plants. Haven't really experimented with times, just left them for an hour, but you could probably leave them longer. Must repeat every 3 days to get newly hatched eggs, if any survive. This really works, as mites can't survive high temps. That's why green houses and commercial growers use hot water dips, but I found this to hurt some plants, while high room temps have no ill effects. Like to see someone else try this. Guaranteed not to hurt your plants."
Thanks man ! that's what this thread is all about. tools for fellow growers to work with. A lot of growers don't know they have them ,don't know what they are or and are not wanting anyone to know they have them. I think I might have had a light case of broad mites 2 or 3 years out of the last 10years. mother nature keeps them away for the most part. some years are worse than others makes me think it has to be the drought. Yes I read that they die at 120degs on the high side and 34degs on the low end. I don't think we had a freeze last winter maybe that's why I got it so bad. We got down to 23degs this winter and more rain.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will 757. the problem is they build up a residence to it. If you spray it as a preventative then your're ok. use something like montery sevin is what what I would use in your situation. it's omri certified and I'd use it as directed up to flower.

I got my DE spreader in check it out . going to spread a bunch of that this season.IMG_0256.JPG


Well-Known Member
Thanks man ! that's what this thread is all about. tools for fellow growers to work with. A lot of growers don't know they have them ,don't know what they are or and are not wanting anyone to know they have them. I think I might have had a light case of broad mites 2 or 3 years out of the last 10years. mother nature keeps them away for the most part. some years are worse than others makes me think it has to be the drought. Yes I read that they die at 120degs on the high side and 34degs on the low end. I don't think we had a freeze last winter maybe that's why I got it so bad. We got down to 23degs this winter and more rain.
ya im glad i found this thread..even though i have never had them its good to be viligent..that post #68 is a great video of them so i will for sure be on the lookout even harder then before now after reading up on them..thats prolly why i never had them out east here it gets to zero sometimes below zero..i cant remember the last time we had a drought here and like u say mother nature cleans shit up for biggest concern is that fkn botrytis cinerea spore..i hate that fkn spore lol oh i found a scientific study about the sevin particular spider mite it dont kill and they actually breed faster when sevin is on the plant bc it kills all their natural predators..i will see if i can find that really fast and post link back to read up on..i found it a few months back while searching for outdoor preventative measures..somthing to think about for just gonna be doing soil drenches with neem 100% and folair with karnaja oil/protekt

Chemical Control
Spider mites frequently become a problem after applying insecticides. Such outbreaks are commonly a result of the insecticide killing off the mites’ natural enemies but also occur when certain insecticides stimulate mite reproduction. For example, spider mites exposed to carbaryl (Sevin) in the laboratory have been shown to reproduce faster than untreated populations. Carbaryl, some organophosphates, and some pyrethroids apparently also favor spider mites by increasing the level of nitrogen in leaves. Insecticides applied during hot weather usually appear to have the greatest effect, causing dramatic spider mite outbreaks within a few days.

p.s i will be useing sierra natural science stuff this year..they give out free samples to try it out if u like
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Well-Known Member
Yeah it will 757. the problem is they build up a residence to it. If you spray it as a preventative then your're ok. use something like montery sevin is what what I would use in your situation. it's omri certified and I'd use it as directed up to flower.

I got my DE spreader in check it out . going to spread a bunch of that this season.View attachment 3348096
Is that like a fogger nuggs? I think I might invest in one next year


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Well-Known Member
Double JJ I found russet in my clone room today. Fuck! I sprayed with worry free it has chrysanthemum in it @ 30 %.
Do I remember right that you used nuke um to prep your clone rooms this year???


Well-Known Member

check the proximity of your area for-

Amaryllis, Antirrhinum, Aralia, Aster novi-belgii, aubergine, Begonia, chrysanthemum, Cyclamen, Dahlia, Fatsia, Fuchsia, Gerbera, Hedera, Narcissus, New Guinea impatiens, Pelargonium, Petunia and Verbena to name a few.
nice find mikey ! Dam I keep forgetting about nukem! ABM suggested it last year. I'm ordering some if I can't find it at the gro store.


Well-Known Member
Double JJ I found russet in my clone room today. Fuck! I sprayed with worry free it has chrysanthemum in it @ 30 %.
Do I remember right that you used nuke um to prep your clone rooms this year???
Nuggs you're wasting your time. Unless you can physically dunk the whole clone you're going to miss one. If you can't I would break down and clean everything with a water/bleach solution. Last thing you want is to veg these out and deal with them all over again.


Well-Known Member
I did that Bro! I broke down everything and started over. moved to a different room and before doing so used 1/2 a gallon of pure bleach. bleached everything all my tools and new soil. didn't dunk the plants . kinda difficult to dunk large plants that were clean when I got them. fucking clones. I'm going to have to go back to seed.


Well-Known Member
So how do you do your clone room Adower? start with one plant and dunk it then clone from that?


Well-Known Member
I did that Bro! I broke down everything and started over. moved to a different room and before doing so used 1/2 a gallon of pure bleach. bleached everything all my tools and new soil. didn't dunk the plants . kinda difficult to dunk large plants that were clean when I got them. fucking clones. I'm going to have to go back to seed.
Im betting they were on the plant. If you didnt dunk it or treat it that's how they came in. The plant may have been clean when you got it but possibly got infected at some point.