Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
Religions are tarded overall imo and I would bet money that Bush or someone else invoked God as a reason for bombing terrorist. Apples to Oranges, but we can say Americans have helped made a mess of things over there without somebody yelling "it's not all Americans, some were against it". You have to do that when pointing out the shitty things done in the name of Islam.
And I grew up in the South. There is no Christian justification for slavery in the South. It was all economic. And where did the slaves come from? Timbuktu was the trade route point for Islamic captured Slaves. Those were marched to the Atlantic coast slave markets. That began the slave trade. Islamic Slavers.

In fact, the only religion that I know of where polygamy, public mutilation, and slave keeping are lawful, is Islam.


Well-Known Member
By all of the posts where I say explicitly that I don't think we should be over there, what do you think my stance is?

If I say, we shouldn't be at war, but if our country insists on it, the way we are going about it now is pussyfootin and making things worse. Do you see this as me being in favor of war in your attempt to grasp entire sentences?
You assume the trolls even care what you have said in the past.


Well-Known Member
And I grew up in the South. There is no Christian justification for slavery in the South. It was all economic. And where did the slaves come from? Timbuktu was the trade route point for Islamic captured Slaves. Those were marched to the Atlantic coast slave markets. That began the slave trade. Islamic Slavers.

In fact, the only religion that I know of where polygamy, public mutilation, and slave keeping are lawful, is Islam.
WTF...tell me you are not serious


Well-Known Member
Doer you are ignorant. Please don't make up if you don't know.. I think I explained this before. IS is the reaction of killing millions of innocent people and rapin thousands of women.. there is thousands of illegitimate children. I know you cant imagine this. I wish ten barbarians duck your mum and pull to pieces in front of you. After that you compherend them...
@Doer is getting dumber and dumber the more he types about Islam.


Well-Known Member
Are you afraid of Allah?
yeah what?

So, now you threaten my Mom. She is dead of cancer you know, a few years ago.
Did you mean "fuck your mom, before they pull her to peices?" A typo? Just checking.

The Sunni Jihad, which is ISIL was there under Saadam. And the millions were killed in the war with Iran, not the USA.

ISIL is a unleashed dog against Iran, by the Wasab.

And be nice to your own mom, after this OK? Shame on you.

And how does my mom, exposed to your horror show thinking teach me anymore than to shoot you on sight?
sorry for your loss, i am tyring to improve your mind, but your knowledge is wrong. you are blind man...


Well-Known Member
And interesting. I see @londonfog, supports the despoilment and mutilation of my Mom, also.

You can't hide.
I'm not speaking on your mother. I'm speaking on how stupid you sound talking that Islam is the only religion that had slave keeping as legal. We can start with Romans and Christianity or we can talk about how American slaves had to learn Christianity... either one makes you look foolish,stupid and very unknowing
and who hiding. I keep telling you. You are too sickly to fuck with me.


Well-Known Member
So, if she was alive then you and london would want her mutilated, is that it?

So, Allah doesn't mind if you wish mutilation on someone's Mom?

I know the facts here. I have been watching this all and studying on my own.
And that is much more than you do, to think what to think.

So, you can't mold an American's mind with THREATS, except i am now molded against you, personally. And face to face, I am sorry for jaw broken, but legally what you said, is Fighting Words and I would be in my Rights as a US citizen to hurt you severely for that.

So, Sorry for the loss? Don't bother. But, not sorry for the horror wish if she was alive, correct?


Well-Known Member
So, if she was alive then you and london would want her mutilated, is that it?

So, Allah doesn't mind if you wish mutilation on someone's Mom?

I know the fact here. I have been watching this all and studying on my own.\
And that is much more than you do to know what to think.

So, you can't mold an American's mind with THREATS, except against you.

So, Sorry for the loss? Don't bother. But, not sorry for the horror wish if she was alive, correct?
You really must be having a mental break down. Is it that you are now missing your wife that left you ? Is it the medication they have you taking ?. Like I said my talk was not about your mother, It's about the stupid shit you type.


Well-Known Member
@Doer you are unable to understand all this explanations. you should be inspected by a pediatric psychologist.
You have yet to give any explanations. I am giving detailed explanation.

You just give threats against my family.

Is this you, being a good Muslim? Allah doesn't mind if you wish mutilation on someone's Mom? You said you were afraid of Allah. Why? For this? You should be.


Well-Known Member
Really. I'm 63 years old and tough as nails. Why don't I just find you and beat you senseless. I would save the money needed for a Doctor appt I am sure I would feel much better after a bit of the old Ultra Violence, after your horrible words against my Mother. I don't think a Pediatric Physiologist will help you after I finish.

Maybe your mom will patch you up, get you some crutches.
you are an old fuck swinging only 60- 80 lbs kettle-bells. Get your weight up. You remind us of Senator John Mccain. You would get slapped around and then you would need someone to change your Depends. Now GTFO and STFU