SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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more air movement. Crank fans up. all of em. If that doesn't work go get a big bag of damp rid. get two 1gl buckets. drill holes (small ones) in the bottom of one bucket. fill that one up with damprid and put in inside the other bucket. The moisture will collect in the bottom bucket.
Right on...thanks. i have lots of air movement but guess i need more. And i will get some damp rid. I am looking for 40%h or so? Still dont have the hang of indoor lol
Right on...thanks. i have lots of air movement but guess i need more. And i will get some damp rid. I am looking for 40%h or so? Still dont have the hang of indoor lol

50% should be fine. Even having some bigger spikes indoors can be ok. Just make sure you are not getting condensation in the grow area. Lots of air moving through the canopy mitigates it quite a bit. Box fans are bad ass. LOL
lol @ Pat!!! too funny SG :)

I haven't noticed any condensation, so that's good. I have a box fan I need to clean then I can put it in there. Thanks for the help guys.

No problem. :-)

damp cold usually brings on PM and molds so as long as you are no more than 60% humidity and staying above 60dg you should be ok I would think. However air circulation helps a ton too.
got a question for temps are upper 60s to low 70s, but the humidity is like 50 to 64%. Even with the tent open. right now it is open and the temp is 73.9 with humidity at 61%. Haven't watered since day before yesterday. How to lower humidity?

If you can wait it out a few days the pineapple express will have passed thru the state and your rh will drop back down to 15-20. It's 50% here in the bay but feels like a Georgia afternoon.
If you can wait it out a few days the pineapple express will have passed thru the state and your rh will drop back down to 15-20. It's 50% here in the bay but feels like a Georgia afternoon.

I like Georgia. Atlanta was like culture shock for me. Muggy as all hell though. The whole south really..LOL I need to take my wife up North to hang out in Norcal for a weekend sometime. I love it up north. Jobs down here though. :-) Nice weather here in the socal though.
"When it's time for androgyny, that's Pat!" :0)

The damp-rid bucket was brilliant.

Moving air will help prevent molds, even if it will not reduce RH.

(deja vu....did I for get to hit return?)

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