Really dude? Ur setting him up to fail u tell me with what lil light hes using that he should never trim? Those leaves are to heavy period and if they start to he will have more problems then just droppijg leavesfirst off, don't listen to this guy^^^^^
leaves are what you want, I really don't see anything but a healthy plant, the leaves are drooping because they are huge,the new growth looks great. keep doing what you are doing. But most of all, quit worrying,don't love your plants to death, let them do there thing.
been growing for a long time, you just started, do you really want me to make you look stupid DUDE?Really dude? Ur setting him up to fail u tell me with what lil light hes using that he should never trim? Those leaves are to heavy period and if they start to he will have more problems then just droppijg leaves
WHY do people think pulling leaves is a good thing? WHY do you think the plant will lose them?The tops look great...the lowers can be removed at any time(the plant will loose those anyway)
when the plant is twice as tall as the should transplant to taller/bigger pots
Dude ive read the whole grow bible and love in Colorado where i kno.tons of ppl who grow fuxk mother nature we are changing the course of growing to produce more bud why do ppl mainline and top and.fim and lst thats not normal oh ya its works if u wanna make me look stupid maybe u should go read some shit to ive read every fuckin post thread and journal for growing weed Ive been reading for years and everyone trims
The whole plant gose into.photosynthesis dude a few leaves wont hurt shit let this dude decide for himself u have ur way i have mine and he has his im not saying to chop it to death just ine or two should help lets stop bitching and fighting about a fuxkin plant its not worth the bullshit he will learn just like i did and just like u didlet's see, you spent all this money to grow your plants out, now you're going to cut off the very thing that drives bud production.
OBVIOUSLY, you haven't read enough. Have fun pulling of your leaves. NOW go read about sources and sinks. photosynthesis
you know, things LEAVES do.
AGAIN,The whole plant gose into.photosynthesis dude a few leaves wont hurt shit let this dude decide for himself u have ur way i have mine and he has his im not saying to chop it to death just ine or two should help lets stop bitching and fighting about a fuxkin plant its not worth the bullshit he will learn just like i did and just like u did
Ku thanks man ill read up on that to but did u read the part where the cannabis plant is a weed ? Amazing huh