sick in the northeast cant find meds

ya that went in frunt of the bourd of state house and got shut down 2-3 time's now!!! i dont even think thare is any commonwealth stat's that have med cannabis?? this is supposted to be one i think the hole u.s. shoud have the same law's...
da plantDOC!!!!
massachusetts just is so far behind with suck's
HANGING in thare in pain today from surgary yesterday...but what am i going to do...without weed i go fucking crazy..4 more week's left of my plant's..and 2 on some..well thank's for stoping bye TWISTY..GOOD TO HEAR FROM EVRYONE...EVEN T.H.C. HE'S BEAN LIKE A MENTORE..da plantDOC
Your right, my old boss sells bud from his boatyard, been selling for over 25 years, tell me the cops don't know about him.
they fuck with out of towner's...and people that dont bother no body... but that's y they have a pig rep.. da plantDOC
Thanks for the kind words doc but you obviously spoke too soon.
I really went out of my way to help you in your situation but it sort of blew up in my face.

I was getting ready to go away for an entire MONTH when the night before I see your plea for medical marijuana. Its apparent that you do indeed have cancer and are in pain due to the chemo but I went right out of my way to help you and didn't even as much as get a thanks anyway.:-?

To send meds within your own country is risky enough BUT to send meds from one country to another is an entirely different thing.
The thing is that I live in the country. The suggestions you offered about sending via courier etc or ship express with no return is NOT an 'option' where I live. The woman at our post office would know if I had a fake address and besides which whatever addy is already been placed on the package is 'void' due to the fact that they place a sticker with my return addy which I have to sign for and I did.:confused: I could not get away with the no addy idea. When I left the post office I did not feel right at all and when I got home I realized that I had risked my freedom for a complete stranger.:confused: I drove back to the post office and begged and pleaded with the woman that I have my package back. She said that she was not allowed to do so by law.:confused::twisted: because it is a criminal offense. wtf??????:twisted: I totally begged then and even lied.kiss-assShe finally gave it up and had to actually get a key and open up the netted bag that was about to be picked up tofly to the states.:twisted:
I didn't care about the money I lost DOC. If I cared that much about money I would not have offered to send it in the 1st place.

That has got to be one of the most stupid things I have ever done and I have done a LOT of them. I've never in my life done anything like that before but won't either.
I honestly tried my very best to help you out doc...and sending it down fed ex wouldn't have worked either. The closest courier service we have to us is a 40 minute drive. I was totally behind with my packaging and had already put in almost 5 hours so this was right out of the question. To have them pick it up here???:confused: That would be beyond stupid.:twisted:on my part that is.:-?

I should have done what I had originally intended but you were in a hurry and got me to change my mind.:confused: I'm sorry that you are having a difficult time getting meds. but I did my absolute very best .

lantDOC;1092527]YA lacy is one of the nicest people i have ever met she's...
realy!!! some people mite take her the wrong way like i did but ya she is a sweethart.. belaeve it or not we have alot in comen...
so all the people that took her the wrong shoud give her a brake...I don't need a break from anyone:-|
some people dont have no ideer how it is with a illness like we have..
eneything negative about her dont bother posting...
da plantDOC[/quote]:confused::confused::confused:

WELL yesterday i got a dime for $30 buck's...but to me that a deal.. for some releaf...i know some people mite think am stupid for byeing it...but i have sleped for day's pryer!! OH and it was shwag on top of the fucking sick price...up in like main they have some reary good cammabis comeing over the border...of can!!!
so if eney one has this problem whare you are feel free to let us know how your weed is and if it's in hight demand and the price of it!!!! da plantDOC
I think you need to be making some calls yourself and asking some of your friends of family to make some calls for you.

Well... if you are in MA... that's just a short car ride to Rhode Island where they have MM laws in place so I imagine they have dispensaries there where you can get your medicine.

Did you contact the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition? Their website is RIPAC: Medical Marijuana in Rhode Island

Cancer is covered under the RI MM law so you should easily qualify. Rhode Island has a MM Law... and your illness (cancer) clearly qualifies you to use MM.
Yes exactly. No disrespect Doc but surely due to your illness you can do better than either buying shagg weed or pleading for med weed on a marijuana forum.
Don't give up... get in touch with that group and see if they can help you find a doctor and get you a MM card. I'm also guessing that even though they don't post groups or clubs on their site.... they will be able to help you find them once they verify you are a qualified patient.yes:-|

I'm not well versed in MM Laws... but I hope you pursue it as you clearly are a patient in need.

Best wishes :peace:

I'm not so sure about that.... it could be... again... I'm not a MM law expert. However... he said he lives right on the border of RI. I work in healthcare (well IT in the healthcare industry) and most of our healthcare clients cover their patients by mileage radius.

I'm not saying he would be "legal" in his State of MA.... but perhaps he would be entitled to seek treatment from a physician within a certain mileage. If he could see a physician in RI and get a confirmation that MM would be a good treatment for his illness, then perhaps he could legally purchase his medicine in RI.... then illegally (only in the eyes of the stupid law!!!) take his medicine home and use it in the privacy of his own home.

Again... I'm not really sure... but he DESERVES the medicine to make his days living with cancer peaceful and comfortable. I just hope he pursues it until he is told definitively he can't. :peace:

ya see just b-cuz the law was past!!! that dose not meen that R.I. has to give..thare are no doc's in the state that are permited to use it as a's just like that drug suboxone doc's have to have a permit and only can have 50 people on the drug...the law is fucked up hear but the state is the size on L.A. so think of polatick's..i no that's sad for people like me that are sick...
right now i have a cancer sist on my spine..and it's not painfull..but the treatment is a pain in the that's my little rant am the shitty state of R.I. MASS... da plantDOC

HANGING in thare in pain today from surgary yesterday...but what am i going to do...without weed i go fucking crazy..4 more week's left of my plant's..and 2 on some..well thank's for stoping bye TWISTY..GOOD TO HEAR FROM EVRYONE...EVEN T.H.C. HE'S BEAN LIKE A MENTORE..da plantDOC
It is a lot less risky sending it within the same country.

they fuck with out of towner's...well this makes me very happy about my decision. :twisted:

With your condition I am sure you have more options than you realize. This was just easier for you.:neutral:
I know I will never do anything like this again. It was a lesson learned:twisted:

people that dont bother no body... but that's y they have a pig rep.. da plantDOC
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In Canada we are allowed to get our meds via post canada but that does not mean we can send to the states, as you guys have different laws BUT good luck all the same. :D
WOW lacy your mad at me..all i said was you shoud have just said no...And am not going to be rude i do thank you for trying...and am sorry if you lost time...what do you want me to say.....and no i did not spoke to soon you are a very nice not mad at all i thank you so mutch for sorry agan...
da plantDOC
Yeah it did sound like you were mad but thanks for clearing that up.
I am very glad I got the package back because it would have ruined my vacation. The border thing got me because I had not thought that one through. What my country might do to me and what your country might do to me if busted are too completely different things.

If it weren't for the time restriction thing I would have done a lot better. I made the package too big so it had to be sent out package instead of just mail delivery and I 'know' this because I often send out dog apparel. A certain package size and it will slip right through.:-| The timing just was not good for me but my intentions were so there., :(
I'm sorry. I was so very proud of myself for a few hours before the reality of what I had done set in.

You are a cool dude also and it was fun getting to know you. I hate disappointing people but I honestly did try my best. I seem to fuck up even with the best intentions. :-?
WOW lacy your mad at me..all i said was you shoud have just said no...And am not going to be rude i do thank you for trying...and am sorry if you lost time...what do you want me to say.....and no i did not spoke to soon you are a very nice not mad at all i thank you so mutch for sorry worries....:hug: I really hope you get some relief soon. I know that my back is in a LOT of pain. The drive out here did a right mess with it.:twisted:

We'll chat again DOC;)
take care
da plantDOC
and no I wasn't mad DOC just surprised and a bit disappointed because i misunderstood you BUT I do that often with others here.:| Too bad you didn't live either in Canada or California.
I could safely and legally mail it to you in canada
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Have you ever considered moving across the state line to where florida chick is talked about? That might be worth considering. It would be close enough for you to see your kids and you would have a safer way to get your meds.
Thats crazy that they have a plan in action but can't follow through on it. Our government plan is somewhat like that also. You HAVE to get a doctor to sign your application but the government does not allow referals of any kind. Doctors are not allow to disclose this info so it is still partially under the to speak.
Ya thank's lacy i do beleave that you did try your hardest...i realy now that...And i would not exspect you to have a stupid package on your mind your hole trip..dont swett it's something just to joke about....i felt bad that i mite have got you mad.....well you keep in touch..and you can call me aney time i think you are a cool chick that has a big hart...and dont worry am going to get some med's some whare..well my will be done in 3-4-5- week' cool did you meen that you said not to p.m. you no more!!!! da plantDOC
Ya thank's lacy i do beleave that you did try your hardest...i realy now that...And i would not exspect you to have a stupid package on your mind your hole trip..dont swett it.:-?yeah that woulda sucked!!! it's something just to joke about....i felt bad that i mite have got you mad.....well you keep in touch..and you can call me aney time i think you are a cool chick that has a big hart...I do have a big heart:-|and dont worry am going to get some med's some whare..well my will be done in 3-4-5- week' cool did you meen that you said not to p.m. you no more!!!! da plantDOC
no I thought you were angry at me because you said you wished I would have just said no and that is why you didn't trust people.
Sorry but I have WAY better reasons to not trust people But we is cool :D I will probably call you when I get back but not too often or hubby will get jealous;)

No i hear ya.. ya i was not mad at all...i said that b-cuz of your time problem's...i did not want you to be late b-cuz of a stupid package...ya lacy am to sick to be mad at people...i take life 1 day at a glad that i talked to you for all that time i realy like a very careing person...well you have a good tripp...and try to stay calm..i know who am i to say that i have a big mouth..well am going to pak the!!!! da plantDOC
aww thanks :mrgreen:
I'm sorry that I could pull it off:( I was so disappointed with myself:-?
No i hear ya.. ya i was not mad at all...i said that b-cuz of your time problem's...i did not want you to be late b-cuz of a stupid package...ya lacy am to sick to be mad at people...i take life 1 day at a glad that i talked to you for all that time i realy like a very careing person...well you have a good tripp...and try to stay thats kind of funny:-|i know who am i to say that i have a big mouth..well am going to pak the!!!! da plantDOC

No dont feel like that lacy..I in know you tryed you best and i still am thank full that you know what i would love some seed...that said you have..da plantDOC