Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

Yes I was told by ABM about nukem last year but I thought he was kidding meo_O and I was so deep in my research I didn't get back to him. JJ has used the nukem on his clone room this year. So far so good I think he said. Bio-war is suppost to be doing well at killing them. that I haven't tried. I think I got them on my soil I bought last year but, there's no proof as to where they came from. Year before last I had a clone that ABM and I were looking at trying to figure out why it had leave curl.
guess what that's another sign of russet mites. wish I had a pic of it. I'll try to find one to post.
Yes I was told by ABM about nukem last year but I thought he was kidding meo_O and I was so deep in my research I didn't get back to him. JJ has used the nukem on his clone room this year. So far so good I think he said. Bio-war is suppost to be doing well at killing them. that I haven't tried. I think I got them on my soil I bought last year but, there's no proof as to where they came from. Year before last I had a clone that ABM and I were looking at trying to figure out why it had leave curl.
guess what that's another sign of russet mites. wish I had a pic of it. I'll try to find one to post.
do you have a list of possible predators for them nuggs?im just curious not trying to ask you stupid questions....
You know the more I think about that clone that you had a couple seasons back I think that was the root of these little bastards. The fact that you had nothing back there that was even remotely close to that plant. It was in the corner by itself. :( I didn't save that picture but the plant looked like it was just drying out and dying from the bottom up.
makes sense about them thriving in dry conditions doesn't it? all our mites here in aust are worse if we or rather in my case I don't keep the area a little bit moist...5 days of dryness is enough for the basic two spotted mite to start breeding
This is another thing that I changed. I was using little sprinklers in place of drippers. I started using buckets to water 2 years ago instead of the sprinklers because I was getting a fungus around the stumps of the plants from the water. solved the fungus problem but without the green grass around my boxes it invited the mites. so I'm going back to the sprinklers.
do you have a list of possible predators for them nuggs?im just curious not trying to ask you stupid questions....

I have a list of beneficial bugs but, I plan to use some heavy poison before I plant ,and forbid in july before they go into flower. soon as aug 1 gets here I'm going to add the bens. lady bugs and mantis plus nematodes. I think woot does them,I'm going to talk to him about it.
I have a list of beneficial bugs but, I plan to use some heavy poison before I plant ,and forbid in july before they go into flower. soon as aug 1 gets here I'm going to add the bens. lady bugs and mantis plus nematodes. I think woot does them,I'm going to talk to him about it.
If that's the case don't use imacloprid it'll kill those too,
I used it as a foliar yesterday and it was shock and awe, there were some beautiful spiders that were casualties of my little war. I hate killing spidies.
the first pic was 5+ the second one didn't flower. I got the seed from AMS and it was suppost to be mediquana. It wasn't they got the order mixed up or something.
yours look nice . whats the law down under for weed?
Thats not mine mate i wish it was lol, it was one of those Aussie sativa s someone sent me.
The laws here are still like they were in the U.S. 20 years ago. I was telling rubes if i got busted they wouldnt treat me any differently than a heroin dealer
and i dont deal, I might give a bit away but I stopped selling years ago, doesnt meet my risk reward ratio.
yours look nice . whats the law down under for weed?
Basically you can grow one or 2 with an on the spot fine ($150-300) and you can be in possession normally of approx one ounce at most or 15 gms...some states differ a little.any more 2-5 plants you can be done for trafficking but its at the cop who bust you discretion.
Hydroponics even one plant is court and treated like you are manufacturing artificial drugs same goes for hash and oils etc.
Its funny how the state where the prime minister (canberra etc) has the most lenient laws.
Im waiting on the results of a person done with near on 30pound product to see just how hard they are on growers.
Bloody natures own still treated like second class citizens
The stuff I have read is that they don't build an amuinity to miticides. ? I would hit them with forbid or better yet avid before july . hit them as soon as they can take it after first going out as a teen or even in the vegg room and then hit them again in july.