Club 600

I prefer nice gentle breezes on my girls, with the genetics from BB They are very strong on their own. Working on finishing up the plant ladders tonight, and then I have to weave some twine in between the rungs for easier tying up. Also looks like I will be doing a 2 week veg before the flip in the tent, get some more stretch, should also help me dial it all in with the new setup. Token on some BASH tonight, MD.
Nice, caught 3 this year, 14, 16 and a 18. Never done the barge hole, to many folks, I have a 14 foot flat jet OB, but usually go with a friend who has a wide 16 river boat. We go in at red Bluff or the Bend. We were catching 18-22 pounders in late Nov ...
Yeah, I thought I would have already bought myself a jetsled by now. Stuck banking it i guess. I got a shitty back, but it hurts so good:-D
God, it sure would be nice if some steelhead showed up:-(
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oh I had such a stressful day today. The CTscanner wasn't working. I tried everything possible to get it to work. Spent hours online trying to troubleshoot the prob with tech support. The Seimens camera i work with has 7 computers attatched to it! I have to power them all up in a certain order at a certain speed..its totally ridiculous. But that wasnt the problem. A part in the CT unit needs replaced. And after 10 years doing this I have never come across an issue like this.
Then the first patient ends up needing the scan results for his SURGERY TOMORROW! there was no more FDG anywhere in the Seattle area to simply send him off.... so I worked together with the team in Tacoma and we came up with a solution. I injected him and sent him to Tacoma for his scan. I hope somehow I made a difference in helping to combat his newly diagnosed Colon Ca.He was such a nice guy. Im going to do my abs work out now.. The tent looks a hella lot better after pulling out those 2 massive fireballs and the 3 OG KUSHS>>. good luck with all you guys, JIG and DR.D81 . very exciting!!!!!!!!!!! . maybe I will catch you out on some trippy trail somewhere!!
BLue Berry, PQ, YETI 001.JPG BLue Berry, PQ, YETI 002.JPG
That SUCKS big time DAT. You must have been so flustered/ uncomfortable. People looking at you like, why don't it work lady???

I'm sure you made a big difference in the way that guys day went, and you got his scan done so he can have surgery tomorrow.

Did you guys know you can't ship watches to switzerland? Wild.
Right on, I admire people that can take control under pressure. I am one that can not. I need things planned prior and I need them to go the way I planned or I shut down and panic :(

Yeah I like to have things planned but I have mild anxiety so if I have time to think about shit I have thought it 100 ways to sunday lol. So I am good in the moment because I am prepared for shit to go down if need be.
That SUCKS big time DAT. You must have been so flustered/ uncomfortable. People looking at you like, why don't it work lady???

I'm sure you made a big difference in the way that guys day went, and you got his scan done so he can have surgery tomorrow.

Did you guys know you can't ship watches to switzerland? Wild.

Must be all those Swiss watches and Swiss Army knives. They don't want anything not Swiss lol. Or maybe I'm just stoned.

Sorry to hear bout your day DAT. At least it ended in a good way. Gotta see the positives in everything.

Finally got around to a much needed up potting...
Hey I've a grow space (converted closet) that's about 42"x24" is a 600w too big for this spot?

I'm also worried about my temps being too high as with my 150hps&80w cfl I get around 81degreesF (with no ac and windows shut)

I want to upgrade my light bit keep heat and electricity down so I'm torn between 400w&600w

They say 600w is more efficient but isn't it's overall draw still more than a 400w?

Also, and this is a very naive question, can I run a 400w bulb in a 600w (magnetic preferably) ballast?
20150126_115858.jpg Well, tomorrow I do my final res change. Pretty nice that I only did 3 res changes for all of a 10 week flower cycle. Saved quite a bit of water and nutes this run. It's times like these I appreciate the time and effort put in to the grow and seeing the end results :) I can't wait to try a groovy sample
Yeah a 600 is kinda intense for that space, although I've run 1000w in the same Sq footage, but I had Ac and co2, it's tough to keep temps down in small spaces that's for sure. A space of 8 Sq ft I would recommend a 400w
A 400w bulb in a 600w ballast, no, a 600w bulb in a 400w ballast yes, but not recommended
I dont think a 600 w bulb in a 400 w ballast would light up. I actually run a 400 bulb in my 6 ballast with it set to 50%.
I just turned that 3rd light back on about a week ago, but Ive used the same set up before. The guy in the hydro store told me no way, but from what I know about electronics, I would think that I could only shorten the life or blow the bulb. I'll get a replacement asap, but for now so far so good.
Yeah, with an adjustable ballast it would be okay, I didn't know magnetic ballasts had adjustable features though. That's nice to know for when I upgrade to another magnetic :)
@AlphaPhase, how much u hoping to harvest?

My girl and I have been discussing at length the future of the co op, as well the garden. Most the places we have looked at have been impossible to do a safe outdoor season, and balancing a new place close enough to get to college vs far enough out of town to be safe for outdoor is proving a challenge. Gonna be settling on a nice 3 bedroom house with a garage. Think the plan for the future is going to be doubling my wattage indoors, thinking 4k watts would be awesome. Hopefully in basement or garage, and then have 1 room indoors for veggers/male pollen collection. Anyways, hope everyone out there is doing great!

Stay free, stay high