thats true......but im, but it's great in meatloaf!
I sprinkle pureed oatmeal in my worm bins. After a few days its starts producing mycelium fungi and the worms eat that shit up.
I bought some organic oatmeal today from an Amish store to use in a compost tea, but I'm also gonna try your worm bin trick. My bins are newly established, only since November I think and the worms are like little vacuums, eating up puréed veggies, coffee grounds and a lot of powdered egg shells, so they should mow it down. Thanks for the tip.
How much?no, but it's great in meatloaf!
I have a surplus of baby oatmeal, the powdered stuff. Would it be about the same? I wonder if they use it in worm chow?I sprinkle pureed oatmeal in my worm bins. After a few days its starts producing mycelium fungi and the worms eat that shit up.