Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
That's the truth!!!

No wait........
And you see? That's how it happens...
Layer the lies thick enough, and it becomes truth by proxy. That's probably why the biggest ones are forgotten to "history". Time (the metric) is the biggest liar of all.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Collecting a disability check from veteran's affairs isn't an act of aggression idiot. Paying taxes to support war on the other hand...

Why do you support war, yet insist you don't?
It sure sounds like you are blaming the victims of the theft, Mr. Government Cheese.

You are rationalizing your feeding at the trough, "Anarchist" ....and blaming the people that are compelled under force to subsidize you.

If you were consistent, you'd not support a given system and ALSO reject any of the stolen money taken from the serfs.

No, instead you galivant about the world claiming to be one thing, while your bully friend steals the childrens milk money and then hands you a slice of the cake he stole too. You like cake ....ummmm.....frosting.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Spoils of war?
Is his wounds also treasure?
What have you given for your country?
I didn't ask what you have received everyone here knows that already.
I've given your country back the chains. Looks like they put them on you. Back to your oar slave.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So now my disability check is paid by Iraqi dinars?
Oh look, it appears you've claimed a property right, in something that isn't yours....Well, I guess you're still confused as to what property is and isn't.

You sure like to claim property as "yours" even when the owner never consented to giving it to you.

Where do you get the right to take something that isn't yours again?

I'd put my money in the Yuan or the Swiss Franc if I were you. The Ponzi scheme is starting to crumble, then the government cheese starts to mold.


Well-Known Member
Seems nice enough to say goodby to the devil we know.

Abdulla goes into an un-marked grave? The House of Saud is cold grits, for sure.


Well-Known Member
Aren't there Deeds of Title and Title Insurance for this kind of thing? Isn't there Settled Law, UN boundaries, and then, below that is some various, armed conflict?

It seems to me, what is not clearly owned, or set aside by Treaty, is clearly being fought over, or at least contested somehow.

What defines ownership, anyway? You? Them? Someone from 10,000 years ago? A mark on a map? A miserable excuse? Some old feud? Really think about this. Is this not what seems to be going on, with the world just hoping? Just keep it low level?

If you want the land back, just take it. It was taken from your forefathers. But, the only reason you lost it was you could not hold on to it. If you can get it and hold it, now, go for it, by all means. And more power to you. Just not my State, just not my Country. Just not the world's ready oil resources. We will fight you for that.

This is the very way of the world, my friends. Think about it. @Rob Roy knows what I mean.
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