Well-Known Member
You are not even a useful idiot
Such a bitter individual, full of spite and hate (white guilt)
its such a shame your only outlet for riding yourself of this anger is copying peoples avatars
You are not even a useful idiot
My mother's business cards always used her initials. No Mrs.that IS precisely it..the names are the problem..dr smith oral surgeon..knows that this exists..he also knows that if he post his pic he will not get any calls coming into his office..we make adjustments.
grower in cali use american names when trying to sell their clones, seeds..people want to talk to jim..NOT javier..
what about indian call center? they use american names instead of their real names..why?
what about the asian community that has their asian name and their american name..julie does my nails..but she's from vietnam and her mom did not name her julie.
i can go on and on with examples of how other cultures get it.
gotta go with the flow..when in rome.
Such a bitter individual, full of spite and hate (white guilt)
its such a shame your only outlet for riding yourself of this anger is copying peoples avatars
"I don't hate racists" ~Skuntdoc
What a Fookin Racket!!! and BS!!
why would i hate you ?
skill ? wtf is a skilled worker...if you mean college educated you would be obviously are one of those that doesn't really know what is going on try getting a city job or county job it doesn't take skill... you were in the military you should know that... unless you are a computer jobs... ups...Caltrans... in other words from jack in the box to the blue collar jobs...easy 95% hispanicyou must be a no skill worker
Yeah right, you're the one who has been going around in several threads using the words "cult of white shame" and "white guilt", yet denies the existence of white privilege and wants to see black women express lament for not having been born white men.
You're completely racist.
You called me racist because I said I hate racists ya bonehead. Some crap about if you hate a thing, you must be that thing.
Projection is the oldest play in the racist book bro.
why does the term cult of white shame / guilt offend you
have you heard the expression "only the truth hurts" ?
If I'm in the cult of white shame, you're in the cult of white pride.
Do you think black people are proud of being black ?
Do you think black people are privileged?
Isn't "white privilege" just racial profiling? Why is racial profiling good when applied to white people but bad when applied to black people?
i would never make such a generalized assumption (individuals)