Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
I'm sure those same places I'm not allowed as well.

Sound like you are saying, even though I am Chinese. If you didn't mean that, then it is truly meaningless.


Well-Known Member
I speak for self...I don't need others to speak for me.
Arnold v Birmingham City Council (2005) in a claim of discrimination' substantial damages for RACIAL and GENDER discrimination were awarded to a 'WHITE' English female employee
the employment tribunal held she had been discriminated against in favour of a MALE, INDIAN colleague


Well-Known Member
negatory, soldier.
sure you do... like how he almost lost his life to cancer and how he got nosocomial infection. How he filed for divorce from his wife after what 21 years. How he wants to get with you in Florida. You believe what he tells you...then you tell us.


Well-Known Member
I asked a simple question. "explain how whites are discriminated in America. I really would like to know this"
I''m just as American as you.

No I'm not drinking. I can control when I drink.
Again do you wish to explain your statement
Everyones experience is personal and individual. Not all white, nor all blacks, nor all yellows, nor all reds, nor all browns live the same life and have the same experiences.

Whites don't experience racism anything near the level other races do here but it's individual and situation dependent.

Your idiocy that whites can't experience it just piles on the hypocrisy and bigotry you've displayed lately. What's up with that?


Well-Known Member
Everyones experience is personal and individual. Not all white, nor all blacks, nor all yellows, nor all reds, nor all browns live the same life and have the same experiences.

Whites don't experience racism anything near the level other races do here but it's individual and situation dependent.

Your idiocy that whites can't experience it just piles on the hypocrisy and bigotry you've displayed lately. What's up with that?
Please share with me how you are discriminated against in America.


Well-Known Member
Rejected white police applicant wins damages in race discrimination claim

A man who was rejected from a police recruitment campaign because he was white has won damages after a tribunal labelled the process “at the very least disingenuous and at worst misleading”.

Matt Powell, an IT professional, won £2,500 after he found out he was one of 108 applicants told they had been “randomly de-selected” from the recruitment process by Gloucestershire police.

It later emerged that nearly two-thirds of white men who applied to join the constabulary in the recruitment drive were turned down, whereas every ethnic minority candidate was invited for an assessment.


Well-Known Member
sure you do... like how he almost lost his life to cancer and how he got nosocomial infection. How he filed for divorce from his wife after what 21 years. How he wants to get with you in Florida. You believe what he tells you...then you tell us.

all of the above has been posted by doer himself over the course of time in his posts..just different wording.
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Well-Known Member
Please share with me how you are discriminated against in America.
You want individual anecdotes? I grew up in Detroit under Colemen Young's leadership. I've worked in ATL, B'ham, Memphis and Augusta. It's rare, but it happens man. I don't let it bother me because again, it's rare. If I had to deal with it on a daily basis it would definitely affect the way I think, that's why I asked what's happened to you to think so lowly of white people.

The most recent was a patients husband calling up my hospital and requesting a black therapist because he didn't want a white man touching his wife. I didn't complain, I didn't sue, I didn't run here to start a thread, I just turned her over to my partner.