Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
i do not hate racists or any other people, i feel everyone is responsible for their own actions/behavior. i am not a police man


Well-Known Member
It is even worse, not only are you interested, you brought it up as if to ascribe the desire in myself to hear from a black woman that she would rather have been a white man. I describe my privileged life as a white male, and your mind goes to insulting black people.
You think a black persons life must be so harsh, simply because they are black
that is racist imo

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Oh, declare victory. That's right, describe taxes as an act of war and declare victory. Cool story bro. Even the other right wingers think you're a utopian idiot.

Hello, my name is Abandon Conflict. I don't support war.... hey fucker gimme my (your) money or I'm going to have these guys with guns kick you ass. Mind you that's not a kind of war, cuz I gotta buy a plane ticket.

Hey you there in the back, black lady, can you please get another job, I want to buy some hookers and blow in Manila. Thanks, I really respect you., now get to work.

I think you're mad because your hypocrisy has been laid bare. I'm not a right winger, but I am more peaceful than you.


Well-Known Member
You identified yourself with the racist, that is why you hate them
i do not identify with racists that is why i do not hate them
I disagree that hating racists is the same as being a racist. I hate racists. Especially privileged ones. I have some compassion toward the oppressed ones and am willing to give them a wider berth.

You're the one who wants to see black women express a desire to be white men.


Well-Known Member
I disagree that hating racists is the same as being a racist. I hate racists. Especially privileged ones. I have some compassion toward the oppressed ones and am willing to give them a wider berth.

You're the one who wants to see black women express a desire to be white men.
You must be aware that hate is often caused by seeing something in another which you are too afraid to face within yourself
Perhaps you believe stating that you hate racists gives you some kind of integrity
i can disagree with racists like yourself without hating (perhaps i have better control of my emotions)


Well-Known Member
well you did bring it up.
well i did answer the question (electric) and also furthered it with school.

the school overall population is: Ethnic mix: 7% White non-Hispanic; 18%, Black non-Hispanic; 71%, Hispanic; 4%, other ethnicities.

we have 10 campuses in miami; population is locale campus happens to be in a more black non-hisp district, so that 18% shoots up to like 90% but of course i don't know that for sure.


Well-Known Member
You must be aware that hate is often caused by seeing something in another which you are too afraid to face within yourself
Perhaps you believe stating that you hate racists gives you some kind of integrity
i can disagree with racists like yourself without hating (perhaps i have better control of my emotions)
I'm privileged, not racist. You're the one who wants to see black women express a desire to be white men.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yes you are. Don't try to fool anybody with that shit. We're all reading your comments.

I believe human interactions should be voluntary and peaceful. I support the right of all people to use their own property and their own body as they wish as long as they do not infringe on others doing the same.

You are supported via involuntary means and have done everything you can to avoid discussion of that hypocrisy. You tried hard to change the subject, but in the end you have to live with yourself. You don't support war (you claim) but you support yourself thru the forced taking of other peoples stuff. That about sum things up?


Well-Known Member
I'm privileged, not racist. You're the one who wants to see black women express a desire to be white men.
Again you are confusing the words want and interested

i personally would not call living on government assistance privileged. but that is your call

do you accept that the phrase "white privilege" is racist ?
generalizing the experiences of any race is racist imo