Strongest smellin' strain you have grown

Kentucky Skunk from a old grower I know,this shit will stink up your whole house.If you put it in a baggie it multiplies the smell.I never carry a bag of it out in public,much less smoke one.sniffing in the sack will kinda sting the nostrils,lol
Haven't seen that strain since the 1980's, probably b/c it stank so bad nobody could get away w/growing it. We called it sour or roadkill skunk, closest genetics these days are some of the diesel strains.
TH seeds had an Underdawg? and its a stardawg s1? The breeder of underdawg would surely not appreciate that. He said outcrosses are ok but s1, f2's are not.
I've grown some damn stinky Kushes. But I think I should make an honorable mention to the Zamal I'm running right now that looks like it's barely started flowering almost 7 weeks in. It reeks so strong of licorice it's kind of ridiculous.
People might hate on this one but I found an insane cheese pheno in a pack of pineapple chunk from barneys farm. It smelled like puke and death in a good way I am sad I lost the cut.
Haven't seen that strain since the 1980's, probably b/c it stank so bad nobody could get away w/growing it. We called it sour or roadkill skunk, closest genetics these days are some of the diesel strains.

Its still in KY. It is a security risk.

You just got to know people.

Ky will most likely vote medical this year already passed hemp and cbd oil.

I say then you will see it again.

There are some good ole boys around that grow it. Been growing it since the 80's.

I got a small 35mm film can about half full of the seeds. I just don't know how well, even top dollar, carbon filters would handle it.
Its still in KY. It is a security risk.

You just got to know people.

Ky will most likely vote medical this year already passed hemp and cbd oil.

I say then you will see it again.

There are some good ole boys around that grow it. Been growing it since the 80's.

I got a small 35mm film can about half full of the seeds. I just don't know how well, even top dollar, carbon filters would handle it.

Ya never know unless you try.

Sometimes a carbon filter isn't enough. Ona and other things cover up odors very well, or at least mask them beyond recognition. Some times when I chop, I simply cook bacon. That alone will cover up the smell.
Ya never know unless you try.

Sometimes a carbon filter isn't enough. Ona and other things cover up odors very well, or at least mask them beyond recognition. Some times when I chop, I simply cook bacon. That alone will cover up the smell.

Yes but this stuff is bad. It really smells like a skunk.
I'm flowering an underdog og right now. Looks good, she's just started week 7. I had a taste from a friend, with the clone. He's a newer grower but i remember not being thrilled on it, hopefully i do better. Plant looks great though
G-7 a clone only strain from Cornwall, England. Didn't seem to matter what you did, the whole house smelt funky. Don't know if you can still get it, once dry and bagged.....even worse/better! Tripple bagged it and put it in the freezer, smell lingered and seemed to cling to everything for days!!!
G-7 a clone only strain from Cornwall, England. Didn't seem to matter what you did, the whole house smelt funky. Don't know if you can still get it, once dry and bagged.....even worse/better! Tripple bagged it and put it in the freezer, smell lingered and seemed to cling to everything for days!!!
What does it smell like?
What does it smell like?
Sugary, sweet baby poo. With resinous hashy, spicy warmth underneath. The first time I smelt it it was from out side the entrance to a block of flats, the flat I was visiting was up two flights of stairs behind 5 fire doors and the door to their flat plus whatever baggies it was in. Light green in colour, vibrant with clumps of orange/brown hairs. Super sticky and resinous. Sativa dominant though a hybrid for sure.
Sugary, sweet baby poo. With resinous hashy, spicy warmth underneath. The first time I smelt it it was from out side the entrance to a block of flats, the flat I was visiting was up two flights of stairs behind 5 fire doors and the door to their flat plus whatever baggies it was in. Light green in colour, vibrant with clumps of orange/brown hairs. Super sticky and resinous. Sativa dominant though a hybrid for sure.
Nice description.
Super Lemon Haze hands down.

My cut smells exactly like the haze dominant super silver haze with a very strong lemon pine zest.

If you break up a nug to smoke your gonna smell like a nugget for literally 12-24 hours.

I've probably had over a 1000 strains pass through my fingers. Nothing has ever been this nice smell wise....

And the buzz isn't far off

i've been growing c99 plants for a while and want to try a SSH. i'm a little confused. the c99 is a low odor plant. i have to stand next to them to get a whiff. does the SSH smell like citrus? i have to be careful what strain i grow due to close neighbors.
i've been growing c99 plants for a while and want to try a SSH. i'm a little confused. the c99 is a low odor plant. i have to stand next to them to get a whiff. does the SSH smell like citrus? i have to be careful what strain i grow due to close neighbors.

Everyone I heard talking about Greenhouse Seeds Super Lemon Haze said it was an odor bomb that would make your whole house smell like lemons, limes and Haze marijuana unless you had tip-top odor control and even then it was iffy. Going from C99 from Female Seeds or Mosca to Super Lemon Haze would be a gigantic leap in odor intensity and quantity. C99 is frequently mentioned as one of the more pleasant smelling, lowest odor plants you can grow whereas Super Lemon Haze is consistently mentioned as one of the loudest.
Wasn't sure to post because I sound like a broken record but RKS by Cannacopia is the stinkest strain I've ever done. This was from their stock a few years ago, hopefully they still have the same mom and dad cuase that shit was so loud. Carbon filter, etc. nothing could contain it. Such a security risk I;m afraid to do another run with it.
i have to be careful what strain i grow due to close neighbors.

You should take a look at Peyote Purple. Absolutely ZERO smell comes off it while its growing. The perfect strain for folks worried about stank. A real nice berry smell is coming on now that it's been jarred.
You should take a look at Peyote Purple. Absolutely ZERO smell comes off it while its growing. The perfect strain for folks worried about stank. A real nice berry smell is coming on now that it's been jarred.

Thought it would have some nice good flavor since it's a Bubba S1. Seen the looks of her tho and she is might fine but heard she need some upping in the potency department