Your favorite sayings

Oh this ones good, watched lock stock and two smoming barrels last week.
If the milk is sour I aint the kinda pussy to drink it

Great movie. Layer Cake is another one. Brick Top has several good colloquialisms, one of my favs: "Listen, you fucking fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not."

When someone is trying to tell how to do something, and you want them to stop: I'm fuckin' this horse, if I wanted your help I'd hold up the tail.
Or, and hear me out here, I'll do wtf I want and not give a shit about anything you say
hey, remember when I said you and that other guy should go suck each others dick? I guess I offended someone and they reported it, fucking pussys can't handle the internet.

@mods why did you delete my post and leave this guys response to me? His post doesn't make any sense now.

And wtf was wrong with the other post in here that you deleted?
No worries dyna, I'd be more concerned if somthing I said actually did make sense
you've said lots of things that makes sense, and you were correct, there are some horrible people on here

I was just being an asshole when I included you in that post last night

I really don't know why my 2 post were deleted, they weren't bad.............well not compared to most of the shit on here
"" if i agreed with you then we'd both be idiots ""
I heard an old boy the other day describing a piece of knackered farm equipment as:

"as much use as tits on a bull."

Another gentleman, whilst expressing that he didn't agree entirely with a statement made to him offered:

"Well, now. I wouldn't tie my donkey to it, but..."

I also like:

"Fine words butter no parsnips."

It has an air of dignity about it.
"" if i agree with you then we'd both be idiot's ""