Reporting me to the cops?


Well-Known Member
Qwer, don't sweat it. In order for the authorities to obtain that type of info, they would need a subpoena. In order to obtain a subpoena, they would need probable cause. If WM shared personal info on what you purchased, they would be out of business in days. Remember under the Patriot Act, the feds were able to obtain cell-phone records on some people and the huge stink it created? Who in WM is going to care enough to flag you? They are all minimum wagers or close to it who probably get high themselves.

P.S. No disrespect to WM workers.


Well-Known Member
they'll probabaly break into your house , tear the hell out of everything, apologize when they find nothing, leave you to repair the damages.

edro :spew:


Well-Known Member
I am going to be growing vegitables indoors, I went to wal mart and bought a grow light, a timer, and plant food spikes. I paid with a debit card, will they track me, or report me to the police for suspicion of growing marijuana?
quick answer is Yes..

the only way to get them off ur back is to return the stuff.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
o_O Why'd you use a credit card? Try to always use cash. I duno if they'd do anything to you, I doubt it though.


Well-Known Member
i got sketched when i saw this thread title, but you should be even more sketched cus youre going to jail for conspiracy to overthrow the gov by cultivating the drugs


Well-Known Member
Yes you have to watch them people from lowe's. They'll get ya:P lolololololo



New Member
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to be speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."


Well-Known Member
Crapper...didnt read the whole thread............BUTTTT my advice is STAY outta walmart when youre may end up with a years supply of Sour Cream and Onion Dorittoes, 5 pounds of butter( just to get the DWC NET POT's Free) a 6 month supply of miracle grow soil mix, a "retro" T-shirt that with mickey mouse shooting the bird that says , "Hey Iran"....and that shit causes suspicion...
Not the T shirt...but everything else will. And THEY HAVE CAMERAS in the parking lot...hope you parked in the back dude...
Have you heard any "whoop whoop whoop at 3 am around the house lately?? "Choppers"??
Man I have!!
Scared the shit outta me...
I went out and made salsa outta my TOMATOES...salsa turned out pretty good BTW... went great with my Dorritoes!


Well-Known Member
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to be speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."

What I said at the drive thru at Mc Donalds... I want a
"Chubble Dees'burger and a Frall Smy...
Use it against me~